Civilization ends as we know it. McCain does something right! (VAT TAX Killah!)


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Head for the rocks and the caves people! McCain did something right. That meteor that's going to hit the earth must be close. ;)

McCain Throws Down the VAT Gauntlet

he capstone of President Obama’s the “Glut the Beast” strategy is to maneuver the country into accepting a massive new Value-Added Tax (VAT). This as yet unannounced policy has been lurking in dark policy corners for months, with no word from the President. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has decided not to wait on Obama’s pleasure, and so has offered an amendment in the form of a Sense of the Senate Resolution to the bill pending on the floor of the Senate to extend Unemployment Insurance benefits. The McCain resolution reads simply:

It is the sense of the Senate that the Value Added Tax increase will cripple families on fixed income and only further push back America’s economic recovery.

More here:

McCain Throws Down the VAT Gauntlet | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

But let's be honest about this. WE ARE ALL ON FIXED INCOMES IN THIS ECONOMY!

Any of you out there think you will be getting a pay raise anytime soon, when you are just hoping to hold onto your job?

The VAT would kill us (and I mean my family personally). My hubby and me go round and round about staying inside the budget as it is! :eek:

With a VAT. Oh my gosh.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Go McCain!


The McCain resolution reads simply:

It is the sense of the Senate that the Value Added Tax increase will cripple families on fixed income and only further push back America’s economic recovery.

When they called the roll on the McCain amendment, 84 Senators stood with America’s families and Senator McCain against the VAT, while 13 made clear their intentions to soak the American taxpayer with a devastating new tax. This vote was strikingly reminiscent of the 1995 Senate vote that sent the Kyoto Protocol on global warming to its well-deserved grave.

If the VAT comes to pass it will literally crush us. Our budget is stretched to it's limits right now. . . . I do not know how we'd afford a VAT.
Kudos to McCain on this one but this means that he will probably be screwing Conservatives in the near future. Socialists & Neocons do this a lot. It's all just a sly shell game for them. He'll be pushing for something like full Amnesty for Illegals any day now. I have learned to not trust Socialists and Neocons at this point. McCain will have a surprise for us soon. He just can't be trusted anymore. It is very sad but it is what it is.
hey.... Give McCain some credit, and I say this as a Liberal myself...

Yes, the man had to get his viewpoints twisted into obscurity during the presidential campaign, but I still have respect for McCain because he sometimes stands up against his party. One of my favorite moments of the 2008 presidential campaign was at one Republican Candidate Debate, when every other Republican advocated the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques", but when McCain was asked his opinion, he said this... "I will say this as plainly as I can... America... Does... Not... Torture..."... he then went on to explain that he KNOWS that water-boarding is torture.

So don't mock McCain, the only reason his ticket was bad in 2008 was because it was run by the GOP and Sarah Palin was on it. McCain was the best part of the deal.
I've been observing Neocons for years and it has been my experience that whenever a Neocon like McCain takes a stand like this it usually means that he's getting ready to screw Conservatives in the near future. Look for his push for Amnesty or some other disastrous Neocon proposal to come next. Can't trust Neocons or Socialists/Progressives at this point.
This Vat tax will be like opening a faucet for the Govt. Money galore. Only problem with it is its another tax. A tax on each step of the process it takes, step by step, to produce everything.

A cash cow for the Govt. It will, of course, be provided by we the people. Again.

Wonder how Barry Boy will work this into his, "Not one dime of new taxes for anyone making less $250,000 " spiel??
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McCain will say anything at this point if he thinks it will help get him past Hayworth, especially after the Palin campaign visit got him nothing,

in fact he's slightly down in the polls since she stuck her nose in it.
someone has to pay for the last 10 years added debt....i agree none of us on this board, can afford it...:(

vat tax is a mistake, added to the income tax, ss tax, gas tax etc...
There are some really ugly implications with VAT.

Europe's experience should give the U.S. pause: lower economic growth than the U.S. with higher structural unemployment. They also have foisted a large portion of their national security burden onto the U.S., enabling more of their government budget to go to entitlements.

A VAT in the U.S. will retard growth by eating up consumer discretionary spending. Consumer spending in 70% of U.S. GDP. With more money going to taxes, there is less for goods and services. We'll see a downward spiral of lower standards of living and higher structural unemployment.
What a sterotype. You realize that both Bushes and Reagan raised taxes, right?
Reagan on balance cut taxes over all.

Obama on balance has increased taxes - and will be raising them further.

The difference in each one's impact on the economy is glaring, and not in the latter's favor.
It is actually...apparently you havent seen the charts about recessions following Republican presidents. Shame really, you should.

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