Civil War II?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?
For a real civil war, we have to figure out how to build a smart phone in a rifle so they can text and shoot.
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There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?
Just go down to the inner cities, find a drug dealer from south of the border and he can provide you with an AK-47 compliments of Joe Biden's administration. I mean he is allowing the illegals here in the 10s of thousands and plenty of them deal in drugs and guns..
Just go down to the inner cities, find a drug dealer from south of the border and he can provide you with an AK-47

More likely he'll provide me with a bullet to the brain and take my money anyway. I should take my lilly-white butt downtown? I think not.

Point taken about the Biden Administration and their open border policy. That's all we need, more drug dealers, gang members, sex traffickers, terrorists and other people who ain't very nice. Not to mention the ones who are COVID-19 carriers. It's hard to imagine anything dumber that that, but then when you look at what else Biden is doing then it becomes something of a contest.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?
I thought Civil war meant a mostly peaceful war


After all, civility is important.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

There will be NO civil war.

Most Americans will continue to do what they always do: get up, eat breakfast, go to work, return home for a delicious meal, go to bed. On the weekends, find something fun to do.

Yes. the Dems will be entrenched in power forever through rigged "elections."
Yes, undocumented immigrants will vote openly.
Yes, violent crime will continue to claim more innocent victims.
Yes, some people will be forced to move from their "changing" neighborhoods.
Yes, some young people will be denied college entrance in order to make room for the unqualified.
Yes, the media and Big Tech will decide what opinions are allowed.

Like people in every other country, Americans will meekly submit to brutal reality and try to put politics out of their mind.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?

I sure cant see it happening here where I live. its a mixed racial neighborhood but its all working class, white, black, asian, hispanic, everyone seems content as long as they are working and taking care of their families. I dont see any hate being spread around here at least on the outside of school classrooms.
For something like that to happen, the economy will really have to crash hard I THINK. If people are desperate and the crime rate increases.... inflation kicks in, then at that point real divisions might start to form. I think right now, most normal people from all races have respect for each other and the lives we are all trying to live.
The big news stories are made to be the norm.... THOUGH, the problems we have seen in the big cities like Minneapolis and Seattle do seem to be that trend in the wrong direction. Mostly made up of young people who received indoctrination educations.
Americans are too fat and lazy to have a real Civil War

Conservatives do have wet dreams about the idea though
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There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?

The Nazi party, the democrats, are doing everything possible to spark a shooting war.

This vile bullshit of pimping the 1/6 riot/protest as "insurrection" is meant to push the Trump supporters into a violent reaction to Oberfuhrer Wray and his KGB goons.

The outrageously out of proportion reaction by the Reich is in fact calculated to create fear and loathing among decent Americans.

My take is that the Reich is trying to spark widespread violence so that they can beg China to march in and "restore order."

Yes, that's treason, but I do believe that is what Biden and the Reich intend. I think they will continue to stage outrage after outrage until they can get violence going.
I have no idea what any of you are talking about. Someone want to post a MSM news piece that makes any of you believe this?

I don't see this around where I am living. What are you talking about?
War, is not, and never has been civil- that's a misnomer if ever there was one- or, an oxymoron- heavy on the moron part- (no offense intended)

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy.
Follow the money, see the agenda the money doesn't come from Russia, or China, or Mexico, but, Others- and it doesn't all go to the rioters, though some does from a source known by all- well, those who feel they're informed- guess his ethnicity? BTW, BOTH sides subscribe to the bullshit- rhetoric against doesn't count- results do.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?
I see the battle between the parties and public perception of authority over public policy and role of govt. Liberals are pushing Statist beliefs in using govt as centralized authority over people and states by partisan domination of Congress and Courts. Conservatives believe in people reserving rights on state and individual levels while enforcing Constitutional limits on govt. The battles are how to check Parties and Media, and using those means of teaching and enforcing Constitutional laws and authority, which Liberals are bypassing. And passing the Buck to Conservatives to find a way to check and correct abuses. We have to organize the most effective ways to educate, empower and enforce by using existing democratic media and party processes.
I believe we can organize this by uniting parties on common principles of defending representation of the people not served by govt and implementing a system of redressing grievances, assessing debts and damages owed to taxpayers for govt abuse, violations, and waste, and of refinancing reforms based on credits owed per state and party to create jobs in converting existing policies and programs into the agreed solutions and corrections led by party leaders taking back control of govt.
The right only wants to fight when they think their opponents can't fight back. Witness the complete collapse of their fighting spirit after their very violent wing started getting arrested.

Since the left rejects all violence, there won't be a civil war. Just a further increase in right-wing domestic terrorism, which will be enthusiatically supported by most of the Trump cultists here.
I like a good old-fashioned civil war 2.0 thread. It separates the conservatives who would like to see one happen from the conservatives who would like to see one happen but say otherwise.
The right only wants to fight when they think their opponents can't fight back. Witness the complete collapse of their fighting spirit after their very violent wing started getting arrested.
Bet me gambler-

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