Civil Society & Rule of Law Nearly Dead

These far lefties are on their own and not part of our government. Not nearly as bad as a president who took an oath of office and then proceeded to try and tear down our country because he lost an election.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Just wait till Youngkin sends the Virginia State Police in if things get rowdy....The dems will learn what it's like to fuck around and find out......Then they will write them reckless driving tickets for shits and giggles. ;)

Just wait till Youngkin sends the Virginia State Police in if things get rowdy....The dems will learn what it's like to fuck around and find out......Then they will write them reckless driving tickets for shits and giggles. ;)

State police haven't proven to be much help during any of the protests/riots.

As long as nobody is being killed they generally just fall back and let things play out.
The country would have survived even if the Jan 6 protesters had managed to stop the Senate from accepting the EC vote and Biden would have still been inaugurated on time.

Trump would have then had to make the decision to leave peaceably or be drug out by the heels.

Trump and a lot of his followers seem to honestly believe the election was stolen and if in fact it was would be right to challenge it but there probably exists no way on earth to prove it conclusively either way.
What does this have to do with the topic?
State police haven't proven to be much help during any of the protests/riots.

As long as nobody is being killed they generally just fall back and let things play out.
It will be a good test for our new gop governor. For the last eight years they had to stand down under orders from dem governors during the St Floyd/monument debacles.....I don't think Youngkin will let them play the property damage game.....That and one of the justices lives near him.
BREAKING: Leftwing Group Doxxes Home Address of Conservative Supreme Court Justices

Far-left group “Ruth Sent Us” doxxed the home address of the six conservative justices of the US Supreme Court.

They are hoping Democrats will join them to harass and threaten the SCOTUS Justices and their families.
Two things to consider.

If a Justice or one of their family members is harmed, "Ruth Sent Us" should be charged as accessories, and;

Where can we get the list? It is a perfect opportunity to know exactly where these nutbags will be and I encourage everyone who opposes them to show up at these 'mostly peaceful' intimidation rallies prepared to bash in some heads.
Where can we get the list? It is a perfect opportunity to know exactly where these nutbags will be and I encourage everyone who opposes them to show up at these 'mostly peaceful' intimidation rallies prepared to bash in some heads.
The site “Ruth Sent Us” has a map of the DC area. That will show the six homes they plan to harass. But do not share that map publicly -- there are Leftist thugs everywhere.
The site “Ruth Sent Us” has a map of the DC area. That will show the six homes they plan to harass. But do not share that map publicly -- there are Leftist thugs everywhere.

I don't really fear them, not even a little bit and I have the next three days off. Could be fun to poke them.

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