Civil rights icon accuses left of treating blacks 'like an exotic pet,' predicts backlash

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | By John Solomon | Updated: May 17, 2021 - 11:00pm
Posted on 5/18/2021, 9:15:26 AM by Red Badger

Robert Woodson says African-Americans fatigued by manufactured anger of 'race grievance industry.'


A key 1960s civil rights leader is accusing the political left of manufacturing anger to profit from a "race grievance industry," warning the African-American community is fatigued by the tactics and poised to rebel against continued efforts to treat blacks "like an exotic pet."

Robert Woodson told Just the News an impending backlash could impact universities spreading controversial critical race theory, corporations bowing to Black Lives Matter, voting right activists who decry voter ID requirements as Jim Crow suppression and liberal white elitists who portray America as systemically racist.

"It's insulting and demeaning. It's patronizing," Woodson told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Monday. "And it makes me really angry. ... It would get a lot better if white people just take a pledge and stop helping black people.

"Get out of the way, stop telling us that, on the one hand, America is a racist society. And then those same races are the agents that's going to deliver you from yourself. What kind of message is that?"

Woodson was an iconic leader of the 1960s civil rights movement, including with the NAACP and the Urban League. But as many of his peers in the movement moved to Democratic politics, Woodson said he became disillusioned that government wasn't helping solve poverty so he began to espouse new tactics based on economic development, self-empowerment and personal responsibility, eventually embraced by conservatives.

Today, he said, many of those preaching civil rights are white liberals or blacks who have created organizations that profit from the racism narrative, a subject of his new book that comes out Tuesday entitled "Red, White, and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers."

"There was really an appropriation of the civil rights movement, misapplying it, and using it as a bludgeon to decimate our civic institutions and our values," he said, citing critical race theory and the 1619 academic curriculum as two tools promoting a false narrative that America is inherently racist. "It's just ridiculous, and false, it's false history. It's important to know that a lot of the people on the left who purport to be speaking in the interest of blacks really do not reflect the sentiments in the black community.

"I just think that what they're trying to do with the black community is just harness the rage, first of all, create the attitude that we must always be angry and resentful, and vengeful. And because people are easier to control when they're angry. Along with a poverty industry, now you have a race grievance industry, that makes its living off of teaching racism in order to end racism, which is the ultimate kind of dilemma."

Woodson said he believes there will soon be "race fatigue and dependency fatigue on the part of the black community" and it may start with a rejection of the idea that voter ID laws are somehow racist.

The arguments against voter ID essentially maintain that blacks are "not smart enough to get an ID, identification, and therefore requiring it is racist," he said. "And, when you begin to apply all these exemptions from the standards that everyone else has to conform to, it's almost as if black America is being treated like an exotic pet."

Woodson said he is heartened that the new generation of black Americans seems particularly suspicious of the current systemic racism arguments being offered by the left, seeking instead to be empowered to climb the socio-economic ladder toward success and not federal dependence.

"You know, I think that this new generation did not live through the 60s. And, so I think that they're, more inclined to talk about personal responsibility and achieving," he explained. "And it's a lot of the old guard that is pushing back.

"I'm really sad at how the Civil Rights Movement has abandoned its moral authority, and how it has allowed the left to co-opt the civil rights movement, and act like a parasite on that rich legacy."


That is exactly true of the left/DemonRATS.. . .only not just a pet, but a performing pet for the circus of the left’s love of violence. But, of course, the violence must be mostly against fellow minorities to amuse the left’s bloodthirst and love of economic disaster, for everyone else.

1. When I read Mr. Woodson's comments, I immediately thought of Caucasian race hustlers like Nancy Pelosi & African American race hustlers like that reverend on MSNBC.

2. I think that the great Booker T. Washington would be mortified by what has happened to African Americans since the 1960s.

a. The ideals of genuine equality of the Civil Rights movement have been smashed by Caucasian and African American opportunists, including the disgraceful decline of decency on the part of the once respected New York Times.

3. IMHO, when the Caucasian population becomes relatively small by the next century, the fortunes of African Americans will only become worse, not better.
"Get out of the way, stop telling us that, on the one hand, America is a racist society. And then those same races are the agents that's going to deliver you from yourself. What kind of message is that?"
Exactly, but the problem is that the way the representation system works, Black people have to co-opt with white people, and so the white Democrats are not afraid to exploit that.

Black people cannot form their own political party compared to white people's population dominance.

The solution is a segregated state that Black people are responsible for.

"I just think that what they're trying to do with the black community is just harness the rage, first of all, create the attitude that we must always be angry and resentful, and vengeful. And because people are easier to control when they're angry. Along with a poverty industry, now you have a race grievance industry, that makes its living off of teaching racism in order to end racism, which is the ultimate kind of dilemma."
Another good point.

Woodson said he believes there will soon be "race fatigue and dependency fatigue on the part of the black community" and it may start with a rejection of the idea that voter ID laws are somehow racist.

The arguments against voter ID essentially maintain that blacks are "not smart enough to get an ID, identification, and therefore requiring it is racist," he said. "And, when you begin to apply all these exemptions from the standards that everyone else has to conform to, it's almost as if black America is being treated like an exotic pet."

Woodson said he is heartened that the new generation of black Americans seems particularly suspicious of the current systemic racism arguments being offered by the left, seeking instead to be empowered to climb the socio-economic ladder toward success and not federal dependence.
I do not see that as prevalent. Black kids seem to embrace the ideas as a reason to be more vigilant and suspicious. Last year I heard the claim that the latest generation is not going to roll over like the Civil Rights generation.
Democrats have been treating blacks like pets for over 400 years
How come blacks stopped voting Republican? Hint. It wasn’t free shit. It was because you treated them like shit. The first major time blacks left the gop was the great Mississippi flood in the 1920s. Republicans treated blacks like shit.

Blacks in red states vote democratic now. Red states don’t give them shit. They treat blacks like shit. That’s one thing we have in common with red states. Blue states treat blacks like shit too. Detroit, chicago, LA.

What you say is insulting to blacks. You talk about them like they’re stupid. Not effective.

Affirmative action and diversity programs helps women more than blacks. A lot of stupid white women vote republican and they are against the programs helping women and minorities. How stupid are these white women?

And blue collar whites. Republicans sent all your best manufacturing jobs overseas to break unions. Because labor costs were more than they would py in Mexico and China. Reagan and bush invented nafta. How stupid are blue collar white men?
Democrats have been treating blacks like pets for over 400 years
Because labor costs were more than they would py in Mexico and China. Reagan and bush invented nafta. How stupid are blue collar white men?
Democrats have been treating blacks like pets for over 400 years
Because labor costs were more than they would py in Mexico and China. Reagan and bush invented nafta. How stupid are blue collar white men?
I know but Reagan and bush 1 invented it. More republicans voted for it than democrats. What do you say about that?
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
Can the OP cite what's this "civil rights icon" contribution to the Civil Rights Movement?
It is funny seeing the White Republicans on this thread quoting a guy who obviously has a distaste for White people.
Once again we see there is no one more racist than a Democrat. Thank you.
Nothing I said was racist. Quit making things up because you fail to have a reply.
Read your post again. If you can't see your racism in it, perhaps you can get someone else with comprehension skills to show you the racism in your post.
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What state do you live in?
I love how cozy today's whitey righties are with anyone who, even a little bit, makes them feel better.
Why haven't you white Democrats helped Black people in your big cities you oversee? 45 were shot just last weekend in Chicago alone.
What should we do about it? If any state or major city has solved this problem name it.
Democrats have governed Chicago for years. Why ask me? You guys are supposed to have all the answers. Fucking idiot.
What is Kansas going to do?


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