CIA whistleblower: Mueller’s FBI computers spied on Trump and SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The plot thickens. The facts will eventually come out. What will the snowflakes do then? What will the Obama moles in the intelligence agencies who are exposed do then?

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates...

according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, did not mince words...:

“These are vicious people. These people are capable of killing people to keep this thing secret. That’s why, Congress I believe, doesn’t want to look into this. They are afraid of them too. They are more powerful than the President of the United States … This government knows no bounds.”

...Montgomery stated:

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person …”
The plot thickens. The facts will eventually come out. What will the snowflakes do then? What will the Obama moles in the intelligence agencies who are exposed do then?

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates...

according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, did not mince words...:

“These are vicious people. These people are capable of killing people to keep this thing secret. That’s why, Congress I believe, doesn’t want to look into this. They are afraid of them too. They are more powerful than the President of the United States … This government knows no bounds.”

...Montgomery stated:

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person …”
Not surprising…
You can't get any more corrupt than the deep state/career politicians… Those motherfuckers want nothing good for the country
The plot thickens. The facts will eventually come out. What will the snowflakes do then? What will the Obama moles in the intelligence agencies who are exposed do then?

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates...

according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, did not mince words...:

“These are vicious people. These people are capable of killing people to keep this thing secret. That’s why, Congress I believe, doesn’t want to look into this. They are afraid of them too. They are more powerful than the President of the United States … This government knows no bounds.”

...Montgomery stated:

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person …”
Not surprising…
You can't get any more corrupt than the deep state/career politicians… Those motherfuckers want nothing good for the country

They have absolutely no scruples when it comes to defeating their opposition. It would be beautiful to see all these douche bags doing the perp walk.
The plot thickens. The facts will eventually come out. What will the snowflakes do then? What will the Obama moles in the intelligence agencies who are exposed do then?

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates...

according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, did not mince words...:

“These are vicious people. These people are capable of killing people to keep this thing secret. That’s why, Congress I believe, doesn’t want to look into this. They are afraid of them too. They are more powerful than the President of the United States … This government knows no bounds.”

...Montgomery stated:

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person …”
The reason why they had spied on Pres. Trump and his family? It was all about getting info on Ivanka. They wanted to know what colour underwear that she put on every day. And to watch her undressed in front of the her DIGITAL T.V. .And which most American did not have at he time. But it is so funny why Obama hurried up to handover the ICAAN to the United Nation. Maybe there is a way to find out what the previous administration were doing while having the key

The plot thickens. The facts will eventually come out. What will the snowflakes do then? What will the Obama moles in the intelligence agencies who are exposed do then?

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates...

according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, did not mince words...:

“These are vicious people. These people are capable of killing people to keep this thing secret. That’s why, Congress I believe, doesn’t want to look into this. They are afraid of them too. They are more powerful than the President of the United States … This government knows no bounds.”

...Montgomery stated:

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person …”

Not really.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said the FBI acted appropriately when it used an informant to gather information about Donald Trump campaign advisers who allegedly had suspicious contacts linked to Russia prior to the 2016 election.

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy said Tuesday during an interview on Fox News.

Gowdy last week attended a classified DOJ briefing alongside other top lawmakers regarding the informant and the tactics the FBI had used during the 2016 campaign. The South Carolina congressman, who is retiring this year, is the first GOP lawmaker briefed on the informant to directly rebut Trump and his allies regarding the surveillance claims.
I can't believe a conspiracy theorist won the White House. So all that crazy shit like Obama born in Kenya and the Clinton 's murdered Vince Foster. This isn't just shit that the far right fringe of the GOP believes, this is the base. And the leader (Trump) isn't afaid to lie to his base even when the media calls him on his lies. He knows his base doesn't believe the media no matter what. Truth be damned.

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