Chuck Schumer boards the crazy train


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is so immature - it is something that would only come from a 3rd grader or younger. A sort of "my dad can beat up your dad" position. He even used the atrocious grammar of 3rd grader.

"Let me tell take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you".

Um....excuse me?!? The intelligence community "gets back at" Americans?!? The intelligence community "gets back at" their own Commander in Chief?!? They exist only for foreign operations. They are strictly forbidden by law to operate domestically. And...why would a sitting U.S. Senator make an outrageous threat like this and egg them on to go after President Trump? There should be national outrage over this and a serious movement to get the resignation of this repulsive, unprofessional, sub-human.

Maddow Blog on Twitter
Dude, don't you know?

We aren't a democracy anymore, we are an oligarchy. And the oligarchs are fighting for control over the Deep State.

Get it out of your head that voting matters, it doesn't.

The only thing that matters is who controls the press, who controls the schools, who controls the military, who controls the banking policies, and who controls the intelligence community. If you have control of these things, you can have the people believe that the vote counts say anything you want. You can manipulate the population into believing reality is anything you say it is.


He's not boarding the crazy train, he is just being honest.

I wouldn't worry about it that much though, Trump has friends, and he sure as hell learned from history. He has hired his own security team to protect him from the Secret Service. :badgrin:
This is called a slow motion low intensity civil war. The other side doesn't seem interested in elections anymore.
Fearing the intelligence agencies and how they could screw you over if you don't toe their allowable free speech line and Chucky is fine with that.

I guess he's not much of a supporter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The dirty little secret is that high profile democrats will always be insulated from criticism by the criminal conspiracy known as the MSM.

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