Christine O'Donnell Walks Off The Piers Morgan Show

Who Was Rude/Unprofessional?

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Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Christine O'Donnell vs. Piers Morgan

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‘…local control as opposed to Federal control…’

It seems Ms. O'Donnell remains ignorant of the fact that local jurisdictions may not decide who will or will not have his civil rights or access to the laws of that jurisdiction.

One can’t ‘defend’ Constitutional principles if he has no idea what they are.
Watching that video, it's obvious Piers was pushing the issue even after it was clear O'Donnell was uncomfortable with that line of questioning. She was forthcoming at first, but then it got a little obnoxious when he kept asking her those types of sexual questions.

I know because O'Donnell's a Tea Party Republican, and liberals think when journalists treat interviews with conservatives as a confrontation that they're doing the Lord's work, that badgering her over questions like that is completely in-bounds. But being a professional means letting the subject present him- or herself in the best light and not trying to embarrass them, which is clearly what Piers is trying to do.
But being a professional means letting the subject present him- or herself in the best light and not trying to embarrass them, which is clearly what Piers is trying to do.

Appears you believe a journalist is supposed to be a public relations specialist. No... the role of an interviewer is to reveal what the interviewee is thinking so that the target audience can better analyze the news for themselves.

He asked her a personal question asking if she ever double-clicked her mouse then kept hammering her on a topic she wasn't comfortable with.

I call that rude.

After telling someone the third time that you didn't want to talk about their favorite topic of masturbation or buggering....and they still pressed for an answer that wasn't coming....I would have left too. I'm sure she had better things to do.
Walked off? Or flew off on a broomstick?

No sense of decency, huh?

Let's all talk about Dirty Snachez, Shit-Stained balls, and butthole pleasures while we're at it. Anything to nail the stupid Catholic chick.

Yup, you should keep voting for Democrats. They will represent you well.
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What these repugs like mud fail to realize, is that the line of questioning STEMMED from O'Donnell's own words.

You people need to learn that you don't live in a vacuum, you can't spew venom to your base and expect not to be questioned about it by the general public.

It doesn't work that way.

Pliers was the consummate professional in this interview. O'Donnell...not so much, but that's to be expected considering her history.
O'Donnell learned her skills on dealing with the media from Sarah Palin

You only answer the questions you feel like answering and no follow-up questions are tolerated
What these repugs like mud fail to realize, is that the line of questioning STEMMED from O'Donnell's own words.

You people need to learn that you don't live in a vacuum, you can't spew venom to your base and expect not to be questioned about it by the general public.

It doesn't work that way.

Pliers was the consummate professional in this interview. O'Donnell...not so much, but that's to be expected considering her history.


Is saying jerking it is bad for you considered venom now?

She said she was in a program that dealt with the topic when she was very young and she said today she would not participate. Then he asked her if she ever did. She was rightfullyb offended, told him in a nice way that she was and rudely pressed her further.

Professional my ashterkosh.

A pro would have moved on after the 3rd or 4th time.

What you don't seem to understand that some people don't like taking about jerking off on television or even folks that are into buggering. If a muslim woman had said she was offended he would have stopped, he kept pressing because she was a Christian and he wanted to embarrass her.
What these repugs like mud fail to realize, is that the line of questioning STEMMED from O'Donnell's own words.

You people need to learn that you don't live in a vacuum, you can't spew venom to your base and expect not to be questioned about it by the general public.

It doesn't work that way.

Pliers was the consummate professional in this interview. O'Donnell...not so much, but that's to be expected considering her history.

The left is not the general public.
It is an extreme minority.
O'Donnell learned her skills on dealing with the media from Sarah Palin

You only answer the questions you feel like answering and no follow-up questions are tolerated

Nice piece of unbiased posting. Cuz other politicians - both left and right - never, ever do that, do they?

Man, you are impressive in your blind partisan hackery. Congratulations on that. No matter how strong the evidence to the contrary... you stick to stupid like a fucking tar baby.

Oops, my bad. I said 'tar baby'. :lol::lol:

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