Christianity would die without Islam.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Christianity would die without Islam.

Belief is a psychological and imposed condition. Mutual fear and The Nobel Lie is sustaining both Islam and Christianity by governments. They are using religion and the religious as patsies.

The Lie is necessary, Plato argues, in order to keep a stable social structure. In Plato’s mind, The Noble Lie is a religious lie that’s fed to the masses to keep them under control and happy with their situation in life.

Plato did not believe most people were smart enough to look after their own and society’s best interest. The few smart people of the world needed to lead the rest of the flock, Plato said. And The Noble Lie had to continue.

I have been puzzled for some time now as to why the West embraces a pathological and genocidal God who shows almost all works and deeds of hate instead of love.

If I understand why the West chose the Christian God of war correctly, that choice was made and is sustained by the pressures of war brought against it by Islam. The Islamic dogma of kill the infidels show other religions that that God is just as pathological and intolerant as the Christian God with his, believe in me or end in hell policy. The West fought fire with fire. A holy pissing contest based on the Noble Lie on both sides.

Rome, now the West, would have had to have a different God than what their Eastern counterparts had. Rome was created as a defensive response to invasions from the Khans and tribes of the Fertile Crescent, Islam. As the Asian tribes relented in their expansion, the main enemy of the West became and is now Islam.

Constantine chose Christianity. First, as a ploy to win in battle and maintained it later, even as he was not a Christian at heart, for his own self-aggrandizement as his plan, according to archeology, was to usurp Jesus as the new King/God.

[ame=]Secrets of Christianity: Selling Christianity - YouTube[/ame]

From there, Rome pushed northward and promoted the Christian God of war on his ability to win battles. The West of today was born.

[ame=]The Franks - YouTube[/ame]

Unfortunately, morality was never the draw for this Christian God. Only his barbarism that was used against all other Gods and most notably Islam’s.

The fear of Islam then is what is still the driving force that explains the West embracing the pathological and genocidal God of Christianity. It was all just the one-upmanship of killing power.

Vatican II tried for rapprochement with Islam and today, progressive Christianity is trying to offer an olive branch to Islam.

Are the right wings of Christianity and Islam ready to bury the hatchet of war and competition and have their Gods kiss and make up or will the demographics of Muslim peoples force the remainder of this century to be one of conflict?
Will both religions have what it takes to return to the older thinking that there is only one nameless God for all, or will we continue to fight for what is basically a name for God that all books of wisdom say we should not name?

‘Identity that sends us toward the other with love’

Should both Christianity and Islam revert and follow their religious root, Judaism, and recognize that their man created versions of their Gods are evil and reject them as unfit to rule any peaceful loving egalitarian nation?

[ame=]God on Trial: The Verdict - YouTube[/ame]

So those 600 years Christianity grew and thrived without Islam are just a fluke?
Organized, centralized Christianity died a spiritual death when it became the official church of the Roman Empire. That has been an empty husk ever since.

The spirit of what Jesus represents is not the same thing. Whether or not one accepts Jesus in the fully religious sense, what he said has transcendence. It is a wise path that humans could follow and live a full and beautiful life. Of course, that is not what many people want, especially those devoted to power.

Islam is not destined to survive. It will either kill itself or slowly fade away.
Christianity would die without Islam.

Belief is a psychological and imposed condition. Mutual fear and The Nobel Lie is sustaining both Islam and Christianity by governments. They are using religion and the religious as patsies.

The Lie is necessary, Plato argues, in order to keep a stable social structure. In Plato’s mind, The Noble Lie is a religious lie that’s fed to the masses to keep them under control and happy with their situation in life.

Plato did not believe most people were smart enough to look after their own and society’s best interest. The few smart people of the world needed to lead the rest of the flock, Plato said. And The Noble Lie had to continue.

I have been puzzled for some time now as to why the West embraces a pathological and genocidal God who shows almost all works and deeds of hate instead of love.

If I understand why the West chose the Christian God of war correctly, that choice was made and is sustained by the pressures of war brought against it by Islam. The Islamic dogma of kill the infidels show other religions that that God is just as pathological and intolerant as the Christian God with his, believe in me or end in hell policy. The West fought fire with fire. A holy pissing contest based on the Noble Lie on both sides.

Rome, now the West, would have had to have a different God than what their Eastern counterparts had. Rome was created as a defensive response to invasions from the Khans and tribes of the Fertile Crescent, Islam. As the Asian tribes relented in their expansion, the main enemy of the West became and is now Islam.

Constantine chose Christianity. First, as a ploy to win in battle and maintained it later, even as he was not a Christian at heart, for his own self-aggrandizement as his plan, according to archeology, was to usurp Jesus as the new King/God.

Secrets of Christianity: Selling Christianity - YouTube

From there, Rome pushed northward and promoted the Christian God of war on his ability to win battles. The West of today was born.

The Franks - YouTube

Unfortunately, morality was never the draw for this Christian God. Only his barbarism that was used against all other Gods and most notably Islam’s.

The fear of Islam then is what is still the driving force that explains the West embracing the pathological and genocidal God of Christianity. It was all just the one-upmanship of killing power.

Vatican II tried for rapprochement with Islam and today, progressive Christianity is trying to offer an olive branch to Islam.

Are the right wings of Christianity and Islam ready to bury the hatchet of war and competition and have their Gods kiss and make up or will the demographics of Muslim peoples force the remainder of this century to be one of conflict?
Will both religions have what it takes to return to the older thinking that there is only one nameless God for all, or will we continue to fight for what is basically a name for God that all books of wisdom say we should not name?

‘Identity that sends us toward the other with love’

Should both Christianity and Islam revert and follow their religious root, Judaism, and recognize that their man created versions of their Gods are evil and reject them as unfit to rule any peaceful loving egalitarian nation?

God on Trial: The Verdict - YouTube


Shove your religious bigotry right up your ass!!!
Organized, centralized Christianity died a spiritual death when it became the official church of the Roman Empire. That has been an empty husk ever since.

The spirit of what Jesus represents is not the same thing. Whether or not one accepts Jesus in the fully religious sense, what he said has transcendence. It is a wise path that humans could follow and live a full and beautiful life. Of course, that is not what many people want, especially those devoted to power.

Islam is not destined to survive. It will either kill itself or slowly fade away.

No argument on Christianity.

That is not what the E U demographics show for Islam.
Islam will grow will Christianity will not grow as quickly.
Every country has different rates so it is hard to quantify.
But all that does not speak to the rapprochement if peace is to be had.

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So those 600 years Christianity grew and thrived without Islam are just a fluke?

Did you even listen to this man?

‘Identity that sends us toward the other with love’

Or are you just a mental midget?


So you can't even defend your own post and have to resort to the name calling already.

Defend against what? You were not even in the right time line and you have to remember, I know of your idiocies already and don't mind blowing your ilk out of the discussion. You contribute nothing but garbage.
Get better or get lost.

Christianity would die without Islam.

Belief is a psychological and imposed condition. Mutual fear and The Nobel Lie is sustaining both Islam and Christianity by governments. They are using religion and the religious as patsies.

The Lie is necessary, Plato argues, in order to keep a stable social structure. In Plato’s mind, The Noble Lie is a religious lie that’s fed to the masses to keep them under control and happy with their situation in life.

Plato did not believe most people were smart enough to look after their own and society’s best interest. The few smart people of the world needed to lead the rest of the flock, Plato said. And The Noble Lie had to continue.

I have been puzzled for some time now as to why the West embraces a pathological and genocidal God who shows almost all works and deeds of hate instead of love.

If I understand why the West chose the Christian God of war correctly, that choice was made and is sustained by the pressures of war brought against it by Islam. The Islamic dogma of kill the infidels show other religions that that God is just as pathological and intolerant as the Christian God with his, believe in me or end in hell policy. The West fought fire with fire. A holy pissing contest based on the Noble Lie on both sides.

Rome, now the West, would have had to have a different God than what their Eastern counterparts had. Rome was created as a defensive response to invasions from the Khans and tribes of the Fertile Crescent, Islam. As the Asian tribes relented in their expansion, the main enemy of the West became and is now Islam.

Constantine chose Christianity. First, as a ploy to win in battle and maintained it later, even as he was not a Christian at heart, for his own self-aggrandizement as his plan, according to archeology, was to usurp Jesus as the new King/God.

Secrets of Christianity: Selling Christianity - YouTube

From there, Rome pushed northward and promoted the Christian God of war on his ability to win battles. The West of today was born.

The Franks - YouTube

Unfortunately, morality was never the draw for this Christian God. Only his barbarism that was used against all other Gods and most notably Islam’s.

The fear of Islam then is what is still the driving force that explains the West embracing the pathological and genocidal God of Christianity. It was all just the one-upmanship of killing power.

Vatican II tried for rapprochement with Islam and today, progressive Christianity is trying to offer an olive branch to Islam.

Are the right wings of Christianity and Islam ready to bury the hatchet of war and competition and have their Gods kiss and make up or will the demographics of Muslim peoples force the remainder of this century to be one of conflict?
Will both religions have what it takes to return to the older thinking that there is only one nameless God for all, or will we continue to fight for what is basically a name for God that all books of wisdom say we should not name?

‘Identity that sends us toward the other with love’

Should both Christianity and Islam revert and follow their religious root, Judaism, and recognize that their man created versions of their Gods are evil and reject them as unfit to rule any peaceful loving egalitarian nation?

God on Trial: The Verdict - YouTube


Shove your religious bigotry right up your ass!!!

Bringing people closer and truth is bigotry. Ok.

Peace is a doubtful outcome. To a degree, it is similar to the so-called ecumenical movement. One side cannot exist without a pope and the other cannot exist with one.

Both 'Christianity' and Islam may disappear.
Peace is a doubtful outcome. To a degree, it is similar to the so-called ecumenical movement. One side cannot exist without a pope and the other cannot exist with one.

Both 'Christianity' and Islam may disappear.

They will and should but their clashing bubbles are just creating smaller bubbles.

They bubbles must meld before they realize that the Noble Lie has made reality of their myths. The clergy and clerics will fight this for many more years as they would lose their free ride on the tax payer's money.

It is to governments to come clean with the public but truth is not their forte.

True Christianity, like True Buddhism, can never die if
by definition it is truly the universal truth!

True Christianity is like True Charity, and that never goes out of style.
True Buddhism is like True Wisdom, and that is eternal too.

What you are probably talking about is political identity and relevance.
That gets old.

Whatever is true will last. Whatever is material and based on
manmade trends, will come and go in cycles during the learning curve humanity is on.

P.S. as for relations between Muslim and Christian, because Islam teaches followers to respect the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible equally as the Quran, then all these
tribes will join as one in Christ Jesus to fulfill God's truth taught through all of them.
So none of these will go away per se, but all will find completion where religion will
no longer be an issue.
True Christianity, like True Buddhism, can never die if
by definition it is truly the universal truth!

True Christianity is like True Charity, and that never goes out of style.
True Buddhism is like True Wisdom, and that is eternal too.

What you are probably talking about is political identity and relevance.
That gets old.

Whatever is true will last. Whatever is material and based on
manmade trends, will come and go in cycles during the learning curve humanity is on.

P.S. as for relations between Muslim and Christian, because Islam teaches followers to respect the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible equally as the Quran, then all these
tribes will join as one in Christ Jesus to fulfill God's truth taught through all of them.
So none of these will go away per se, but all will find completion where religion will
no longer be an issue.

I do not agree with your first bit of B S but I like the way you ended which negates your first.

I too believe that we should go to the spiritual and scrap the old worn out immoral dogmas from the barbaric days.

All we need to is for Christians and Muslims to get civilized.:eusa_whistle:

If I understand why the West chose the Christian God of war correctly, that choice was made and is sustained by the pressures of war brought against it by Islam.

That right there is The Ignoble Lie.

Any who purport to be Christian and are war mongers are very likely 'false prophets' More likely interested in themselves and their own selfish pursuits.

The very foundation of Christianity:

36Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38This is the first and great commandment.

39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Plato was a materialist/secularist. Totally ignorant of the spiritual.
I also believe that Obama is closer in a Christian manner of being correct in his approach to the Isreali/Palestinian conflict than any who want to just toe the line of the Jewish position. For God's sake, quit being led around by the nose and show some Christian leadership with foundational Christian principles. Chief of which is God's love for all people.

I believe that standing up for Christian principles of love is the way of 'blessing Isreal'.
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I do not agree with your first bit of B S but I like the way you ended which negates your first.

I too believe that we should go to the spiritual and scrap the old worn out immoral dogmas from the barbaric days.

All we need to is for Christians and Muslims to get civilized.:eusa_whistle:


Hi DL: I would like to hear more of your insights on how you see we could get to that point of greater mutual respect and civility.

Where I've had success reconciling with Christians and Muslims is focusing on common principles and values in both, including Christian teachings as well as Constitutional values and process.

I believe that DOES have potential for restoring civility and democratic due process,
where conflicts can be addressed and resolved respectfully, especially with respect to religious freedom to one's affiliations and traditions instead of competing against them.

Ironically, right now, it seems the Constitutional laws and govt are going through the SAME MESS as religions do, where the spirit of the laws gets corrupted, then people fight over:
should we dish the whole thing and go for new reforms outside the given structure?
should we "go back" to what the original intent is, and quit corrupting and twisting it?
This is like the issues with religions: is the problem to get rid of them altogether as messed up to begin with? or can we agree on the original spirit and enforce it as the saving grace?

So it seems humanity and history keeps repeating this pattern. All systems go through this.
Why not use all systems for good purpose, while correcting what is abused with each one?

I find it is more effective to work with people to RESPECT their systems of choice,
try to align with the common VALUES and SPIRIT of what these systems are best intended for, and get rid of anything corrupting and obstructing that good intent or purpose; instead of saying to throw it all away as bad. Rejection tends to make people defensive and wastes time fighting back and forth. In practice, it is not as effective as working with what people believe, and trying to help each person or group to achieve those goals, and using THAT as motivation to overcome the problems defeating or obstructing their very beliefs and values they are committed to by faith.

Partnership and cooperation require aligning on common goals and values so people can focus productively. And it is just reality that people define and relate to their goals using their religious and political traditions, so it is just natural they use that to communicate when trying to address and resolve problems so that agreed solutions can be formed out of that.
I think it is unrealistic to expect people to magically drop their cultural and personal ways of approaching issues in life; and more realistic to seek understanding of values common to all.

So I recommend including and respecting where people are coming from first, then working from there TOGETHER as allies, not competing as enemies, to fix the problems we all agree are abusive and would benefit from resolving. That way, our diversity becomes a strength, where we can reach and organize more people by affiliation, and democratize the process of social reforms to be civil and sustainable. I see nothing wrong with using religion to organize people and resources for this purpose.
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I also believe that Obama is closer in a Christian manner of being correct in his approach to the Isreali/Palestinian conflict than any who want to just toe the line of the Jewish position. For God's sake, quit being led around by the nose and show some Christian leadership with foundational Christian principles. Chief of which is God's love for all people.

I believe that standing up for Christian principles of love is the way of 'blessing Isreal'.

I believe that is a spiritual role, and not necessarily suited for the President's office.
I find it takes a balance of being willing to use armed forces when necessary to thwart strikes and deter bullies from testing authority; and enforcing the diplomatic solutions "in order to prevent" from having to use that bigger force as a defense and deterrent.

So you would have to have both, in order to protect and promote the choice of peace -- WITHIN the environment of security under leadership that will not tolerate any violence or bullying. You cannot weaken the choice of going to war, which is necessary when dealing with bullies, or else such people take advantage of the peacemakers and roll over them to incite and test authority. Ideally I would have supported Obama as Vice President to work on internal issues and organizing resources to solve political and economic problems that way, while maintaining a strong front by having leaders such as Bush and Romney in charge of the military to represent defense. We need both approaches, working together side by side as partners, and don't need to compete or compromise one for the other. There is a place for the church leadership and also the state, and we don't need to abuse the state to act as the church.
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