Chinese, Latinos, Muslims, Africans are welcome, but not Whites from Europa.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It is clear that in few decades the US will became a country with non-white majority, probably in fifty - seventy years it will became an Islamic state with the Sharia law due to the huge immigration of Muslims and their skyrocketing birth rates.Everybody non-white is fine and highly welcome in the US, at best with dozens of relatives from a Honduras or Arabian poor village. However whites from Europa are not welcome in America, except the Green Card or work permissions there are very few legal ways to live in the US. Wanna America to commit demographic suicide, is probably something wrong here.
In any case due to the demographic change the 1965 Immigration Bill should be abolished and the immigration policy changed.

1945 - 1950

Under the emotional impact of the genocidal racism of the Nazi regime (that ocurred in Germany, an ethnically homogenous society), american political leaders start questioning whether the country's overwhelming white majority was a good or bad thing for the country.

1950 - 1965

As a direct result of that questioning and with overwhelming support from the numerically insignificant but enormously wealthy and influential jewish american community the white leadership decides to implement a HUGE SOCIOLOGICAL CHANGE in the US:

From 1950 to 1965 the country that up until then was a WHITE ETHNOCRATIC STATE = a state that fiercely protected its white majority, becomes A MULTIRACIAL STATE = a state that considers racial homogeneity as a liability, as something undesired, a state actively engaged in changing America's racial makeup (through the 1952 and 1965 Immigration Acts that allowed massive non-white legal immigration into the US as well as relative tolerance towards illegal immigration, Baron must be one of the few individuals who have ever heard of those two laws that profoundly changed and are still changing America).

Now this major sociological change that occured in America 50, 60 years ago is known as MULTICULTURALISM and/or MULTIRACIALISM.

MULTICULTURAL/RACIALISM = a modern political ideology that perceives ethnic homogeneity as a detriment to nation-states and seeks to erode what according to classical Political Science should be defended at all costs, the nation's racial, ethnic and cultural composition.

Insanity disguised as political theory or the way of the future?

You be the judge.
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Most other ethinic grouips have had the opportunity to turn their own country into something they want but have failed. If we don't do something now to stop the tide of immigration they will turn our country into a toilet bowl. That is all they are good at.
It all began in '49. They have no loyalty to murka. Only eyes on profits. That leaves Europeans out and impoverished immigrants who work for nothing in.
Sober up and head to your church this Son-day and listen to the stories about The Chosen(self chosen) that actually own your stupid asses and you'd better NOT complain. That will land you on a terruh liss and possible criminal charges in the very near future.
It's all part of the FreeDumb movement.
It is clear that in few decades the US will became a country with non-white majority, probably in fifty - seventy years it will became an Islamic state with the Sharia law due to the huge immigration of Muslims and their skyrocketing birth rates.Everybody non-white is fine and highly welcome in the US, at best with dozens of relatives from a Honduras or Arabian poor village. However whites from Europa are not welcome in America, except the Green Card or work permissions there are very few legal ways to live in the US. Wanna America to commit demographic suicide, is probably something wrong here.
In any case due to the demographic change the 1965 Immigration Bill should be abolished and the immigration policy changed.


Islamic state is hilarious. We will destory ourselves from within before that happen. And way are White people so afraid of being a minority? :confused:
It's ok to have a poor white society? The majority on welfare and in prisons are white.
Change may be good. White rule does not work any longer in this country.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
Change may be good. White rule does not work any longer in this country.

Then stop opposing illegal immigration, granny!!

Most illegals are brown and will help bring an end to white rule faster!!
Baron wants the USA to become a safe haven for whites again just like Israel is a safe haven for jews from all over the world.

America is currently governed by people who think the exact opposite so there's only two ways to accomplish his goal: the ballot or the bullet.
America must first give me a green card then it can become a country for whites again for all I care... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's not just America that's had serious eyebrows raised at its seemingly unnecessary favouritism towards Israel. Tony Blair's election campaign was funded by a Jewish music mogul and fundraiser, Michael Levy - who Blair made Lord Levy in 2002. The Father of The House of Commons, Tam Dalyell, suggested in 2003 that Blair's foreign policy decisions were unduly influenced by a "cabal of Jewish advisers", including Levy and Peter Mandelson MP. Both are pro-Israeli, and Mandelson's father was an advertising manager at the Jewish Chronicle.

It was during Blair's time in Downing Street that the UK saw the unprecedented influx of mass immigration, with the UK having the softest entry requirements in the whole of the E.U.

Food for thought, eh?
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It is clear that in few decades the US will became a country with non-white majority, probably in fifty - seventy years it will became an Islamic state with the Sharia law due to the huge immigration of Muslims and their skyrocketing birth rates.Everybody non-white is fine and highly welcome in the US, at best with dozens of relatives from a Honduras or Arabian poor village. However whites from Europa are not welcome in America, except the Green Card or work permissions there are very few legal ways to live in the US. Wanna America to commit demographic suicide, is probably something wrong here.
In any case due to the demographic change the 1965 Immigration Bill should be abolished and the immigration policy changed.


Islamic state is hilarious. We will destory ourselves from within before that happen. And way are White people so afraid of being a minority? :confused:
It's ok to have a poor white society? The majority on welfare and in prisons are white.
Change may be good. White rule does not work any longer in this country.

The majority in prisons are white

Hispanics comprised 50.3 percent of all people sentenced in that time period, blacks 19.7 percent and whites 26.4 percent.
EthnicMajority » Blog Archive » Hispanics new majority sentenced to federal prison

The majority on welfare are white

Aid to black and Hispanic welfare recipients
is greater, in proportion to the size of their

Highest to Lowest -


Written By: Robert Rector
Published In: Intellectual Ammunition
Publication Date: September 1, 2000
Publisher: The Heartland Institute

you people sound like the old folks did about immagrants that came from Germany and Italy.
WHite power is declining but this country was never meant for whites only.
José;4146322 said:
America must first give me a green card then it can become a country for whites again for all I care... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well pray that it be so. I have yet to see a country for browns be a successful country.
Originally posted by Angelhair
Lyndon B. Johnson should have had his arse kicked!!

I'm really glad to see you have finally "discovered" the 1965 Immigration Act, Angelhair!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

Let me show you a few quotes so that you understand better the huge importance of this piece of legislation:

Simon Rosenberg said that the Act is "the most important piece of legislation that no one’s ever heard of," and that it "set America on a very different demographic course than the previous 300 years".

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a bill that has dramatically changed the method by which immigrants are admitted to America. This bill is the Immigration Act of 1965.

This act not only allows more individuals from third world countries to enter the US (including Asians, who have traditionally been hindered from entering America), but also entails a separate quota for refugees.

Immigration Act: 1965
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Originally posted by Angelhair
Lyndon B. Johnson should have had his arse kicked!!

Many historians argue that Johnson never fully understood the consequences of the 65 law, Angelhair:


President Lyndon B. Johnson (center) signs the sweeping immigration bill of 1965 into law at a ceremony on Liberty Island, Oct. 4, 1965. Sen. Edward Kennedy and his brother, Sen. Robert Kennedy, are seen at right.

Many scholars have characterized the 1965 act as a prime example of "unintended consequences," and it is clear that even its most influential advocate, President Johnson, seems not to have understood what its effects would be.

In the signing ceremony staged on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, Johnson remarked: "This bill that we sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives, or really add importantly to our wealth or our power."

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965: Information from

Wrong LBJ - it's one of the most revolutionary bill ever!
The more you study the 65 Immigration Act the more you'll realise how unjust your treatment of Mexico really is, Angelhair.

This was an extremely controversial law but the only thing everyone agrees on is that it was the result of a sovereign US decision. A decision Mexico took no part in.

The 65 law was merely a result, a "codification" of the transition undergone by America from a white ethnocratic state to a multiracial state and this transition explains (among other factors like cheap labor) the tolerance towards illegal immigration we see in America today.

I'm not defending Mexico, I'm just an intellectual who has a deep understanding of the sociological change that happened in America CAUSED BY AMERICAN POLITICIANS.

So when I see a naive housewife like you with limited knowledge about the 65 law trashing Mexico like there was no tomorrow, I shake my head in disbelief and say to myself paraphrasing Jesus:

"Father, forgive Angelhair and all the other members of the USMB, for they know not what they say." :lol: :lol:

Anyway it's never too late to learn about the 65 law and be ashamed of all the unjust accusations and cruel things you said about the Aztec nation.
José;4147413 said:
The more you study the 65 Immigration Act the more you'll realise how unjust your treatment of Mexico really is, Angelhair.

This was an extremely controversial law but the only thing everyone agrees on is that it was the result of a sovereign US decision. A decision Mexico took no part in.

The 65 law was merely a result, a "codification" of the transition undergone by America from a white ethnocratic state to a multiracial state and this transition explains (among other factors like cheap labor) the tolerance towards illegal immigration we see in America today.

I'm not defending Mexico, I'm just an intellectual who has a deep understanding of the sociological change that happened in America CAUSED BY AMERICAN POLITICIANS.

So when I see a naive housewife like you with limited knowledge about the 65 law trashing Mexico like there was no tomorrow, I shake my head in disbelief and say to myself paraphrasing Jesus:

"Father, forgive Angelhair and all the other members of the USMB, for they know not what they say." :lol: :lol:

Anyway it's never too late to learn about the 65 law and be ashamed of all the unjust accusations and cruel things you said about the Aztec nation.

Jose, Jose, Jose, I don't say cruel things about your country - I simply say it like I see it. Mexico in all its years of existence has yet to do anything right. They depend way too much on their neighbor to the north which leads me to believe that they just don't have what it takes to run a successful country much less a democracy. They are guided by 'pride', sometimes false, and by emotions. They keep their focus more on what the USA does than focus on what to do to sovle their problems and on how to help the masses. They rather see the great exodus of people heading north than to change their corrupt system. You on the other hand, are too quick to blame the USA for all of Mexico's ills. That is the simple reason why I knew from the very beginning that you are a mexican and would even venture to say that you were born there. You have the typical mentality of mexicans who it seems were taught that all that is wrong with Mexico is the fault of this country. The USA is in its right to make treaties and legislate bills that MIGHT benefit the USA and not other countries. If the 1965 Immigration Bill was a negative for Mexico, it's because it was not intended for it to be a positive. Mexico must stop looking to the north for special favors simply because they are unable to do anything RIGHT. I would say that the USA sees Mexico as their step-child who all they seem to do is whine when the USA does not look at them in a favorable way or does not do for them. Their constant blaming the USA for everything makes my point. If this country were to blame every country for its faults, then nothing would get solved or fixed. That is where Mexico finds itself 99.99% of the time. BTW Jose, calling me a 'naive housewife' does not do your arguement any good. I AM a housewife and much more. Don't patronize me.

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