China’s secret plan to topple the US as the world’s superpower


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Over time we watch the Ideological Left promote the interests of the Communists... and the delusion of such nonsense pisses us off.

We watched when Clinton took Millions from Chinese Intelligence, which resulted in our own MIRV technology to the North Koreans, which we know went straight to China.

And so it goes year after year and we sit idly by as we're told that such matters are simply too sophisticated and nuanced to be understood by hayseed rednecks.

Then... as nature requires they must, someone of the highbrow, lofty perched diplomacy crowd figures out that they've been wrong over the 40 years that they're promoted the selling out of the United States.

The only upside to this, is that this particular mea culpa comes with an extraordinary explanation, which validates everything we've been saying for all of those 40 years throughout which we contested the opening up the US to the communists.

The Report below lays out some of it, But I recommend you check out the article which can be read in full, at the link provided below:

"In 1995, Michael Pillsbury, an expert on China who has worked with every US president since Nixon and has, he writes, “arguably had more access to China’s military and intelligence establishment than any other Westerner,” was reading an article written by “three of China’s preeminent military experts” about “new technologies that would contribute to the defeat of the United States.”

It was in this article that Pillsbury first saw the term “Assassin’s Mace,” which refers to a weapon from Chinese folklore that guarantees a small combatant victory over a larger, more powerful opponent.

The article described goals including “electromagnetic combat superiority” that would allow for “naval victory,” and “tactical laser weapons” that would “be used first in anti-missile defense systems.” They also discussed jamming and destroying radar and various communications systems, and the use of computer viruses.

In time, Pillsbury began seeing the term “Assassin’s Mace” with regularity in Chinese documents.

“In the military context,” he writes, “Assassin’s Mace refers to a set of asymmetric weapons that allow an inferior power to defeat a seemingly superior adversary by striking at an enemy’s weakest point.”

At first, Pillsbury writes, he considered these statements aspirational. But as US intelligence analysts translated documents over time, he came to see otherwise. The Assassin’s Mace, he came to believe, was part of a cunning and much broader strategy, a 100-year-long effort to overtake the US as the world’s superpower.

The point of Assassin’s Mace — which, Pillsbury learned, the Chinese were already spending billions of dollars to develop — was to “make a generational leap in military capabilities that can trump the conventional forces of Western powers,” but to do so incrementally, so that by the time they achieved their goal, it would be too late for the US to respond to, much less reverse.

China duped us
In a sense, the new book “The Hundred-Year Marathon” is Pillsbury’s mea culpa. He readily admits that, as a key influencer of US government policy toward China for the past four decades, he had long been one of many in the federal government pushing the US toward full cooperation with China, including heavy financial and technological support, under the belief that the country was headed in a more democratic, free-market direction.

“The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower” by Michael Pillsbury (Henry Holt)

“Looking back, it was painful that I was so gullible,” he writes.

Pillsbury notes that he and many other China experts were taught early on to view China as “a helpless victim of Western imperialists” and that as such, assistance should be provided almost unquestioningly.

Now, he says, he has come to consider this view — which he now believes came about as a result of intentional deception and misdirection on the part of the Chinese — as “the most systemic, significant and dangerous intelligence failure in American history.”

“We believed that American aid to a fragile China whose leaders thought like us would help China become a democratic and peaceful power without ambitions of . . . global dominance,” he writes.

“We underestimated the influence of China’s hawks. Every one of the assumptions behind that belief was wrong — dangerously so.”

“For decades,” Pillsbury adds, “the US government has freely handed over sensitive information, technology, military know-how, intelligence and expert advice to the Chinese. Indeed, so much has been provided for so long that . . . there is no full accounting. And what we haven’t given the Chinese, they’ve stolen.” "

A superpower by 2049 ...

China s secret plan to topple the US as the world s superpower New York Post
Good. Let someone else be the superpower. Maybe they'll go broke trying to pay for being one.
I agree 1000%

In fact, I would be willing to take the savings we get from all of that military/industrial complex spending, and use it on a single-payer emergency medical care system.
Over time we watch the Ideological Left promote the interests of the Communists... and the delusion of such nonsense pisses us off.

We watched when Clinton took Millions from Chinese Intelligence, which resulted in our own MIRV technology to the North Koreans, which we know went straight to China.

And so it goes year after year and we sit idly by as we're told that such matters are simply too sophisticated and nuanced to be understood by hayseed rednecks.

Then... as nature requires they must, someone of the highbrow, lofty perched diplomacy crowd figures out that they've been wrong over the 40 years that they're promoted the selling out of the United States.

The only upside to this, is that this particular mea culpa comes with an extraordinary explanation, which validates everything we've been saying for all of those 40 years throughout which we contested the opening up the US to the communists.

The Report below lays out some of it, But I recommend you check out the article which can be read in full, at the link provided below:

"In 1995, Michael Pillsbury, an expert on China who has worked with every US president since Nixon and has, he writes, “arguably had more access to China’s military and intelligence establishment than any other Westerner,” was reading an article written by “three of China’s preeminent military experts” about “new technologies that would contribute to the defeat of the United States.”

It was in this article that Pillsbury first saw the term “Assassin’s Mace,” which refers to a weapon from Chinese folklore that guarantees a small combatant victory over a larger, more powerful opponent.

The article described goals including “electromagnetic combat superiority” that would allow for “naval victory,” and “tactical laser weapons” that would “be used first in anti-missile defense systems.” They also discussed jamming and destroying radar and various communications systems, and the use of computer viruses.

In time, Pillsbury began seeing the term “Assassin’s Mace” with regularity in Chinese documents.

“In the military context,” he writes, “Assassin’s Mace refers to a set of asymmetric weapons that allow an inferior power to defeat a seemingly superior adversary by striking at an enemy’s weakest point.”

At first, Pillsbury writes, he considered these statements aspirational. But as US intelligence analysts translated documents over time, he came to see otherwise. The Assassin’s Mace, he came to believe, was part of a cunning and much broader strategy, a 100-year-long effort to overtake the US as the world’s superpower.

The point of Assassin’s Mace — which, Pillsbury learned, the Chinese were already spending billions of dollars to develop — was to “make a generational leap in military capabilities that can trump the conventional forces of Western powers,” but to do so incrementally, so that by the time they achieved their goal, it would be too late for the US to respond to, much less reverse.

China duped us
In a sense, the new book “The Hundred-Year Marathon” is Pillsbury’s mea culpa. He readily admits that, as a key influencer of US government policy toward China for the past four decades, he had long been one of many in the federal government pushing the US toward full cooperation with China, including heavy financial and technological support, under the belief that the country was headed in a more democratic, free-market direction.

“The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower” by Michael Pillsbury (Henry Holt)

“Looking back, it was painful that I was so gullible,” he writes.

Pillsbury notes that he and many other China experts were taught early on to view China as “a helpless victim of Western imperialists” and that as such, assistance should be provided almost unquestioningly.

Now, he says, he has come to consider this view — which he now believes came about as a result of intentional deception and misdirection on the part of the Chinese — as “the most systemic, significant and dangerous intelligence failure in American history.”

“We believed that American aid to a fragile China whose leaders thought like us would help China become a democratic and peaceful power without ambitions of . . . global dominance,” he writes.

“We underestimated the influence of China’s hawks. Every one of the assumptions behind that belief was wrong — dangerously so.”

“For decades,” Pillsbury adds, “the US government has freely handed over sensitive information, technology, military know-how, intelligence and expert advice to the Chinese. Indeed, so much has been provided for so long that . . . there is no full accounting. And what we haven’t given the Chinese, they’ve stolen.” "

A superpower by 2049 ...

China s secret plan to topple the US as the world s superpower New York Post
Secret??? Hell, most of us know that they have all but succeeded already....
China needs a lot more time than that. They lack the diplomatic power to project their desires beyond their closest neighbors, and they lack the military reach to project force on any legitimate level. They'll be strong, but nowhere near superpower level for fifty years or more.
Secret plan? I don't believe that for a second.

But I do believe they are opportunists and will take advantage of a situation. If they saw an opening to do that they would exploit it.
Over time we watch the Ideological Left promote the interests of the Communists... and the delusion of such nonsense pisses us off.

We watched when Clinton took Millions from Chinese Intelligence, which resulted in our own MIRV technology to the North Koreans, which we know went straight to China.

And so it goes year after year and we sit idly by as we're told that such matters are simply too sophisticated and nuanced to be understood by hayseed rednecks.

Then... as nature requires they must, someone of the highbrow, lofty perched diplomacy crowd figures out that they've been wrong over the 40 years that they're promoted the selling out of the United States.

The only upside to this, is that this particular mea culpa comes with an extraordinary explanation, which validates everything we've been saying for all of those 40 years throughout which we contested the opening up the US to the communists.

The Report below lays out some of it, But I recommend you check out the article which can be read in full, at the link provided below:

"In 1995, Michael Pillsbury, an expert on China who has worked with every US president since Nixon and has, he writes, “arguably had more access to China’s military and intelligence establishment than any other Westerner,” was reading an article written by “three of China’s preeminent military experts” about “new technologies that would contribute to the defeat of the United States.”

It was in this article that Pillsbury first saw the term “Assassin’s Mace,” which refers to a weapon from Chinese folklore that guarantees a small combatant victory over a larger, more powerful opponent.

The article described goals including “electromagnetic combat superiority” that would allow for “naval victory,” and “tactical laser weapons” that would “be used first in anti-missile defense systems.” They also discussed jamming and destroying radar and various communications systems, and the use of computer viruses.

In time, Pillsbury began seeing the term “Assassin’s Mace” with regularity in Chinese documents.

“In the military context,” he writes, “Assassin’s Mace refers to a set of asymmetric weapons that allow an inferior power to defeat a seemingly superior adversary by striking at an enemy’s weakest point.”

At first, Pillsbury writes, he considered these statements aspirational. But as US intelligence analysts translated documents over time, he came to see otherwise. The Assassin’s Mace, he came to believe, was part of a cunning and much broader strategy, a 100-year-long effort to overtake the US as the world’s superpower.

The point of Assassin’s Mace — which, Pillsbury learned, the Chinese were already spending billions of dollars to develop — was to “make a generational leap in military capabilities that can trump the conventional forces of Western powers,” but to do so incrementally, so that by the time they achieved their goal, it would be too late for the US to respond to, much less reverse.

China duped us
In a sense, the new book “The Hundred-Year Marathon” is Pillsbury’s mea culpa. He readily admits that, as a key influencer of US government policy toward China for the past four decades, he had long been one of many in the federal government pushing the US toward full cooperation with China, including heavy financial and technological support, under the belief that the country was headed in a more democratic, free-market direction.

“The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower” by Michael Pillsbury (Henry Holt)

“Looking back, it was painful that I was so gullible,” he writes.

Pillsbury notes that he and many other China experts were taught early on to view China as “a helpless victim of Western imperialists” and that as such, assistance should be provided almost unquestioningly.

Now, he says, he has come to consider this view — which he now believes came about as a result of intentional deception and misdirection on the part of the Chinese — as “the most systemic, significant and dangerous intelligence failure in American history.”

“We believed that American aid to a fragile China whose leaders thought like us would help China become a democratic and peaceful power without ambitions of . . . global dominance,” he writes.

“We underestimated the influence of China’s hawks. Every one of the assumptions behind that belief was wrong — dangerously so.”

“For decades,” Pillsbury adds, “the US government has freely handed over sensitive information, technology, military know-how, intelligence and expert advice to the Chinese. Indeed, so much has been provided for so long that . . . there is no full accounting. And what we haven’t given the Chinese, they’ve stolen.” "

A superpower by 2049 ...

China s secret plan to topple the US as the world s superpower New York Post
Whose we?
The Chinese bought their man in the White House by making his family rich and he is producing just like they want so life is good.
The Chinese bought their man in the White House by making his family rich and he is producing just like they want so life is good.
How are those ivanka trump Chinese trademarks working for you?
The Chinese bought their man in the White House by making his family rich and he is producing just like they want so life is good.
How are those ivanka trump Chinese trademarks working for you?

You did hear about the sweet investment deal the Chicoms gave that crackhead Hunter and his partner telling us how it was a big influence selling scam, didn't you? With kickbacks to "the Big Guy"? Did you hear about the money the Mayor of Moscow wife's gave the Bidens? How about that $80K a month energy expert job the kid that got kicked out the Navy got from the Ukrainians? Maybe you didn't hear it on CNN? You uneducated Moon Bats are kind of low information, aren't you?
The Chinese bought their man in the White House by making his family rich and he is producing just like they want so life is good.
How are those ivanka trump Chinese trademarks working for you?

You did hear about the sweet investment deal the Chicoms gave that crackhead Hunter and his partner telling us how it was a big influence selling scam, didn't you? With kickbacks to "the Big Guy"? Did you hear about the money the Mayor of Moscow wife's gave the Bidens? How about that $80K a month energy expert job the kid that got kicked out the Navy got from the Ukrainians? Maybe you didn't hear it on CNN? You uneducated Moon Bats are kind of low information, aren't you?
I have heard about all of that. Mostly from maga hacks looking to distract from President Biden’s early success and positive polling marks.

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