China will fly military jets over Taiwan itself, dare Taiwan to fire on them

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”
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Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”
I don't see Taiwan engaging that attack, unless they are actually physically attacked, already. If physically attacked, I suspect they would defend in any way they can.
Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”
Wow Tom.

I never knew you were a CCP propagandist.

I can't really believe that the DNC or the Biden admin supports the position of the editorial of this Global Times.

Surely this is why Japan and Australia have moved closer into the orbit of the US.

. . I don't think there will be any "quick," resolution.

Pushing for it, with all the international intrigue and espionage, with all the deep state interests involved? Donald Trump would have a better shot at reascending to the oval office.


. . . in fact, maybe if the Chi-Coms hadn't helped strip him of his office, they wouldn't be in such a sorry state now. . .

But honestly, that is what the Anglo-American alliance wanted from the get-go, that is what they always want. . . war war war. If you had wanted to avoid it, maybe you shouldn't have stepped in it.

I don't see Taiwan engaging that attack, unless they are actually physically attacked, already. If physically attacked, I suspect they would defend in any way they can.
The Australians, the Japanese, the Americans, the South Koreans and the Taiwanese are just suppose to roll over while the Chinese commit industrial espionage, black mail the global corporations and banking institutions, infiltrate & corrupt international organizations and if anyone should happen to say boo about it, and the CCP decides to start getting physically aggressive, because folks notice that big tech is doing their bidding instead of standing with the liberal democracies, because they don't get their way, we are supposed to. . .

What? Roll over?

Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”

And just what do you think you will do to stop it? Send an email to someone?

There is no doubt America will join in if China strikes Taiwan. As normal, they will try to invade china and be there for years, get thousands of soldiers killed then leave in defeat like they always do.
It's the only thing they know.
China has been doing flyovers with fighter jets steadily for the last two years.
Right. But these were never flyovers of the island itself, only of waters around Taiwan. Flying fighters directly over the island, possibly even buzzing airports, would be something much more massively challenging, done in a context where China was ready to massively retaliate if Taiwan used one of their missiles to shoot down a Chinese plane.

This is the future we may be headed toward. IMO very few Americans have truly realized that our own conduct on the Taiwan issue, and the direction of political developments on the island, is considered by the other side as intolerable.
Shoot em down ...arm the population then give the mainland the finger and tell em come n get it

We're not coming to save anyone
Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”

Why should Taiwan be forced to join a country that they see as their enemy?

What about the right of those people on that tiny little Island?

I have read many of your thread and all of them have been Pro-Chinese and never once have you stood for the little guy that does not want to be part of that worthless nation, and I wonder why?
Right. But these were never flyovers of the island itself, only of waters around Taiwan. Flying fighters directly over the island, possibly even buzzing airports, would be something much more massively challenging, done in a context where China was ready to massively retaliate if Taiwan used one of their missiles to shoot down a Chinese plane.

This is the future we may be headed toward. IMO very few Americans have truly realized that our own conduct on the Taiwan issue, and the direction of political developments on the island, is considered by the other side as intolerable.
And you don’t consider the other side truly has no right to that Island either seeing the people of that tiny Island do not want to be part of China.

Taiwan has every right to defend itself against any aggression by China or any other nation and if China illegally enters Taiwan airspace then Taiwan has every right to defend herself and it people.
Recent articles in the Global Times have strongly suggested the Chinese Air Force will fly jet fighters over Taiwan proper and dare the Taiwanese to fire upon them. These articles are a crystal clear warning that China is dead serious about upping the ante against what it feels are intolerable Taiwan-U.S. “provocations.”

PLA jets will eventually patrol over Taiwan: Global Times editorial - Global Times

The relative economic weight of China in the world is not increasing as rapidly as before, and China has no desire or illusions that it can “conquer the world.” But it will fight to unite “One China,” as they now feel the U.S. is using Taiwan against them, forcing Taiwan to stop selling them high tech computer chips, sending more ships to patrol the Taiwan Straight, selling more arms to Taiwan, etc.

The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly. The U.S. and Congress should stop what I think is irresponsible encouragement of Taiwanese hopes that the U.S. will save them (it won’t and can’t). We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”

...and don't forget to say that "The negotiations to allow the return to China of Huawei’s CFO must be settled quickly...."
Why should Taiwan be forced to join a country that they see as their enemy?
What about the right of those people on that tiny little Island?
This is not a question of what you or I think is morally right, or what China should do. You and I can talk ourselves blue about how China should be, unlike us, paragons of virtue.

China is what it is, a highly authoritarian state that — in the face of our opposition — is determined to make real its “One China” policy.

Nobody gives a crap about what you or I think “should” happen in Afghanistan either. The point is not to blunder into another, much bigger, much more dangerous war we cannot win and which would not serve our interests (or those of Taiwan’s people).

The U.S. only has the power to alter its own policy toward these events. We have no more ability to effect China’s actions than we could Russia’s in Crimea, where — by the way — we “ignored the right of those people on that tiny island” to self-determination, as they overwhelmingly rejected being forced to be a part of the Ukraine after the elected government in Kiev was overthrown.

Whether we or the Taiwanese like it or not the Chinese people on the Mainland seem united behind their leaders on this question. The UN does not recognize that Taiwan is independent, so there is little legal basis for our intervention in this matter (not that this has prevented us in the past from invading countries half way around the world almost at will).

If we want to prevent developments from continuing to evolve towards war, we may be able to prevent it, to have things calm down and return to the previous status quo — but this requires us to stop our blustering, to stop encouraging the independence forces on the island in their belief that we will save them. I have indicated some measures we could and I believe should take.
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This is not a question of what you or I think is morally right, or what China should do. You and I can talk ourselves blue about how China should be, unlike us, paragons of virtue.

China is what it is, a highly authoritarian state that — in the face of our opposition — is determined to make real its “One China” policy.

Nobody gives a crap about what you or I think “should” happen in Afghanistan either. The point is not to blunder into another, much bigger, much more dangerous war we cannot win and which would not serve our interests (or those of Taiwan’s people).

The U.S. only has the power to alter its own policy toward these events. We have no more ability to effect China’s actions than we could Russia’s in Crimea, where — by the way — we “ignored the right of those people on that tiny island” to self-determination, as they overwhelmingly rejected being forced to be a part of the Ukraine after the elected government in Kiev was overthrown.

Whether we or the Taiwanese like it or not the Chinese people on the Mainland seem united behind their leaders on this question. The UN does not recognize that Taiwan is independent, so there is little legal basis for our intervention in this matter (not that this has prevented us in the past from invading countries half way around the world almost at will).

If we want to prevent developments from continuing to evolve towards war, we may be able to prevent it, to have things calm down and return to the previous status quo — but this requires us to stop our blustering, to stop encouraging the independence forces on the island in their belief that we will save them. I have indicated some measures we could and I believe should take.

So my opinion does not matter but your opinion only matters is what you are saying because you believe we as a World should bend over and take what China gives us and if not we should expect war with China, is that your point you little Chinese Bot of a Troll?

I can give a rat ass what China want and will say again Taiwan is not theirs and the people of Taiwan should have a say and because you believe they shouldn’t is not my problem but yours!

So don’t tell someone they can’t have any opinion on the matter when it is you giving your worthless opinion in favor of China expanding it territory in regions they are not wanted and if it is War China wants then let do it because some or later it will happen!

China will go for South Korea, Japan, Australia and you will say “ well it is their right “ because you kiss the ass of China!
We must not allow a situation develop where we “fight China to the last Taiwanese.”
The Taiwanese people have made it clear that they dont want to be under communist chinese rule

China took Tibet which doesnt belong to them and they are demanding all the south china sea which is not theirs either

Appeasing the communists is not the way to avoid war

Free nations led by America standing together with strength is the only way to contain china
The Australians, the Japanese, the Americans, the South Koreans and the Taiwanese are just suppose to roll over while the Chinese commit industrial espionage, black mail the global corporations and banking institutions, infiltrate & corrupt international organizations and if anyone should happen to say boo about it, and the CCP decides to start getting physically aggressive, because folks notice that big tech is doing their bidding instead of standing with the liberal democracies, because they don't get their way, we are supposed to. . .

What? Roll over?

Very melodramatic assessment of policies by the western world designed to avoid war, when there has not been over attacks of war.
Very melodramatic assessment of policies by the western world designed to avoid war, when there has not been over attacks of war.
The liberal democratic policies of the West have always been designed to push their rivals to make the first overt attacks into provoking a war. This has been their modus operandi since the founding of the United States.

. . . and lacking that, the oligarchs have been know to even manufacture evidence of such behavior.

MAN. Skeery stuff !
I'd just sink their boats and Nuke 3 gorges damn...or Georges. Whatever.
GHW,GW and GP is what they're slanged as.
Can I apply in Linked On for a job as a Taiwan commandant ?
I promise to wear a mask. Made in USA ! ( with imported materials and packaging)
The liberal democratic policies of the West have always been designed to push their rivals to make the first overt attacks into provoking a war. This has been their modus operandi since the founding of the United States.

. . . and lacking that, the oligarchs have been know to even manufacture evidence of such behavior.

Move back to Russia if you don't like it away from the St Petersberg troll farm.
Some countries should re-evaluate their stance toward Taiwan. Taiwan should be recognised as a sovereign nation.
The release of Huawei CFO Meng Wenzhou and her return to China after almost three years of detainment in Canada at the request of the U.S. (and the subsequent release of two Canadian nationals) is a good sign. Her seizure and the charges against her were clearly political and outrageous in nature.

This detainment had no positive results whatever. It enraged the Chinese people and leadership, discredited the U.S., and destroyed what little trust remained toward the U.S.A. in Beijing. It was an abusive act of over-reach carried out by an almost lawless Trump Administration. Her release shows that at least some communication channels remain open and some shred of intelligence exists in the Biden Administration.

Note that Meng Wanzhou’s immediate release was one of the three things I emphasized in my OP as urgently needed to lower tensions. The drift to war, however, continues over Taiwan.

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