China - The Most Trusted Government By Its People In The World.

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
Well, for thing - never trust the media. Unfortunately much of the establishment media in the US have traded journalism for propaganda and sensationalism.

For another - Americans aren't wired to 'trust' the government. Our Constitution is a barrier between The People and a potentially abusive/oppressive central government.
And let me ask you what has happened to those that said no they do not trust the Chinese Government?

Do you actually believe all those that said yes said it freely without worry that they would be punished by their government?

The Government of China has always been brutal when it came to Human Rights and like in North Korea their citizens will say whatever the Government want them to say and if not many with a brain know what it mean to that person and their entire family...

Now you will argue about how all I wrote is just opinion and even though the U.N. has noted China crimes against it own people you will say “ but this poll claims they trust their Government while Americans hate Trump “ while forgetting the word Government mean Trump, Senate, House, USSC and much more and forgetting Americans have felt this way toward Congress and the Federal Government a lot longer than Trump and if you disagree then go back over Congress approval ratings and notice how low they are and have been and Trump has never been the reason for those numbers...

So yes you were trying to promote China Government is better than the U.S., so seeing you believe this tell me you should go there and protest the inhumane way they treat the Muslim population and see how fast you realize that people in China were lying about their trust in their Government because had they said the truth them and their family would suffer...

We should NOT automatically think that the Chinese people live in terror of the government.

First, the Chinese have never had a democracy, so they do not know how to compare their present dictatorship with a democratic system.

Second, the Chinese tyrants have made a deal with the people: Leave politics to us, and you can have a relatively free personal life: travel to other countries, make a lot of money, live in comfortable homes, enjoy delicious food, etc.

Heck, that's about the same here.

Most Americans, I hear, do not even know the name of their local Congressperson. Or the names of their two Senators.

They just want to live as happy a personal life as possible. They want the government to let them alone.

So the government in China, I hear, basically lets people alone -- so long as they keep their mouths shut when it comes to politics.

(P.S. At least, one does not have to worry about election fraud in China. There ARE no elections!)
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
Polling in China? Surprised they didn't get at least 100%.
And let me ask you what has happened to those that said no they do not trust the Chinese Government?

Do you actually believe all those that said yes said it freely without worry that they would be punished by their government?

The Government of China has always been brutal when it came to Human Rights and like in North Korea their citizens will say whatever the Government want them to say and if not many with a brain know what it mean to that person and their entire family...

Now you will argue about how all I wrote is just opinion and even though the U.N. has noted China crimes against it own people you will say “ but this poll claims they trust their Government while Americans hate Trump “ while forgetting the word Government mean Trump, Senate, House, USSC and much more and forgetting Americans have felt this way toward Congress and the Federal Government a lot longer than Trump and if you disagree then go back over Congress approval ratings and notice how low they are and have been and Trump has never been the reason for those numbers...

So yes you were trying to promote China Government is better than the U.S., so seeing you believe this tell me you should go there and protest the inhumane way they treat the Muslim population and see how fast you realize that people in China were lying about their trust in their Government because had they said the truth them and their family would suffer...
I am not trying to promote the Chinese Government above any other as I said in my piece.
Indeed I can agree that the last place I would want to live (with the exception of N Korea and a few others) is China.
However were I disagree is that all those who gave approval did so in fear of their Government.
We have grown up conditioned to what we perceive is the right way to think about government and how it should operate.
The Chinese have been brought up to believe in a different way. Individualism is not a popular notion, instead collectivisation is. Perhaps those dissidents in China are the few who have had access to western media.
Rather like we see the three UK schoolgirls who ran away to join ISIS some years ago.
It would be interesting to see the current figures.
I doubt that the UK figure would be so high. Probably the US figure would be lower after trumps failures on Covid.
It would be interesting to see the current figures.
I doubt that the UK figure would be so high. Probably the US figure would be lower after trumps failures on Covid.
Hmm...what I have always found odd is that all what we consider to be the most civilised country's, depend on governments both elected by, or with the approval of only a third of their people. Which strongly suggests the majority of peoples throughout democratic histories don't want their governments.
It would be interesting to see the current figures.
I doubt that the UK figure would be so high. Probably the US figure would be lower after trumps failures on Covid.
Hmm...what I have always found odd is that all what we consider to be the most civilised country's, depend on governments both elected by, or with the approval of only a third of their people. Which strongly suggests the majority of peoples throughout democratic histories don't want their governments.
Americans generally despise their politicians which I think is healthy enough. But those same folk seem happy to give trump a free pass on anything. Its like he is a God like Emperor or Sun King. I cant explain it.
Second, the Chinese tyrants have made a deal with the people: Leave politics to us, and you can have a relatively free personal life: travel to other countries, make a lot of money, live in comfortable homes, enjoy delicious food, etc.
How did that work out the Tibetans, the Uyghurs, or the Falun Gong?
Second, the Chinese tyrants have made a deal with the people: Leave politics to us, and you can have a relatively free personal life: travel to other countries, make a lot of money, live in comfortable homes, enjoy delicious food, etc.
How did that work out the Tibetans, the Uyghurs, or the Falun Gong?
Not nearly as well as it worked out for the Vietnamese!
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
1. you don't know much about the world or world history
..Saddam AND Ghadaffi [ and a lot of MidEast ] '''governments''' were by coups--some BLOODY!!! = the country is NOT legitimate -NOT civil like the western countries
2. we don't give a shit what other people think about their governments = totally irrelevant/nonsensical/worthless
3. it's the OPPOSITE of what you believe:
a lot of people think these countries are ''like'' the western'' countries/civil/fair/democratic/civil liberties/etc --and this is wrong so the Iranian revolution [ as recent as 1979!!! ] wanted to get rid of the Shah because of his brutality/ what did the revolutionaries do???!! they EXECUTED/killed thousands!!!!!!

'''''In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come'''''

'''''After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand.'''''
etc etc ---your OP is just babble......
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
1. you don't know much about the world or world history
..Saddam AND Ghadaffi [ and a lot of MidEast ] '''governments''' were by coups--some BLOODY!!! = the country is NOT legitimate -NOT civil like the western countries
2. we don't give a shit what other people think about their governments = totally irrelevant/nonsensical/worthless
3. it's the OPPOSITE of what you believe:
a lot of people think these countries are ''like'' the western'' countries/civil/fair/democratic/civil liberties/etc --and this is wrong so the Iranian revolution [ as recent as 1979!!! ] wanted to get rid of the Shah because of his brutality/ what did the revolutionaries do???!! they EXECUTED/killed thousands!!!!!!

'''''In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come'''''

'''''After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand.'''''
etc etc ---your OP is just babble......
As usual you missed the 'point' of the thread!
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
1. you don't know much about the world or world history
..Saddam AND Ghadaffi [ and a lot of MidEast ] '''governments''' were by coups--some BLOODY!!! = the country is NOT legitimate -NOT civil like the western countries
2. we don't give a shit what other people think about their governments = totally irrelevant/nonsensical/worthless
3. it's the OPPOSITE of what you believe:
a lot of people think these countries are ''like'' the western'' countries/civil/fair/democratic/civil liberties/etc --and this is wrong so the Iranian revolution [ as recent as 1979!!! ] wanted to get rid of the Shah because of his brutality/ what did the revolutionaries do???!! they EXECUTED/killed thousands!!!!!!

'''''In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come'''''

'''''After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand.'''''
etc etc ---your OP is just babble......
As usual you missed the 'point' of the thread!
1. wrong
2. you, also, think in terms of movie/TV's real life out there...just like today's big issues, there is a lot more to it
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
1. you don't know much about the world or world history
..Saddam AND Ghadaffi [ and a lot of MidEast ] '''governments''' were by coups--some BLOODY!!! = the country is NOT legitimate -NOT civil like the western countries
2. we don't give a shit what other people think about their governments = totally irrelevant/nonsensical/worthless
3. it's the OPPOSITE of what you believe:
a lot of people think these countries are ''like'' the western'' countries/civil/fair/democratic/civil liberties/etc --and this is wrong so the Iranian revolution [ as recent as 1979!!! ] wanted to get rid of the Shah because of his brutality/ what did the revolutionaries do???!! they EXECUTED/killed thousands!!!!!!

'''''In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come'''''

'''''After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand.'''''
etc etc ---your OP is just babble......
As usual you missed the 'point' of the thread!
1. wrong
2. you, also, think in terms of movie/TV's real life out there...just like today's big issues, there is a lot more to it
See my previous post!
Funny how we perceive things living in our home countries. The impression often given by media is that the Chinese live a depressing life, having to self censor their thoughts for fear of their Government, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese people trust their government far more than we in the democratic west. A massive 84% compared with UK 36%. USA 33%.
It seems the Chinese are far happier when it comes to government than we.
Equally surprising is India (a country I'd always considered with the most corrupt government in the world) 70%. And Turkey who I'd thought had a plummeting standard of living, demonstrations and harsh censorship, a remarkable 51%.

My reason for posting this thread, isn't to try to claim one government is better or worse than another, but to emphasise that what we perceive in the west - The Chinese (Tiananmen Sq. Hong Kong). Iraq's (Saddam). Libya (Gaddafi). were crying out for us to liberate them, was not necessarily true.


PS I wonder why trust in the US Gov. has fallen so sharply (a massive37%) over the last few years?

The Countries That Trust Their Government Most And Least [Infographic]
Niall McCarthyContributor
Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics

According to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the United States has experienced a significant 37 percentage point drop in trust across its institutions while at the opposite end of the scale, China experienced a 27-point gain. When it comes to government, one of the most important trust indicators, China leads the way. Edelman found that 84 percent of people in China trust their government, the highest level worldwide and an eight percentage point increase on 2017.
Indians also place a high level of trust in their government with seven out of every ten people having faith in the political process there. Turkey is still recovering from a dramatic coup d'état attempt in 2016 and government trust levels in the country remain unchanged from last year at 51 percent. With Brexit dividing the United Kingdom more than at any other time in modern history, only 36 percent of Edelman's respondents said they trust the government. That is also unchanged from last year. The United States sinks even lower in the ranking with only one third of people saying they have faith in the government, a 14 percentage-point drop on 2017.
*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
% trusting the government and change from 2017 to 2018
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy

I am a Statista data journalist, covering technological, societal and media topics through visual representation. In fact, I love to write about all trending topics,
1. you don't know much about the world or world history
..Saddam AND Ghadaffi [ and a lot of MidEast ] '''governments''' were by coups--some BLOODY!!! = the country is NOT legitimate -NOT civil like the western countries
2. we don't give a shit what other people think about their governments = totally irrelevant/nonsensical/worthless
3. it's the OPPOSITE of what you believe:
a lot of people think these countries are ''like'' the western'' countries/civil/fair/democratic/civil liberties/etc --and this is wrong so the Iranian revolution [ as recent as 1979!!! ] wanted to get rid of the Shah because of his brutality/ what did the revolutionaries do???!! they EXECUTED/killed thousands!!!!!!

'''''In early March 1979, Khomeini announced, "do not use this term, 'democratic.' That is the Western style," giving pro-democracy liberals (and later leftists) a taste of disappointments to come'''''

'''''After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand.'''''
etc etc ---your OP is just babble......
As usual you missed the 'point' of the thread!
1. wrong
2. you, also, think in terms of movie/TV's real life out there...just like today's big issues, there is a lot more to it
See my previous post!
as usual, it doesn't make sense
It would be interesting to see the current figures.
I doubt that the UK figure would be so high. Probably the US figure would be lower after trumps failures on Covid.
Hmm...what I have always found odd is that all what we consider to be the most civilised country's, depend on governments both elected by, or with the approval of only a third of their people. Which strongly suggests the majority of peoples throughout democratic histories don't want their governments.
Americans generally despise their politicians which I think is healthy enough. But those same folk seem happy to give trump a free pass on anything. Its like he is a God like Emperor or Sun King. I cant explain it.
You are wired for Chamberlain. Churchill was needed for your survival. To many of our people have been wired for Prog like living which will end badly. Trump was/is needed for our survival.

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