China supplies metals to the EU for shells through the territory of Muscovy


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
bad news for pootler and his empire !

hans wants back.png
The long awaited southern blitz has started. Below "b" from M of A summarises matters .

This will be awful for the Ukey Nazi remnants, bolstered by NATO sundry personnel plus mercenaries .

No wonder the Ukey Nazis are shouting so desperately for munitions .
By the time a few clapped out tanks arrive ( if they ever do ) the Russians could be on the Romanian border , if they plan to link with Moldavia .

The Ukrainian army, egged on by its U.S. controllers, had put most of its resource into the static defense of Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) - Soledar sector of the eastern front. An insane number of Ukrainian brigades, though many partially depleted, were concentrated on that 50 kilometer long front. This left other sectors nearly empty of Ukrainian troops.


Source: Military Land Deployment Map - bigger
I count the equivalent of some 27 brigade size formations in that area. The usual size of a brigade is some 3,000 to 4,000 men with hundreds of all kinds of vehicles. If all brigades had their full strength that force would count as 97,500 men. In a recent interview the Ukrainian military commander Zaluzhny said that his army has 200,000 men trained to fight with 500,000 more having other functions or currently being trained. The forces which are currently getting mauled in the Bakhmut area constitute 50% of Ukraine's battle ready forces.
On the southern and northern sectors of the battle-line the Ukrainian forces have been thinned out and are only able to defend against minor forces.

The Ukrainian forces in the north and south are in the same position Russian troops had been in when the Ukrainian army last year launched a blitz attack in the Kharkiv region. The Russian screening force of some 2,000 boarder guards and federal police retreated and used its artillery to destroy the oncoming Ukrainian forces. The attack ran out of power and came to a halt after progressing some 70 kilometers on a rather large front. But Ukraine no longer has, unlike the Russians at that time, the artillery that is need to stop a larger thrust.
Russia and China have never been buddies. China's loyalty is only to ¥ and the whole world is pissing on Russia now, as they should.

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