China Strikes Optimistic Tone With Biden Administration: "if both countries put in the effort, the kind angels can triumph over evil forces"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
An odd comment to be made by Chinese officials, considering how they view religion.

Sane people all hope that the Biden/Harris administration becomes the greatest in American history. Maybe he will surround himself with China Hawks. It would be very wise to do so.

China struck an optimistic tone toward President Joe Biden's new administration on Thursday, saying "kind angels can triumph over evil forces" and playing down early irritants as the result of an atmosphere poisoned by Donald Trump's term in office.

Bilateral relations worsened dramatically during Trump's tenure. Biden, who took office on Wednesday, is expected to maintain pressure on Beijing but with a more traditional and multilateral approach.

"In the past years, the Trump administration, especially (former Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo, has laid too many mines that need to be removed, burned too many bridges that need to be rebuilt, damaged too many roads that need to be repaired," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

"I believe if both countries put in the effort, the kind angels can triumph over evil forces," she told a daily briefing on Thursday, using a phrase that was embraced by state media.

Taiwan's de facto ambassador to Washington attended Biden's inauguration with an official invitation, a first that indicated that the new president's administration would continue with Trump's increased support for the democratic island that Beijing claims as part of China.

Also on Wednesday, the new Biden administration criticized China's move to impose sanctions on former Trump administration officials including Pompeo — minutes after Biden was sworn in — as "unproductive and cynical."

Read more: China Strikes Optimistic Tone With Biden Administration |
Xi's man is in place, and will soon resign so that a full blown Maoist can rule.

China is thrilled.

An odd comment to be made by Chinese officials, considering how they view religion.

Sane people all hope that the Biden/Harris administration becomes the greatest in American history. Maybe he will surround himself with China Hawks. It would be very wise to do so.

China struck an optimistic tone toward President Joe Biden's new administration on Thursday, saying "kind angels can triumph over evil forces" and playing down early irritants as the result of an atmosphere poisoned by Donald Trump's term in office.

Bilateral relations worsened dramatically during Trump's tenure. Biden, who took office on Wednesday, is expected to maintain pressure on Beijing but with a more traditional and multilateral approach.

"In the past years, the Trump administration, especially (former Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo, has laid too many mines that need to be removed, burned too many bridges that need to be rebuilt, damaged too many roads that need to be repaired," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

"I believe if both countries put in the effort, the kind angels can triumph over evil forces," she told a daily briefing on Thursday, using a phrase that was embraced by state media.

Taiwan's de facto ambassador to Washington attended Biden's inauguration with an official invitation, a first that indicated that the new president's administration would continue with Trump's increased support for the democratic island that Beijing claims as part of China.

Also on Wednesday, the new Biden administration criticized China's move to impose sanctions on former Trump administration officials including Pompeo — minutes after Biden was sworn in — as "unproductive and cynical."

Read more: China Strikes Optimistic Tone With Biden Administration |

Sound like China didn't like Trump tough stance on trading. China has been screwing trading partners for decades and Trump is the first to try to level the trading field.

Of course Biden will return all to the status quo and America will once again get screwed as a trading partner for China.
It is entirely possible that the world could get along constructively with China. That includes the U.S. Not naively, not without caution and close attention, but with an open mind and good intentions. The Chinese Communist Party is not to be trusted to do other than what is in its interests, but if it sees its interests are peace and prosperity in co-operation with the rest of us, they will do that. So far, its efforts have been to protect what it has and build on that. Unlike Russia, China hasn't expropriated or invaded countries. We don't have to like them, we just have to like peace enough to give it the maximum opportunity.
As for "evil", theological terms have little place in the real world's political scene. Save it for church!
It is entirely possible that the world could get along constructively with China. That includes the U.S. Not naively, not without caution and close attention, but with an open mind and good intentions. The Chinese Communist Party is not to be trusted to do other than what is in its interests, but if it sees its interests are peace and prosperity in co-operation with the rest of us, they will do that. So far, its efforts have been to protect what it has and build on that. Unlike Russia, China hasn't expropriated or invaded countries. We don't have to like them, we just have to like peace enough to give it the maximum opportunity.
As for "evil", theological terms have little place in the real world's political scene. Save it for church!
Until recently modern china was too weak to invade other countries

or even defend itself from invasion

but that is changing rapidly

china will try to achieve world dominance without war

but as its military power grows china will not hesitate to use it
Sound like China didn't like Trump tough stance on trading. China has been screwing trading partners for decades and Trump is the first to try to level the trading field.

Of course Biden will return all to the status quo and America will once again get screwed as a trading partner for China.

When you buy Joe Biden, he STAYS bought!

China can depend on Quid Pro.
If so, it will be a bloodbath.
The Nazis think some goober putting his feet in Nancy Pigshit's desk is "insurrection."
Move on the second and they'll see a real insurrection.

You have to be reasonable. Your emotions are not reality.

Think about the past as evidence. Name the last thing the Right stood up to and actually stopped? Nothing. There is no example in modern history.
I don't mean someone you voted for (easy), I mean the RIGHT as a collective, independent force.

Sure, you are angry...but the truth is they ARE going to take the guns and there's really nothing you or anyone can do.
Some people might wage a solitary battle at their doorstep when they arrive, but it will be just you against well armed troops.
Heck, don't be shocked if UN and Chinese troops help Biden and harris do this.

When you have heavily armored vehicles with 50 caliber machine guns, tear gas and flashbangs all pointed at will comply.

The failure was that the Right never organized and created well regulated militias when they could have.

Too late now.
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It is entirely possible that the world could get along constructively with China. That includes the U.S. Not naively, not without caution and close attention, but with an open mind and good intentions. The Chinese Communist Party is not to be trusted to do other than what is in its interests, but if it sees its interests are peace and prosperity in co-operation with the rest of us, they will do that. So far, its efforts have been to protect what it has and build on that. Unlike Russia, China hasn't expropriated or invaded countries. We don't have to like them, we just have to like peace enough to give it the maximum opportunity.
As for "evil", theological terms have little place in the real world's political scene. Save it for church!
Until recently modern china was too weak to invade other countries

or even defend itself from invasion

but that is changing rapidly

china will try to achieve world dominance without war

but as its military power grows china will not hesitate to use it
Are you accusing them of being like the U.S.?
China Strikes Optimistic Tone With Biden Administration

Optimistic tone? Why, they already have a chinese agent right there assigned to Joe who never leaves his side. This guy was on Joe like GLUE all day yesterday. I suspect he'll even be with him in the bathroom, shower and be in bed sleeping between Joe and Jill.


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