China orders more than 22 million people to remain in their homes due to the Wuhan


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And this is exactly the sort of reason why it would not have mattered in the least who was president last April here in this country.
Dims are quick to blame all of the mess here on Trump, but it wouldn't have done anything to stem what was about to happen.

Think about this, even here today in January 2021 we are still arguing about masks. Can you imagine back in April a president, A-N-Y president here in this country "ordering" ALL Americans (yeah I know he can't anyway) to wear masks and stay 6' apart, at every workplace, only allow members of your own family (who already live there) in your homes, no parties, no holiday gatherings, close restaurants, movie theatres, sporting venues, concerts, etc etc etc? Most Americans regardless of the party would have told that president to take a hike! Hell, back then even scientists and other medical experts couldn't agree on whether masks helped or made things worse.

China can lock people in their own homes, the citizens are used to a Communist society running their lives, and they know they'll never be heard from again if they protest. That shit don't happen here, so this virus was going to get out of control, NOT because of a leader NOT taking the potential of a pandemic serious enough, but as I have been saying all along, because Americans simply would never have been willing to having all their "freedoms" taken away.

Even other western nations are used to being babysit by their governments. Not here, you don't change generations of ingrained habits that Americans have come to expect.

Every time I see a leftist moron on this board make ignorant claims such as "Trump has murdered 300,000 Americans, I just want to vomit in their faces!

Facing New Outbreaks, China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown
The country is experiencing its worst coronavirus flare-up since last summer, testing the government’s success in subduing the disease.

  • Updated Jan. 15, 2021, 2:18 p.m. ET
When a handful of new coronavirus cases materialized this month in a province surrounding Beijing — apparently spread at a village wedding party — the Chinese authorities bolted into action.
They locked down two cities with more than 17 million people, Shijiazhuang and Xingtai. They ordered a crash testing regime of nearly every resident there, which was completed in a matter of days.
They shut down transportation and canceled weddings, funerals and, most significantly, a provincial Communist Party conference.

China Places Over 22 Million on Lockdown Amid New Covid Wave - The New York Times (
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China can lock people in their own homes, the citizens are used to a Communist society running their lives, and they know they'll never be heard from again if they protest....

There are protests in some part of China or other every day. People do protest. However, when the PLA goon boards up your house, options narrow quickly.
Japanese were doing the same thing as Americans, and now there may be an explosion of cases:

Asahi Shimbun 15 Jan 2021 Indicators Point to a State of Emergency for 3 More Prefectures....’The situation was made worse because it did not take seriously the scientific basis for what was occurring and placed greater emphasis on economic activity....half the blame must go to the general public....and allowed infections to spread through various opportunities to wine and dine.’
Japanese were doing the same thing as Americans, and now there may be an explosion of cases:

Asahi Shimbun 15 Jan 2021 Indicators Point to a State of Emergency for 3 More Prefectures....’The situation was made worse because it did not take seriously the scientific basis for what was occurring and placed greater emphasis on economic activity....half the blame must go to the general public....and allowed infections to spread through various opportunities to wine and dine.’

It's got to be Trump's fault.

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