China is Interested in Hawaii Independence Movement- US Military Pressured


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Well, we were dumb enough to give up Puerto Rico, so Hawaii wouldn't be a stretch under Obama


Hawaiian Independence Movement Attracts Chinese Interest
Restoration of kingdom could end U.S. military presence

HONOLULU—China has suggested arming Hawaii’s independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and recently threatened to challenge American sovereignty by making legal claims to the Pacific islands as its territory.

Chinese threats to back several groups of Hawaiian independence activists who want to restore the islands’ constitutional monarchy, ousted in a U.S.-backed coup over a century ago, has raised concerns that military facilities on the strategic central Pacific archipelago are threatened at a time when the Obama administration is engaged in a major shift toward Asia as part of its military and diplomatic rebalance.

Hawaiian Independence Movement Attracts Chinese Interest Washington Free Beacon
US illegally annexed Hawaii. It's a mater of public record. It's also why the US granted the surviving memebrs of the Hawaiin royal family a degree of autonomy.

"Brief political history of Hawaii

Before it reached its current state as part of the United States of America, Hawaii was a kingdom, or autonomous state recognized by other nations, such as the US (at that time), Britain, France, and Germany. The first official government of Hawaii was the Kingdom of Hawaii, under the rule of Kamehameha. It was an absolute monarchy ruled by the royal family. Hawaii was previously composed of several kingdoms and chiefs, but it was Kamehameha I that unified Hawaii with the help of foreign weaponry in 1810.

The Kingdom of Hawaii then shifted from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. This was done under the rule of Kamehameha III in 1840, the year the Hawaiian Constitution was made. This called for a change in the system of government, where state power and responsibilities were subdivided to the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. It also signaled the official dropping of the kapu system by the state.

Troubles started for the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1887 with the Bayonet and Wilcox Revolutions that sought to change the constitution and take over the government. But it was the Revolution of 1893 that done the state over. With the establishment of the Committee of Safety, comprised by American and European settlers in Hawaii, the kingdom was eventually overthrown with the support of the US military. A provisional government was soon established, the Republic of Hawaii, under the leadership of Sanford Dole. Since then, Hawaii was annexed as a territory of the United States in 1901. But it was in 1959 when President Eisenhower signed the resolution to include Hawaii in the United States of America."

Clamors for autonomy

Since Hawaii was recognized as an independent nation during the early part of the 19th century, there have been groups and movements clamoring for the separation of Hawaii from the US union. Several local groups have been advocating for independence given the controversial overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in the past. This advocacy has gained some success, with the signing of the Apology Resolution in 1993. On that resolution, the US Government expressed regret and apology for its role in the overthrowing of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Though it has no legal implications thus far, the Apology Resolution was considered a victory for the people moving for Hawaiian autonomy."

The Government of Hawaii
And this is what the Sioux are fighting for their 1868 treaty rights to be recognized by the UN.

They will have about as much chance as Palestinians having their own state with their Palestinian capital being Jerusalem, don't ya think?
And this is what the Sioux are fighting for their 1868 treaty rights to be recognized by the UN.

They will have about as much chance as Palestinians having their own state with their Palestinian capital being Jerusalem, don't ya think?

Much as I support Native rights, a problem occurs recognizing past treaties, Palestinian rights, and the like. If you recognize a conqueored peoples' rights to land it opens the door to similar claims made by every conqueored people in history. If you lose a war that's supposed to be it. If you can sue later to regain what you lost (however unfairly) then the whole point of war is redundant. While that'd be fine and dandy with me, it raises questions of where do you then draw the line?

What about the Aboriginies of Australia? Can they boot out the Australians? What about Vikings descendenets botting out other Europeans from historically Viking lands?

At some point you have to just let whoever wins dictate terms. Otherwise just about everyone could be booted off their nations' land in favor or whoever existed there previously.
Hawaiians have been hating on the "Howlies" for more than 50 years now.

I'm all for People, States and Sovereign Countries to be able to do what they want without pressure from Empires like America.

Let's see how they like the Chinese Empire.
Hawaiians have been hating on the "Howlies" for more than 50 years now.

I'm all for People, States and Sovereign Countries to be able to do what they want without pressure from Empires like America.

Let's see how they like the Chinese Empire.

Hawaii was one of the most advanced cultures the Earth has ever seen prior to European and Christian missionaries showing up.
Until Captain Cook "discovered" Hawaii and European sailors started arriving, Hawaii had no sexually transmitted diseases, or so few and far between they didn't know about them.

Hawaii gave the world surfing. A purely recreational activity with no other significance to the ancient Hawaiins than it's fun to do. When cultures develop recreational activities purely as recreation, that's one of the biggest indications of their cultural superiority to others.

Hawaiins had war and conflict as most everyone else does and has, but their cultural practices show how unlike other cultures, their's was indisputably superior to anything Europe or the Americas had.
Hawaiians have been hating on the "Howlies" for more than 50 years now.

I'm all for People, States and Sovereign Countries to be able to do what they want without pressure from Empires like America.

Let's see how they like the Chinese Empire.

Hawaii was one of the most advanced cultures the Earth has ever seen prior to European and Christian missionaries showing up.
vae victis
US illegally annexed Hawaii. It's a mater of public record. It's also why the US granted the surviving memebrs of the Hawaiin royal family a degree of autonomy.

"Brief political history of Hawaii

Before it reached its current state as part of the United States of America, Hawaii was a kingdom, or autonomous state recognized by other nations, such as the US (at that time), Britain, France, and Germany. The first official government of Hawaii was the Kingdom of Hawaii, under the rule of Kamehameha. It was an absolute monarchy ruled by the royal family. Hawaii was previously composed of several kingdoms and chiefs, but it was Kamehameha I that unified Hawaii with the help of foreign weaponry in 1810.

The Kingdom of Hawaii then shifted from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. This was done under the rule of Kamehameha III in 1840, the year the Hawaiian Constitution was made. This called for a change in the system of government, where state power and responsibilities were subdivided to the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. It also signaled the official dropping of the kapu system by the state.

Troubles started for the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1887 with the Bayonet and Wilcox Revolutions that sought to change the constitution and take over the government. But it was the Revolution of 1893 that done the state over. With the establishment of the Committee of Safety, comprised by American and European settlers in Hawaii, the kingdom was eventually overthrown with the support of the US military. A provisional government was soon established, the Republic of Hawaii, under the leadership of Sanford Dole. Since then, Hawaii was annexed as a territory of the United States in 1901. But it was in 1959 when President Eisenhower signed the resolution to include Hawaii in the United States of America."

Clamors for autonomy

Since Hawaii was recognized as an independent nation during the early part of the 19th century, there have been groups and movements clamoring for the separation of Hawaii from the US union. Several local groups have been advocating for independence given the controversial overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in the past. This advocacy has gained some success, with the signing of the Apology Resolution in 1993. On that resolution, the US Government expressed regret and apology for its role in the overthrowing of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Though it has no legal implications thus far, the Apology Resolution was considered a victory for the people moving for Hawaiian autonomy."

The Government of Hawaii
Owned EZ

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