China is demonstrating "public safety" of a disarmed population...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
The leftist media of course suppresses it.

Of course no one discussed Stalin's gulags, which were worse than Hitler's camps in both brutality and numbers killed, but actually began exterminating people before Hitler even rose to power. Nor were leftist "journalists" eager to expose the genocide and mass murder committed by Mao's little red parasites. At least the fuckin Vietnamese had the humanity and ethics to invade Cambodia and end the brutality of the Khmer Rouge. Did the US media even acknowledge it?

Now we expect our own leftist media to tell us the truth about why they're so ambivalent about taking guns away from people?I can't believe anyone is vacuous enough to believe these sociopaths give a fruit fly's fuck anyone's life, when their entire history is based on the extermination of "deplorables".

We have to get involved in every way with the electoral process, law enforcement and remain heavily armed. We are the main target of the global collectivists. Just as the left infest the government, we have to infiltrate and marginalize them, or humanity is doomed.

Happy Father's day... Teach your kids to shoot.

No one has had their guns taken away in the USA by the federal government unless for a valid reason...Like the 14th Amendment that allows it.

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