China is communist


Feb 3, 2015
I really don't know how stupid you have to be to believe US propaganda that China is "communist in name only".

China is extreme-hardcore communist and their new party leader, Xi Jiaopin is considered the most extremist hardliner sincer Mao and is currently purging China's military and polit-buro of anyone who isn't a hardliner like himself.
I really don't know how stupid you have to be to believe US propaganda that China is "communist in name only".

China is extreme-hardcore communist and their new party leader, Xi Jiaopin is considered the most extremist hardliner sincer Mao and is currently purging China's military and polit-buro of anyone who isn't a hardliner like himself.

I don't know how stupid you have to be to keep starting the threads you keep starting.

China has a communist/oligarchy government- but has a capitalist economy. It is nothing like the description of Marx or Lenin or even Mao described.

China is a relatively totalitarian government that allows the power of capitalism to fuel its economy.
China is extreme-hardcore communist ....

What makes you ignore the fact that China has been gradually moving away from "extreme-hardcore communist" since the 70s? That doesn't make China a paragon of freedom and open markets, but such things are always relative measures.
Ya, all the McDonald's in China screams communism.

A Chinese delegation years back had someone ask them how can China be socialist with all the western businesses there? One of them answered, "When ever western capitalism is in China we just call it socialist." :)

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