China & Europe Do Socialist Banking Crisis Interventions: Opposed By GOP, Even In USA


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The 64 Fantasies that are the only U. S. federal House districts allowed to have any say in U. S. policies, led by by Boehner and Cantor on the House of Representatives: Are opposed to market intervention bail-outs. Bailouts are all opposed by Tea Party GOP. FEMA assitance is famously opposed by Tea Party GOP!

What in the world are advanced, socialist, nations now doing planet-wide? Bail-outs all opposed by Tea Party GOP!

Asia Stocks Gain As Europe, China Shore Up Banks : NPR

Serious defiit reduction, proposed in Greece, including large agenda of tax hikes mainly on Greeks with money. That is serious deficit reduction. Serious Deficit Reduction is opposed by GOP! No tax hikes on upper incomes, are allowed in policy or law! All Civilizations show that Tea Party GOP is opposed to serious, deficit reduction!

All civilization is even opposed to austerity, shown in the bailouts of the banks. More spending in stores of all nations, opposed by GOP especially for stores in the United States, is being supported instead in socialist nations!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP only for second-hand economy, which Herman Cain won't tax! Increase of production of new things, only gets taxed. Herman Cain knows where he is from(?), and what kind of family that was! It is on his audible record, even in writing!)
Lets not have one guy who I dont think is a Tea Party member start speaking for all conservatives... Anybody who thinks we don't need FEMA in some form is crazy.
The spit, they scream, they slide and glide along the floor...right through the door..,and then look up your dres. . . ., well! Millions will visit ChicagoLand, to see the new statuary attractions, marvel of our generations.

Whereas the new natoinal past-time is not to be basketball, anytime soon: The opposition to the bail-outs, and correspondingly FEMA, is widely accepted to be GOP Mantra.

In the face of the Occupation Marches, then even on this message board of The Truth, anyone reflecting on the recent financial crisis--the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer, shown to not work at all--will sidestep the bailouts completely. The Capitalist model does not work.

Herman Cain of "Nein! Nein! Nein!" would take away the EIC from lower incomes. The Republicans already took away the Make-Work-Pay, refundable equal amount national COLA. Most of the market-place is being contricted out of existence with every Republican Proposal the Democrats have to block, or expose.

For Their Part, Occupation Marchers need to review legislation on the books, and taken off the books.

Mostly, The Republican Leadership is famoulsy held hostage to the 64 Fantasies in the Caucus, in the House of Representatives. No other district is allowed a voice, at GOP Leadership, USA.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Cain's Old Man Was A Limo-Drivin' Man! Not good for lyrics at Tea Party studio events! "Used Table Scraps in Every Microwave, Yard-Sale In Every Garage," Not too Great-Spirit-Found-In-Peace-Pipes-Of-Many-Nations, either!)

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