Chickens and Ducks


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
So I got three Pullets back in May of this year. Two buff ones and two dark ones. One of the dark ones was killed by the friend's dog I was riding with before we got me back home with my new chickies. The buff's of course picked on the little darky but now bout a month ago someone gave me thirteen more hens (New Delaware mostly white with some coloring strung here and there through their feathers) and another person gave me three white egg laying ducks. One boy duck and two girl ducks.

It has all been very entertaining watching them all but now we have a problem. Well it seems like a bit an issue to me but for others it may seem perfectly normal. The ducks were so cool. They adjusted right away and were laying eggs the first few days. The buff's had just started laying. The darky well she was laying but her egg shells were soft and she was eating them; plus she was eating the buff's eggs when she could beat me to them. The whitey's well they took longer to adjust and a few laid eggs but only a couple of them. The previous owner didn't make friend's with animals at all so the whitey's were not friendly at all when they first arrived. That is changing quickly and they think they wanna be pals like the buff's now. The buff's are not skiddish around us or the dogs and cats like the newer animals. Darky has never been friendly even though she was raised inside the house just like the buff's. They were all treated the same so I figure it must just be the breed stock they came from. I had those type before and they were all friendly but this one is different for some reason.

Now the buff's started laying their eggs in the duck's nest and talk about proud. They squawk and holler until I come out to their area or go to the door at that side at let them know how proud I am that they laid an egg. The ducks get kinda agitated about the buff's being in their nest but they also seem to be adjusting to that a little better day by day. I think perhaps the buff's started laying in the ducks nest because of the darky eating their eggs. The darky is mean to all the other new chickens and she attacks them whenever they are near her or in an area she thinks she wants to be.

Well today it seems we have a new issue with the buff's and the ducks. The larger buff thinks she wants the male duck to breed her. This dumb thing was born a chicken but she identifies as a duck. The female ducks also appear to be just a bit jealous as boy duck likes the buff and he was going to try and accommodate her this morning. I went and looked out when I started hearing the commotion coming from the ducks side of the run. Girl ducks and the buff were all squawking. After observing what was transpiring I went out to the pen. The buff jumped up on the rail that separates the ducks from the chickens when she saw me. I told her, "What are you doing in the ducks pen?" and "You really don't want boy duck doing what you think you want him doing. You need to stay out of their pen."

In the midst of all this confusion it has come to my attention that the buff chicken who apparently is totally confused could be a problem. Now the darky boy duck doesn't like at all. For all those times she has been pecking the whitey's she seems to be getting peck herself; a payback of sorts. Perhaps even justice who knows. Maybe it has to do with you reap what you sow who knows.

My dilemma is as follows, should all the other chickens be subject to the duck if he thinks the chickens should be like girl ducks. Plus the darky picking on all of the other hens pulling out their feathers is an issue. How do I get them all to be socially acceptable of one another without trampling on one another's rights or becoming dinner? Perhaps we should just have roast duck and fried chicken but then I would lose having fresh eggs.
So I got three Pullets back in May of this year. Two buff ones and two dark ones. One of the dark ones was killed by the friend's dog I was riding with before we got me back home with my new chickies. The buff's of course picked on the little darky but now bout a month ago someone gave me thirteen more hens (New Delaware mostly white with some coloring strung here and there through their feathers) and another person gave me three white egg laying ducks. One boy duck and two girl ducks.

It has all been very entertaining watching them all but now we have a problem. Well it seems like a bit an issue to me but for others it may seem perfectly normal. The ducks were so cool. They adjusted right away and were laying eggs the first few days. The buff's had just started laying. The darky well she was laying but her egg shells were soft and she was eating them; plus she was eating the buff's eggs when she could beat me to them. The whitey's well they took longer to adjust and a few laid eggs but only a couple of them. The previous owner didn't make friend's with animals at all so the whitey's were not friendly at all when they first arrived. That is changing quickly and they think they wanna be pals like the buff's now. The buff's are not skiddish around us or the dogs and cats like the newer animals. Darky has never been friendly even though she was raised inside the house just like the buff's. They were all treated the same so I figure it must just be the breed stock they came from. I had those type before and they were all friendly but this one is different for some reason.

Now the buff's started laying their eggs in the duck's nest and talk about proud. They squawk and holler until I come out to their area or go to the door at that side at let them know how proud I am that they laid an egg. The ducks get kinda agitated about the buff's being in their nest but they also seem to be adjusting to that a little better day by day. I think perhaps the buff's started laying in the ducks nest because of the darky eating their eggs. The darky is mean to all the other new chickens and she attacks them whenever they are near her or in an area she thinks she wants to be.

Well today it seems we have a new issue with the buff's and the ducks. The larger buff thinks she wants the male duck to breed her. This dumb thing was born a chicken but she identifies as a duck. The female ducks also appear to be just a bit jealous as boy duck likes the buff and he was going to try and accommodate her this morning. I went and looked out when I started hearing the commotion coming from the ducks side of the run. Girl ducks and the buff were all squawking. After observing what was transpiring I went out to the pen. The buff jumped up on the rail that separates the ducks from the chickens when she saw me. I told her, "What are you doing in the ducks pen?" and "You really don't want boy duck doing what you think you want him doing. You need to stay out of their pen."

In the midst of all this confusion it has come to my attention that the buff chicken who apparently is totally confused could be a problem. Now the darky boy duck doesn't like at all. For all those times she has been pecking the whitey's she seems to be getting peck herself; a payback of sorts. Perhaps even justice who knows. Maybe it has to do with you reap what you sow who knows.

My dilemma is as follows, should all the other chickens be subject to the duck if he thinks the chickens should be like girl ducks. Plus the darky picking on all of the other hens pulling out their feathers is an issue. How do I get them all to be socially acceptable of one another without trampling on one another's rights or becoming dinner? Perhaps we should just have roast duck and fried chicken but then I would lose having fresh eggs.
Can't you segregate the two?
So I got three Pullets back in May of this year. Two buff ones and two dark ones. One of the dark ones was killed by the friend's dog I was riding with before we got me back home with my new chickies. The buff's of course picked on the little darky but now bout a month ago someone gave me thirteen more hens (New Delaware mostly white with some coloring strung here and there through their feathers) and another person gave me three white egg laying ducks. One boy duck and two girl ducks.

It has all been very entertaining watching them all but now we have a problem. Well it seems like a bit an issue to me but for others it may seem perfectly normal. The ducks were so cool. They adjusted right away and were laying eggs the first few days. The buff's had just started laying. The darky well she was laying but her egg shells were soft and she was eating them; plus she was eating the buff's eggs when she could beat me to them. The whitey's well they took longer to adjust and a few laid eggs but only a couple of them. The previous owner didn't make friend's with animals at all so the whitey's were not friendly at all when they first arrived. That is changing quickly and they think they wanna be pals like the buff's now. The buff's are not skiddish around us or the dogs and cats like the newer animals. Darky has never been friendly even though she was raised inside the house just like the buff's. They were all treated the same so I figure it must just be the breed stock they came from. I had those type before and they were all friendly but this one is different for some reason.

Now the buff's started laying their eggs in the duck's nest and talk about proud. They squawk and holler until I come out to their area or go to the door at that side at let them know how proud I am that they laid an egg. The ducks get kinda agitated about the buff's being in their nest but they also seem to be adjusting to that a little better day by day. I think perhaps the buff's started laying in the ducks nest because of the darky eating their eggs. The darky is mean to all the other new chickens and she attacks them whenever they are near her or in an area she thinks she wants to be.

Well today it seems we have a new issue with the buff's and the ducks. The larger buff thinks she wants the male duck to breed her. This dumb thing was born a chicken but she identifies as a duck. The female ducks also appear to be just a bit jealous as boy duck likes the buff and he was going to try and accommodate her this morning. I went and looked out when I started hearing the commotion coming from the ducks side of the run. Girl ducks and the buff were all squawking. After observing what was transpiring I went out to the pen. The buff jumped up on the rail that separates the ducks from the chickens when she saw me. I told her, "What are you doing in the ducks pen?" and "You really don't want boy duck doing what you think you want him doing. You need to stay out of their pen."

In the midst of all this confusion it has come to my attention that the buff chicken who apparently is totally confused could be a problem. Now the darky boy duck doesn't like at all. For all those times she has been pecking the whitey's she seems to be getting peck herself; a payback of sorts. Perhaps even justice who knows. Maybe it has to do with you reap what you sow who knows.

My dilemma is as follows, should all the other chickens be subject to the duck if he thinks the chickens should be like girl ducks. Plus the darky picking on all of the other hens pulling out their feathers is an issue. How do I get them all to be socially acceptable of one another without trampling on one another's rights or becoming dinner? Perhaps we should just have roast duck and fried chicken but then I would lose having fresh eggs.
Can't you segregate the two?
Well I do have separated areas between the ducks and chickens in the common pen. The ducks can't jump over their little fenced area but the chickens can jump into their area but you wouldn't think they would be that dumb but a few do. Now in the whole yard (a very large area) they all have to either separate themselves or get along but the ducks seem to like to be where the chickens are and the chickens follow the ducks part of the time because they think they might miss out out something the ducks are getting that they are not getting. Plus they all seem to like to hang out together when its their rest or nap time.
So I got three Pullets back in May of this year. Two buff ones and two dark ones. One of the dark ones was killed by the friend's dog I was riding with before we got me back home with my new chickies. The buff's of course picked on the little darky but now bout a month ago someone gave me thirteen more hens (New Delaware mostly white with some coloring strung here and there through their feathers) and another person gave me three white egg laying ducks. One boy duck and two girl ducks.

It has all been very entertaining watching them all but now we have a problem. Well it seems like a bit an issue to me but for others it may seem perfectly normal. The ducks were so cool. They adjusted right away and were laying eggs the first few days. The buff's had just started laying. The darky well she was laying but her egg shells were soft and she was eating them; plus she was eating the buff's eggs when she could beat me to them. The whitey's well they took longer to adjust and a few laid eggs but only a couple of them. The previous owner didn't make friend's with animals at all so the whitey's were not friendly at all when they first arrived. That is changing quickly and they think they wanna be pals like the buff's now. The buff's are not skiddish around us or the dogs and cats like the newer animals. Darky has never been friendly even though she was raised inside the house just like the buff's. They were all treated the same so I figure it must just be the breed stock they came from. I had those type before and they were all friendly but this one is different for some reason.

Now the buff's started laying their eggs in the duck's nest and talk about proud. They squawk and holler until I come out to their area or go to the door at that side at let them know how proud I am that they laid an egg. The ducks get kinda agitated about the buff's being in their nest but they also seem to be adjusting to that a little better day by day. I think perhaps the buff's started laying in the ducks nest because of the darky eating their eggs. The darky is mean to all the other new chickens and she attacks them whenever they are near her or in an area she thinks she wants to be.

Well today it seems we have a new issue with the buff's and the ducks. The larger buff thinks she wants the male duck to breed her. This dumb thing was born a chicken but she identifies as a duck. The female ducks also appear to be just a bit jealous as boy duck likes the buff and he was going to try and accommodate her this morning. I went and looked out when I started hearing the commotion coming from the ducks side of the run. Girl ducks and the buff were all squawking. After observing what was transpiring I went out to the pen. The buff jumped up on the rail that separates the ducks from the chickens when she saw me. I told her, "What are you doing in the ducks pen?" and "You really don't want boy duck doing what you think you want him doing. You need to stay out of their pen."

In the midst of all this confusion it has come to my attention that the buff chicken who apparently is totally confused could be a problem. Now the darky boy duck doesn't like at all. For all those times she has been pecking the whitey's she seems to be getting peck herself; a payback of sorts. Perhaps even justice who knows. Maybe it has to do with you reap what you sow who knows.

My dilemma is as follows, should all the other chickens be subject to the duck if he thinks the chickens should be like girl ducks. Plus the darky picking on all of the other hens pulling out their feathers is an issue. How do I get them all to be socially acceptable of one another without trampling on one another's rights or becoming dinner? Perhaps we should just have roast duck and fried chicken but then I would lose having fresh eggs.
Can't you segregate the two?
Well I do have separated areas between the ducks and chickens in the common pen. The ducks can't jump over their little fenced area but the chickens can jump into their area but you wouldn't think they would be that dumb but a few do. Now in the whole yard (a very large area) they all have to either separate themselves or get along but the ducks seem to like to be where the chickens are and the chickens follow the ducks part of the time because they think they might miss out out something the ducks are getting that they are not getting. Plus they all seem to like to hang out together when its their rest or nap time.

The heart wants what the heart wants. Leave that poor chicken alone, She should date who she wants to date. you racist.
What I know about Ducks, Chickens and eggs;




You may not like my suggestion... Cull the herd... I will be politically correct and start with the devoid of light one and make dumplings... :dunno:
But she is Humpy Duck's favorite chicken to chase around and peck at; and well I may be a little sadistic but the bitch deserves it after all those feathers she pulled outta the other ones.
So I got three Pullets back in May of this year. Two buff ones and two dark ones. One of the dark ones was killed by the friend's dog I was riding with before we got me back home with my new chickies. The buff's of course picked on the little darky but now bout a month ago someone gave me thirteen more hens (New Delaware mostly white with some coloring strung here and there through their feathers) and another person gave me three white egg laying ducks. One boy duck and two girl ducks.

It has all been very entertaining watching them all but now we have a problem. Well it seems like a bit an issue to me but for others it may seem perfectly normal. The ducks were so cool. They adjusted right away and were laying eggs the first few days. The buff's had just started laying. The darky well she was laying but her egg shells were soft and she was eating them; plus she was eating the buff's eggs when she could beat me to them. The whitey's well they took longer to adjust and a few laid eggs but only a couple of them. The previous owner didn't make friend's with animals at all so the whitey's were not friendly at all when they first arrived. That is changing quickly and they think they wanna be pals like the buff's now. The buff's are not skiddish around us or the dogs and cats like the newer animals. Darky has never been friendly even though she was raised inside the house just like the buff's. They were all treated the same so I figure it must just be the breed stock they came from. I had those type before and they were all friendly but this one is different for some reason.

Now the buff's started laying their eggs in the duck's nest and talk about proud. They squawk and holler until I come out to their area or go to the door at that side at let them know how proud I am that they laid an egg. The ducks get kinda agitated about the buff's being in their nest but they also seem to be adjusting to that a little better day by day. I think perhaps the buff's started laying in the ducks nest because of the darky eating their eggs. The darky is mean to all the other new chickens and she attacks them whenever they are near her or in an area she thinks she wants to be.

Well today it seems we have a new issue with the buff's and the ducks. The larger buff thinks she wants the male duck to breed her. This dumb thing was born a chicken but she identifies as a duck. The female ducks also appear to be just a bit jealous as boy duck likes the buff and he was going to try and accommodate her this morning. I went and looked out when I started hearing the commotion coming from the ducks side of the run. Girl ducks and the buff were all squawking. After observing what was transpiring I went out to the pen. The buff jumped up on the rail that separates the ducks from the chickens when she saw me. I told her, "What are you doing in the ducks pen?" and "You really don't want boy duck doing what you think you want him doing. You need to stay out of their pen."

In the midst of all this confusion it has come to my attention that the buff chicken who apparently is totally confused could be a problem. Now the darky boy duck doesn't like at all. For all those times she has been pecking the whitey's she seems to be getting peck herself; a payback of sorts. Perhaps even justice who knows. Maybe it has to do with you reap what you sow who knows.

My dilemma is as follows, should all the other chickens be subject to the duck if he thinks the chickens should be like girl ducks. Plus the darky picking on all of the other hens pulling out their feathers is an issue. How do I get them all to be socially acceptable of one another without trampling on one another's rights or becoming dinner? Perhaps we should just have roast duck and fried chicken but then I would lose having fresh eggs.
Can't you segregate the two?
Well I do have separated areas between the ducks and chickens in the common pen. The ducks can't jump over their little fenced area but the chickens can jump into their area but you wouldn't think they would be that dumb but a few do. Now in the whole yard (a very large area) they all have to either separate themselves or get along but the ducks seem to like to be where the chickens are and the chickens follow the ducks part of the time because they think they might miss out out something the ducks are getting that they are not getting. Plus they all seem to like to hang out together when its their rest or nap time.

The heart wants what the heart wants. Leave that poor chicken alone, She should date who she wants to date. you racist.
The duck is twice the size of "that poor chicken". He could do some serious permanent damage to her and then all she would be good for would be dinner.
Update on the duck chicken situation. Well Humpy duck finally went to far and was in full swing raping the buff as his hens were helping him out beating up the little buff. Rod got to them before I did and put a stop to it. Cure; lock one of Humpy duck's hen in the pen for the day. It worked. He spent all day trying to figure out how to break her out of the run.

Also darky proved her value when she encountered the cat in their run. She whooped the cat's ass.

Next is building the house for the new geese we are going to bring home in a few days. Humpy duck may get a real surprise if he get's all huffy with a goose, we'll see how it all goes once the geese know this is their new home.
Our Ducks & Geese. If you notice back behind the ducks is a goose sneaking in behind the ducks. The goose is going to try to attack the ducks. Also no chickens in the picture because they are hiding from the geese. The geese are bullies and they grab the lil hens by their wings and twist on their wings with their beaks. I haven't sexed the geese yet to determine which are ganders and which are hens. We won't be keeping any ganders from this lot as they are not purebred Sebastopols. Only curly in the front is. Apparently she lost her mate to the previous owners guard dog when the gander decided he could mount and breed the dog.

The ducks and chickens are by far the most productive. The ducks lay eggs pretty faithfully each day and we already have someone who needs their eggs because of chicken egg allergies. The chickens are laying enough for our own use and they don't eat much so we will be keeping all of them.

Also no dogs or cats in the photos as I didn't think about getting their pics the day I snapped this one. We've encountered a bit of an issue with the dog I gave a home to this Spring. First she started getting the chicken eggs as soon as those girls started telling the world how proud they were of the egg they laid. It only took a day locked in the chicken house to break her of that but Rod caught her and several of the wild kittens trying to get the Muskie duck I got last night and she and the cats had Muskie trapped into a corner where she could not get away. She is one lucky dog because the gun wasn't here. Rod was furious and the outside dog and those wild cats would have all been gone this morning after that little incident. I had two other ducks that died here in the last few weeks and we could not figure out what happened to them. One was wheezy when I got them and the other was very light as if she needed more to eat and had not gotten it. The former owner only let them free range and that can be risky if they are not getting enough to eat to sustain them. I had assumed it had to do with their health but now I'm thinking possibly the dog and cats had something to do with their demise. So the dog now has a pen she must stay in while ducks, chickens and geese are loose. Plus will be looking to find homes for someone needing barn cats.

The geese, ducks and chickens all have their own pen areas and houses. Segregation is a must for some animals as the larger ones can injure the smaller ones and well obviously the geese are foreigners that were not hand raised inside like the original ducks and chickens were so they do not fully understand the rules of getting along with the other animals. Curly the full Sebastopol doesn't appear to be a big problem for the smaller birds but some of the others are. Hopefully the ones we decide to keep after sexing them will learn to get along. If not I suppose we'll be having a few extra Goose dinners in the future.

Curly & crew.jpg

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