Chicago Aldermen: Declare state of emergency, call in Illinois Natl Guard


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Chicago City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.

The letter called for a special meeting of the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m. on Friday to take up a resolution calling for the state of emergency and to hear from city and Cook County officials on efforts to address "the rioting, looting, destruction, and most importantly, the safety of all Chicagoans."

In the resolution, the group of aldermen say Chicago "has never seen more violence, unrest and organized looting," alleging residents and visitors are "afraid to travel" throughout the city.

"Businesses across our City have been subject to unyielding criminals, many on the brink of failure contemplating their future in Chicago," the resolution reads, going on to say, "The continued attacks against Chicago's collective safety will impact our residential real estate, current and future investments in our communities, and our City's future economic development."

The resolution calls on [Gov] Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to Chicago to assist the Chicago Police Department for not less than four months.

Their call and the meeting itself came more than a week after chaos and looting erupted in the city's downtown on Aug. 10, resulting in more than 100 arrests and leaving more than a dozen officers injured as groups broke into stores and stole merchandise in several neighborhoods, according to police.


When asked about the four aldermen calling for the special meeting, Lightfoot said members of the group were "trying to seek media attention."

Two of the four "unfortunately have a history of grandstanding," Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference, declining to say which aldermen she meant. "They don't listen, they don't ask questions and they're not really committed to answers."

I don't know what'll come out of this, Chicago is a really strange place these days and I suspect that a lot of people and businesses are leaving if they can afford to. But it is totally beyond me how any responsible elected official can deny the seriousness of what's going on every freakin' night in places like Chicago and not do something about it.

It's gotta be a political decision to avoid pissing off the BLM people, nothing else make any sense. To refuse to provide public safety and security which is their primary duty, just boggles the mind. Did any of the speakers at the Democrat Convention say something about stopping the violence in our big cities? Maybe I missed it. Calling in the Natl Guard is precisely what they should've done months ago when this shit first started.
Chicago City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.

The letter called for a special meeting of the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m. on Friday to take up a resolution calling for the state of emergency and to hear from city and Cook County officials on efforts to address "the rioting, looting, destruction, and most importantly, the safety of all Chicagoans."

In the resolution, the group of aldermen say Chicago "has never seen more violence, unrest and organized looting," alleging residents and visitors are "afraid to travel" throughout the city.

"Businesses across our City have been subject to unyielding criminals, many on the brink of failure contemplating their future in Chicago," the resolution reads, going on to say, "The continued attacks against Chicago's collective safety will impact our residential real estate, current and future investments in our communities, and our City's future economic development."

The resolution calls on [Gov] Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to Chicago to assist the Chicago Police Department for not less than four months.

Their call and the meeting itself came more than a week after chaos and looting erupted in the city's downtown on Aug. 10, resulting in more than 100 arrests and leaving more than a dozen officers injured as groups broke into stores and stole merchandise in several neighborhoods, according to police.


When asked about the four aldermen calling for the special meeting, Lightfoot said members of the group were "trying to seek media attention."

Two of the four "unfortunately have a history of grandstanding," Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference, declining to say which aldermen she meant. "They don't listen, they don't ask questions and they're not really committed to answers."

I don't know what'll come out of this, Chicago is a really strange place these days and I suspect that a lot of people and businesses are leaving if they can afford to. But it is totally beyond me how any responsible elected official can deny the seriousness of what's going on every freakin' night in places like Chicago and not do something about it.

It's gotta be a political decision to avoid pissing off the BLM people, nothing else make any sense. To refuse to provide public safety and security which is their primary duty, just boggles the mind. Did any of the speakers at the Democrat Convention say something about stopping the violence in our big cities? Maybe I missed it. Calling in the Natl Guard is precisely what they should've done months ago when this shit first started.
Thanks for your fine post.
Chicago City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.

The letter called for a special meeting of the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m. on Friday to take up a resolution calling for the state of emergency and to hear from city and Cook County officials on efforts to address "the rioting, looting, destruction, and most importantly, the safety of all Chicagoans."

In the resolution, the group of aldermen say Chicago "has never seen more violence, unrest and organized looting," alleging residents and visitors are "afraid to travel" throughout the city.

"Businesses across our City have been subject to unyielding criminals, many on the brink of failure contemplating their future in Chicago," the resolution reads, going on to say, "The continued attacks against Chicago's collective safety will impact our residential real estate, current and future investments in our communities, and our City's future economic development."

The resolution calls on [Gov] Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to Chicago to assist the Chicago Police Department for not less than four months.

Their call and the meeting itself came more than a week after chaos and looting erupted in the city's downtown on Aug. 10, resulting in more than 100 arrests and leaving more than a dozen officers injured as groups broke into stores and stole merchandise in several neighborhoods, according to police.


When asked about the four aldermen calling for the special meeting, Lightfoot said members of the group were "trying to seek media attention."

Two of the four "unfortunately have a history of grandstanding," Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference, declining to say which aldermen she meant. "They don't listen, they don't ask questions and they're not really committed to answers."

I don't know what'll come out of this, Chicago is a really strange place these days and I suspect that a lot of people and businesses are leaving if they can afford to. But it is totally beyond me how any responsible elected official can deny the seriousness of what's going on every freakin' night in places like Chicago and not do something about it.

It's gotta be a political decision to avoid pissing off the BLM people, nothing else make any sense. To refuse to provide public safety and security which is their primary duty, just boggles the mind. Did any of the speakers at the Democrat Convention say something about stopping the violence in our big cities? Maybe I missed it. Calling in the Natl Guard is precisely what they should've done months ago when this shit first started.
Larry Lightweight literally hates police...She'll let the city burn to the ground before giving them a free hand.
Chicago City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.

The letter called for a special meeting of the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m. on Friday to take up a resolution calling for the state of emergency and to hear from city and Cook County officials on efforts to address "the rioting, looting, destruction, and most importantly, the safety of all Chicagoans."

In the resolution, the group of aldermen say Chicago "has never seen more violence, unrest and organized looting," alleging residents and visitors are "afraid to travel" throughout the city.

"Businesses across our City have been subject to unyielding criminals, many on the brink of failure contemplating their future in Chicago," the resolution reads, going on to say, "The continued attacks against Chicago's collective safety will impact our residential real estate, current and future investments in our communities, and our City's future economic development."

The resolution calls on [Gov] Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to Chicago to assist the Chicago Police Department for not less than four months.

Their call and the meeting itself came more than a week after chaos and looting erupted in the city's downtown on Aug. 10, resulting in more than 100 arrests and leaving more than a dozen officers injured as groups broke into stores and stole merchandise in several neighborhoods, according to police.


When asked about the four aldermen calling for the special meeting, Lightfoot said members of the group were "trying to seek media attention."

Two of the four "unfortunately have a history of grandstanding," Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference, declining to say which aldermen she meant. "They don't listen, they don't ask questions and they're not really committed to answers."

I don't know what'll come out of this, Chicago is a really strange place these days and I suspect that a lot of people and businesses are leaving if they can afford to. But it is totally beyond me how any responsible elected official can deny the seriousness of what's going on every freakin' night in places like Chicago and not do something about it.

It's gotta be a political decision to avoid pissing off the BLM people, nothing else make any sense. To refuse to provide public safety and security which is their primary duty, just boggles the mind. Did any of the speakers at the Democrat Convention say something about stopping the violence in our big cities? Maybe I missed it. Calling in the Natl Guard is precisely what they should've done months ago when this shit first started.
Larry Lightweight literally hates police...She'll let the city burn to the ground before giving them a free hand.
Yep. Sad, but SO true.
Chicago City Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office, days after four alderman called for such a meeting to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency over recent violence and looting - a proposal the mayor previously said was "grandstanding" before apparently reversing course.

The letter called for a special meeting of the Chicago City Council at 10 a.m. on Friday to take up a resolution calling for the state of emergency and to hear from city and Cook County officials on efforts to address "the rioting, looting, destruction, and most importantly, the safety of all Chicagoans."

In the resolution, the group of aldermen say Chicago "has never seen more violence, unrest and organized looting," alleging residents and visitors are "afraid to travel" throughout the city.

"Businesses across our City have been subject to unyielding criminals, many on the brink of failure contemplating their future in Chicago," the resolution reads, going on to say, "The continued attacks against Chicago's collective safety will impact our residential real estate, current and future investments in our communities, and our City's future economic development."

The resolution calls on [Gov] Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to Chicago to assist the Chicago Police Department for not less than four months.

Their call and the meeting itself came more than a week after chaos and looting erupted in the city's downtown on Aug. 10, resulting in more than 100 arrests and leaving more than a dozen officers injured as groups broke into stores and stole merchandise in several neighborhoods, according to police.


When asked about the four aldermen calling for the special meeting, Lightfoot said members of the group were "trying to seek media attention."

Two of the four "unfortunately have a history of grandstanding," Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference, declining to say which aldermen she meant. "They don't listen, they don't ask questions and they're not really committed to answers."

I don't know what'll come out of this, Chicago is a really strange place these days and I suspect that a lot of people and businesses are leaving if they can afford to. But it is totally beyond me how any responsible elected official can deny the seriousness of what's going on every freakin' night in places like Chicago and not do something about it.

It's gotta be a political decision to avoid pissing off the BLM people, nothing else make any sense. To refuse to provide public safety and security which is their primary duty, just boggles the mind. Did any of the speakers at the Democrat Convention say something about stopping the violence in our big cities? Maybe I missed it. Calling in the Natl Guard is precisely what they should've done months ago when this shit first started.
Larry Lightweight literally hates police...She'll let the city burn to the ground before giving them a free hand.

It certainly appears that way.
This week, Lightfoot again set herself apart from the unhygienic masses over whom she wields her mayoral power. ... Suffice to say that while Lightfoot generally believes in free speech for the Democrats' terrorist branches, and has done little to nothing to protect Chicagoans from rioters, it's different when it's about her:

Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department's ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.

Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors' homes, such as Rahm Emanuel's Ravenswood residence, are unfair because "this is a different time like no other," Lightfoot told reporters.

"I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure," Lightfoot said.

To her credit, Lightfoot has not gotten on board with the "defund the police" madness (although she frames it in racial terms), so she's not a hypocrite along those lines. However, as noted above, she has been less aggressive in preventing BLM's and Antifa's terrorist behavior elsewhere in Chicago.

On August 10, Chicago was overtaken by looters who destroyed people's livelihoods. She's also been singularly ineffective when it comes to protecting Chicago's citizens from violence. On June 8, the Chicago Sun-Times wrote about 18 murders in 24 hours, an occurrence the paper described as "the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago." Just two days ago, 21 people were shot in Chicago, and that followed 15 people being shot on Tuesday, 21 people being shot on Monday, and 64 people being shot over the weekend.

One has to give Lightfoot points for her honesty: she's not shy about letting her citizens know that she matters more than they do. At a certain point, you can't even blame her for this. After all, Chicago citizens, like urban residents over large parts of America, keep promoting open hypocrites like Lightfoot to positions of power. If the voters don't care that they're turning themselves into second-class animals, why should the politicians be shy about showing off their first-class-animal status?

And the people of Chicago continue to vote for democrats like this. And people in the other big cities mostly run by democrats. Ultimately, doesn't the fault lie with the voters?
I read Mayor Lightinthehead doesn't want protests near her home or neighborhood.

That's a fckn demoquack for you
This week, Lightfoot again set herself apart from the unhygienic masses over whom she wields her mayoral power. ... Suffice to say that while Lightfoot generally believes in free speech for the Democrats' terrorist branches, and has done little to nothing to protect Chicagoans from rioters, it's different when it's about her:

Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department's ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.

Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors' homes, such as Rahm Emanuel's Ravenswood residence, are unfair because "this is a different time like no other," Lightfoot told reporters.

"I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure," Lightfoot said.

To her credit, Lightfoot has not gotten on board with the "defund the police" madness (although she frames it in racial terms), so she's not a hypocrite along those lines. However, as noted above, she has been less aggressive in preventing BLM's and Antifa's terrorist behavior elsewhere in Chicago.

On August 10, Chicago was overtaken by looters who destroyed people's livelihoods. She's also been singularly ineffective when it comes to protecting Chicago's citizens from violence. On June 8, the Chicago Sun-Times wrote about 18 murders in 24 hours, an occurrence the paper described as "the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago." Just two days ago, 21 people were shot in Chicago, and that followed 15 people being shot on Tuesday, 21 people being shot on Monday, and 64 people being shot over the weekend.

One has to give Lightfoot points for her honesty: she's not shy about letting her citizens know that she matters more than they do. At a certain point, you can't even blame her for this. After all, Chicago citizens, like urban residents over large parts of America, keep promoting open hypocrites like Lightfoot to positions of power. If the voters don't care that they're turning themselves into second-class animals, why should the politicians be shy about showing off their first-class-animal status?

And the people of Chicago continue to vote for democrats like this. And people in the other big cities mostly run by democrats. Ultimately, doesn't the fault lie with the voters?

All is fine in the one city block in which her highness lives. The rest of the city is up for grabs.

She's an utter failure in way over her head.

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