Cherry-picking examples of socialist governments failing does not prove the concept is flawed


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse.

Pretty sure that's not true ...

Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

If socialism is so great, why do you have to lie about what it is?
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

I am not even going to read your post Billy-E Baloney...…….show us a successful socialist country-)
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

The only place income disparity matters is in the demented minds of liberals.
Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

Yes, Billy-E-Baloney is so correct, he is eating his capitalist mommy's food, in her capitalist basement, on her capitalist computer, and he will get back with his socialist rant as soon as he is done-)

Billy Baloney is nothing more than a......PHONY BALONEY!
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

What you're missing in your treatment of capitalism is equal opportunity vs. equality of outcome. Entry level wages versus a guaranteed--wage at all levels of skill--for every last citizen. Forced outcome, versus the potential for any outcome; fixed for life social class, versus free movement between the classes based on personal merit.

That said, others might stand for the preaching of socialist lies; no patriotic American ever should. Basic government institutions are not socialist but rather socialized. We the people pay for them, elect their architects and serve by choice in their ranks. They represent a limited interventionist form of government, as do from time to time bailouts of private corporations by our government.

Further, no patriotic American will stand for full or limited government ownership of industry and real estate. Imagine for one moment our government declaring the news/press industry a government owned entity, or cameras and video equipment and computers can only be manufactured and issued by the government? Subversion of the Constitution, anyone?

Socialism is the definition of massive, expensive government, and it is also the definition of group identity politics--where the individual's rights are swallowed by their government assigned group. What that means is instead of taxing or even imprisoning an individual for some trait or crime, you guessed it, the government can tax, fine or imprison the whole group they've lumped you into.

The decline of socialist governments into either dictatorships, narco-states or full blown communist unions is well and clearly documented. Use Google. Stop proselytizing for the downfall of the America our Founders created and envisioned.

Do not believe a word of any argument for American socialism.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
It won't work here, we have to many freeloaders living off the system. These Nations you refer to have no real industry base and the same work ethic as we have. The idea is if you want to eat, you have to work. I have worked two jobs to support my family a long time ago and that what it took. Now I don't have to because I put forth that little extra effort.
What is the most powerful, wealthiest country in the world? The USA, when some socialist puke country can challenge us then talk to us about socialism. :itsok:
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Apparently, you have not been paying attention to those Nordic nations as of late. The huge migration of Islamists into those countries has been a disaster to their socialist programs. People having lived in their various residences for decades have been tossed out to make room for the incoming hordes. Socialism really only works well in small populations, not under huge populations.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Tell me again how many millions of people die each time you morons try this shit...

The definition of insanity; Engaging in behaviors that fail over and over again each time tried, expecting a different result..
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Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Apparently, you have not been paying attention to those Nordic nations as of late. The huge migration of Islamists into those countries has been a disaster to their socialist programs. People having lived in their various residences for decades have been tossed out to make room for the incoming hordes. Socialism really only works well in small populations, not under huge populations.
And ends in the killing of millions of people when there is insufficient income to feed and cloth them all. great examples of the failure Mua , Polpot, Stalin, etc....
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

How about you "cherry pick" some evidence that shows it was successful.
Oh look, Billy posting the same thing over again, getting the definition of Socialism wrong, giving no citations because nothing supports his assertion, and ignoring that his claims have been debunked numerous other times previously.

Just watch the video.
Like the OP said, there is no pure Democracy/Capitalism or Socialist Republic. They are all blends, just like there was never a pure Communism. There are workable Communist societies like China and Vietnam and oppressive ones like North Korea. It's corruption and big money that infiltrates all of these systems. It comes down to greed for money or power and usually both.

It is possible to have Capitalism and minimize the income disparity that usually results. It just requires the right tax system and government regulations. Rich people always want to keep their money, even if it is more than they and their children can spend in a lifetime. There will always be ignorant people that cannot be educated to do technical jobs. There will always be people caught in unfortunate situations. The government needs to provide a safety net for those people. The government needs to provide training in the trades for those that cannot achieve a college degree.

This is precisely why we need big government and high taxes on the top 1%. Income disparity is what tears a country apart and eventually causes civil war. We need big government to prevent income disparity and large parts of the population being impoverished. More and more of this will occur as menial jobs are automated.

This is why the Trump/GOP tax breaks for the rich are exactly the WRONG thing to be doing.

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