Chelsea Clinton's fundraising flop:


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Chelsea Clinton's fundraising flop: Soul Cycle event to raise money for Hillary a bust as $2,700 seats are offered for just $50 to fill bikes

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Chelsea Clinton hosted her highly-hyped Soul Cycle fundraiser for her mother in New York City on Wednesday afternoon.
The $2,700-a-head event, which offered just 60 seats at the popular cycling studio's Tribeca location and promised guests a photo with Chelsea, was expected to sell out quick while raising some easy money for the Hillary Clinton campaign but was ultimately a flop.
Such a flop in fact that in the end some seats were being sold for just $50, roughly the same price it costs to take a regular Soul Cycle class.
Lol, Bill tried to stump for Hillary and that flopped.
Maybe their maid ot their driver will try their hands od raising money for Hillary!....

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Poor Hill.[/FONT]

MASON CITY, Iowa — Bill Clinton came to the vote-rich city of Mason City on Wednesday night and recounted his wife’s life experiences, recited her policy ideas, and ripped into the Republicans a bit. But what Mr. Clinton used to do so well — and what Hillary Clinton needs, only days before the Iowa caucuses on Monday — was nowhere to be found: a polished, piercing critique of an opponent, in this case Bernie Sanders.
At an event in Las Vegas last week, Mr. Clinton, 69, looked smaller and his voice seemed weaker than in past campaigns, and people had to strain to hear him at times.

NYT: It's Still Bill, But Old Magic Missing...
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