Charters crush union-controlled schools in chicago


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
: The ludicrous kook Karen Lewis hardest hit
by directorblue @ Doug Ross @ Journal: CHARTERS CRUSH UNION-CONTROLLED SCHOOLS IN CHICAGO: The ludicrous kook Karen Lewis hardest hit

As if you needed more proof -- aside from parents begging to get their kids into charter schools -- that teachers unions are destroying public education, please consider this report from Illinois Policy:

...In 2012, charter schools held the top nine spots for open-enrollment, non-selective public high schools in Chicago. Another charter school ended up in a three-way tie for tenth. The Noble Network of Charter Schools led the pack, with a total of nine schools in the top 10, one of which was included in the tie. The average ACT score for charter schools in the top 10 was 20.6, with Noble Network’s UIC College Prep campus scoring 21.9 – the highest-ever average at an open-enrollment, non-selective CPS high school.

Not only are charter schools outperforming their peers on the ACT, a comparison of Chicago’s top 10 charter high schools to the top 10 open-enrollment, non-selective, traditional public high schools shows that charter schools’ pace of improvement is significantly greater. Since 2007, top charter school scores have increased by 17 percent, while the top traditional schools have gained nearly 5 percent.

Charter school students, like other students in CPS, primarily come from low-income backgrounds (91 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch), represent mostly racial minorities (60 percent African-American, 35 percent Hispanic), and must overcome a range of challenges (9 percent English Language Learners, 12 percent special needs). They are not untouched by the violence plaguing many of the city’s neighborhoods. And, yet, despite all of these obstacles, they are succeeding.

Let me repeat: charter schools are succeeding, despite unceasing attacks by useless, illiterate hacks like Karen Lewis and the rest of the Obama-SEIU-AFT-NEA apologists.

The solution is obvious: public sector unions must be abolished. They are a disease, infecting inner-cities with institutionalized apathy and ignorance. And competition in the form of vouchers is the only known cure.

You're right.

Let's beat, slap, kick, and spit on those old women with their hair in buns. Put them on a boat bound for Cuba.
How dare many of them pose as good citizens by teaching in Sunday Schools. Those ridiculous thick stockings and library cards don't fool me or you either.

We're on to them and their ultimate goal of destroying 'Merica....
You're right.

Let's beat, slap, kick, and spit on those old women with their hair in buns. Put them on a boat bound for Cuba.
How dare many of them pose as good citizens by teaching in Sunday Schools. Those ridiculous thick stockings and library cards don't fool me or you either.

We're on to them and their ultimate goal of destroying 'Merica....

I feel sorry for you. as a retired teacher who has been in both the private and public sectors, you know a lot more about what is going on than the vast majority of us. plus you have the experience of the past up to the present. please dont stop trying to add a little sanity to this vexing subject where the people who know the least seem to shout the loudest.
: The ludicrous kook Karen Lewis hardest hit
by directorblue @ Doug Ross @ Journal: CHARTERS CRUSH UNION-CONTROLLED SCHOOLS IN CHICAGO: The ludicrous kook Karen Lewis hardest hit

As if you needed more proof -- aside from parents begging to get their kids into charter schools -- that teachers unions are destroying public education, please consider this report from Illinois Policy:

...In 2012, charter schools held the top nine spots for open-enrollment, non-selective public high schools in Chicago. Another charter school ended up in a three-way tie for tenth. The Noble Network of Charter Schools led the pack, with a total of nine schools in the top 10, one of which was included in the tie. The average ACT score for charter schools in the top 10 was 20.6, with Noble Network’s UIC College Prep campus scoring 21.9 – the highest-ever average at an open-enrollment, non-selective CPS high school.

Not only are charter schools outperforming their peers on the ACT, a comparison of Chicago’s top 10 charter high schools to the top 10 open-enrollment, non-selective, traditional public high schools shows that charter schools’ pace of improvement is significantly greater. Since 2007, top charter school scores have increased by 17 percent, while the top traditional schools have gained nearly 5 percent.

Charter school students, like other students in CPS, primarily come from low-income backgrounds (91 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch), represent mostly racial minorities (60 percent African-American, 35 percent Hispanic), and must overcome a range of challenges (9 percent English Language Learners, 12 percent special needs). They are not untouched by the violence plaguing many of the city’s neighborhoods. And, yet, despite all of these obstacles, they are succeeding.

Let me repeat: charter schools are succeeding, despite unceasing attacks by useless, illiterate hacks like Karen Lewis and the rest of the Obama-SEIU-AFT-NEA apologists.

The solution is obvious: public sector unions must be abolished. They are a disease, infecting inner-cities with institutionalized apathy and ignorance. And competition in the form of vouchers is the only known cure.


Correlation does not equal causation. In other words, just because charter schools test better than public schools, doesn't mean they test better because they are charter schools. Which kids go to charter schools? Kids who give a rip about their educations. Do you think that might affect test results?

I'm not fully satisfied by unions, but if teacher's didn't have anyone to stand up for them, the quality of teachers would be almost as bad as the quality of DMV employees.
This is NO MYSTERY to anyone whose ever taught in public schools.

Give me the choice to select the students I'm willing to teach and I can assure you that my students will do better than the general population from which they are drawn, too.

There's your explanation for why Charter schools do better.

Make those charter schools get their students through a lottery (or better still make them take students from the neighborhoods regardless of who they are) and charter schools' proformance will be no better than non-charter schools
You're right.

Let's beat, slap, kick, and spit on those old women with their hair in buns. Put them on a boat bound for Cuba.
How dare many of them pose as good citizens by teaching in Sunday Schools. Those ridiculous thick stockings and library cards don't fool me or you either.

We're on to them and their ultimate goal of destroying 'Merica....

I feel sorry for you. as a retired teacher who has been in both the private and public sectors, you know a lot more about what is going on than the vast majority of us. plus you have the experience of the past up to the present. please dont stop trying to add a little sanity to this vexing subject where the people who know the least seem to shout the loudest.

Thanks.. I am amazed at how many of the posts on here are totally absurd. La-la land is alive and well.

It seems many have recently declared war on people that chose, knowing their path to wealth was gone, to try educating students so they can go on to have success and possible paths to wealth.

I am often stopped in grocery stores and gas stations by former students that tell me how much they enjoyed my classes and wish they had paid more attention and worked harder. Many also throw in how sad they are that their kids won't have the opportunity to have me in class.
Knowing this helps me to keep a level head, but I am still amazed at all the ignorance out there about what happens day to day in the average classroom. Being true to my former vocation, I can't and won't let these displays of absurdity pass without being confronted.
After all, this IS an educational forum and many on here need the education...

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