Chart The Climate Change of your Home Town


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Those who can pony up a few duckets a month can subscribe to the Times. If you can get past their paywall, punch in your home town and the year you were born.

For instance you could put in 1960 in tells you how many days over 90 degrees were recorded the year you were born....

Then when you scroll tells you how many days over 90 you can expect this year...


Pretty cool

Those who can pony up a few duckets a month can subscribe to the Times. If you can get past their paywall, punch in your home town and the year you were born.

For instance you could put in 1960 in tells you how many days over 90 degrees were recorded the year you were born....
View attachment 519883

Then when you scroll tells you how many days over 90 you can expect this year...

View attachment 519884

Pretty cool

Does it go back to the 1930s?

Those who can pony up a few duckets a month can subscribe to the Times. If you can get past their paywall, punch in your home town and the year you were born.

For instance you could put in 1960 in tells you how many days over 90 degrees were recorded the year you were born....
View attachment 519883

Then when you scroll tells you how many days over 90 you can expect this year...

View attachment 519884

Pretty cool
All I know is the last 5 winters I played a lot of golf here in my conservative paradise.

So I hope the GD planet ignites so I can play more

Those who can pony up a few duckets a month can subscribe to the Times. If you can get past their paywall, punch in your home town and the year you were born.

For instance you could put in 1960 in tells you how many days over 90 degrees were recorded the year you were born....
View attachment 519883

Then when you scroll tells you how many days over 90 you can expect this year...

View attachment 519884

Pretty cool
LMAO @ the Marxist Fake News NY Times and the stupid shit you Leftist are so gullible to believe.
Wisconsin here. First day of August and I had to turn the heater on in the car this morning.

These Dumbass Leftist are gullible enough to believe every LIE the Marxist Fake News tells them.

Every single one !!
Completely idiotic "Conservatives" are gullible enough to believe every lie that a treasonous fat senile old orange clown tells them. On the other hand, concerning global warming and climate change, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.
It should but what we should ask does it go back to 1930 or 1960 BC, so we can get a better understanding of how the Earth Climate does change…

Portland, Oregon here, and we had three days of 100+ degrees, with one of 116 in June. About 90 degrees today, and for the next two days.

Sux to be you. If God didn't hate you West coast heathens you'd be enjoying this 71 degree weather too.

OK View attachment 519929
You have been told several times now that Marcott never made that uptick in his original paper.

You have been told several times that grafting a yearly data set onto proxy based low resolution chart is science malpractice.

41 to go

Those who can pony up a few duckets a month can subscribe to the Times. If you can get past their paywall, punch in your home town and the year you were born.

For instance you could put in 1960 in tells you how many days over 90 degrees were recorded the year you were born....
View attachment 519883

Then when you scroll tells you how many days over 90 you can expect this year...

View attachment 519884

Pretty cool
14 more days over 90° here in Wichita Kansas than the year I was born.
Still have a distinct summer dry season ... Köppen Classification Csb ... no change expected until North America spins up into the Arctic region ... maybe a hundred million years from now ... depends on what happens when we crash into Japan ...

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