
Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Today, on the TV show The View, Whoopi Goldberg, made what appeared to be a disparaging remark about the post Charlottesville riot remark of President Trump that "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

After the Charlottesville riot, April 12, 2017, President Trump made a comment.
from Real Clear Politics >>
Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

My own take on this whole thing was that the protestors, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee (Confederate General), were conducting a legal protest march, with a permit. Along the way, they encountered a large group of counterprotestors, who were illegally sitting in the street, blocking traffic and the march too.

So now we look at the identities of both groups. Whether some or all of the protestors were actually neo-Nazis, or just agent provocateurs, it is known that some, if not most, of the protestors were not radicals of any sort, and were simply exercising their constitutional rights to protest the removal of the statue.

On the counterprotestor side, I would like to think that there may have been some good people too, who were not breaking any laws, or creating trouble, but I honestly don't know that.

So in retrospect, I would say I believe Trump may or my not have been right. To clearly establish his comment as correct, we would have to be able to confirm if any of the leftist counterprotestors were not blocking traffic, starting fights, or engaging in wrongdoing. At this time, I am unable to do that, so I would say that the accuracy of his comment I undeterminable.

See the facts about the Charlottesville riot. You decide what they mean. - Fabius Maximus website
It means america is still a racist pig of a society and you watch stupid shit on tv and get all tweaked up over it which is what tv in america is for..
And I suppose you and Trump hold that the Tiki-Torch and White Nationalists flag toatin' bunch marching while they chanted "Jews will not replace us" were among the 'America's best'!

I thought they had a right to hold whatever flag they wanted? I give the right to spit on the american flag. why can't you offer up they had a right to carry their flag? what are you afraid of?
There was a great thread about this when it happened. In that thread and over the course of time the media finally addressed the fact that the white supremacists had coordinated with the local authorities and gotten a legal permit that allowed them to exercise their Constitutional Right to peacefully freely assemble and to march. People may hate what they stand for / believe, but the Constitution affords thee rights to every American citizen and does not require 'your' approval of their beliefs.

An interview with the leader of Antifa who showed up that day, wearing protective gear and carrying weapons. The Antifa leader admitted they showed up n Charlottesville with the full intent to INSTIGATE VIOLENCE by attacking the white Supremacists.

At the time the President simply stated the violence engaged in was not only the fault of the white supremacists but of 'others' as well.

The Antifa leader's admission that they showed up there - without having coordinated with local officials, without having gotten a permit to demonstrate, wearing protective gear, and brandishing weapons -with the full intent of INSTIGATING violence proves the President was indeed right.
Sorry, when the protesters on your side of the rally show up with tiki torches yelling 'the jews will not replace us' and 'blood and soil' along with nazi flags, kkk and other white supremecist uniforms then it's time to leave the rally. Either that or you're not a very good guy.
And I suppose you and Trump hold that the Tiki-Torch and White Nationalists flag toatin' bunch marching while they chanted "Jews will not replace us" were among the 'America's best'!

You "suppose" wrong. I don't know exactly WHO they were. I don't know if they might have been 25% leftist agent provocateurs masquerading as neo-nazis. Or 50%. or 75% Or 100%. And I highly doubt whether you know either.

Also Trump said >> "“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

What's the matter ? You don't read OPs ?
Sorry, when the protesters on your side of the rally show up with tiki torches yelling 'the jews will not replace us' and 'blood and soil' along with nazi flags, kkk and other white supremecist uniforms then it's time to leave the rally. Either that or you're not a very good guy.
and yet the antifa's engaged. that's on them. it's really that simple.
Sorry, when the protesters on your side of the rally show up with tiki torches yelling 'the jews will not replace us' and 'blood and soil' along with nazi flags, kkk and other white supremecist uniforms then it's time to leave the rally. Either that or you're not a very good guy.
I would not leave a protest that I was legitimately protesting in no matter who came along and joined it. It would not be up to me to leave. It would be up to you to distinguish what each person is protesting about.

Many of the protestors, if not most, were protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue from a park, and had nothing to do with Nazis, kkk, or any white supremacist, and we still don't know how many of the radical protestors actually were that, and not just leftist provocateurs posing. If anybody has any FACTS on that, post them.
Sorry, when the protesters on your side of the rally show up with tiki torches yelling 'the jews will not replace us' and 'blood and soil' along with nazi flags, kkk and other white supremecist uniforms then it's time to leave the rally. Either that or you're not a very good guy.

The tiki torches were the night before. At night. The riot was the next day. During the DAY.
Sorry, when the protesters on your side of the rally show up with tiki torches yelling 'the jews will not replace us' and 'blood and soil' along with nazi flags, kkk and other white supremecist uniforms then it's time to leave the rally. Either that or you're not a very good guy.

The tiki torches were the night before. At night. The riot was the next day. During the DAY.


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