Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare to Result in National Sales Tax on Americans; Public O


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Influential conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer is predicting that to pay for the unconstitutional mess known as Obamacare, Obama will have to push for a National Sales Tax within the coming
year. In analysis delivered on the O'Reilly Factor, Krauthammer explained why he's certain that the Public Option—long denied by Obama and the Democrats as something we would see—is in fact here already, too, in the very bill Obama signed into law just yesterday. A sales tax is defined as a levy on the sale of goods and services, likely imposed at different levels of business activity

Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare to Result in National Sales Tax on Americans; Public Option Already Here - Associated Content -

it was definitely a government take over and democwats were too stupid to know it,, typical of democwats..
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off. Some knucklehead makes some boneheaded prediction that will scare a bazillion people...and there's no accountability.
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off. Some knucklehead makes some boneheaded prediction that will scare a bazillion people...and there's no accountability.

can you offer proof to refute him,, or just get pissed off. According to Krauthammer that's what Europe does to fund their miserable health care, the have a VAT. So we will just sit back and see won't we?
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off. Some knucklehead makes some boneheaded prediction that will scare a bazillion people...and there's no accountability.

can you offer proof to refute him,, or just get pissed off. According to Krauthammer that's what Europe does to fund their miserable health care, the have a VAT. So we will just sit back and see won't we?

It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.
[ame=]YouTube - Charles Krauthammer (VAT coming soon)[/ame]
This is the kind of crap that pisses me off. Some knucklehead makes some boneheaded prediction that will scare a bazillion people...and there's no accountability.

can you offer proof to refute him,, or just get pissed off. According to Krauthammer that's what Europe does to fund their miserable health care, the have a VAT. So we will just sit back and see won't we?

It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.

so what you are saying is you don't wear britches big enough to enter a rational debate and prove him erroneous. why a whiney little titty baby you bee.
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Influential conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer is predicting that to pay for the unconstitutional mess known as Obamacare, Obama will have to push for a National Sales Tax within the coming
year. In analysis delivered on the O'Reilly Factor, Krauthammer explained why he's certain that the Public Option—long denied by Obama and the Democrats as something we would see—is in fact here already, too, in the very bill Obama signed into law just yesterday. A sales tax is defined as a levy on the sale of goods and services, likely imposed at different levels of business activity

Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare to Result in National Sales Tax on Americans; Public Option Already Here - Associated Content -

it was definitely a government take over and democwats were too stupid to know it,, typical of democwats..

As a right wing crank, you object to a FLAT TAX?

I thought youse guys just loved flat taxes.
can you offer p-roof to refute him,, or just get pissed off. According to Krauthammer that's what Europe does to fund their miserable health care, the have a VAT. So we will just sit back and see won't we?

It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.

so what you are saying is you don't wear britches big enough to enter a rational debate and prove him erroneous. why a whiney little titty baby you bee.

Not at all. Yesterday I saw a unicorn. It was sitting in the tall grass next to the statue of Gen. Fremont in Golden Gate Park. Its single horn had a tint of blue-grey and looked about as tall as a Great Dane, but with the coat of a deer - I could not see the tail, or even if there was one.
When it saw me looking it made a subtle noise, like something I'd never heard before, and then it was gone.
Prove me wrong.
Influential conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer is predicting that to pay for the unconstitutional mess known as Obamacare, Obama will have to push for a National Sales Tax within the coming
year. In analysis delivered on the O'Reilly Factor, Krauthammer explained why he's certain that the Public Option—long denied by Obama and the Democrats as something we would see—is in fact here already, too, in the very bill Obama signed into law just yesterday. A sales tax is defined as a levy on the sale of goods and services, likely imposed at different levels of business activity

Charles Krauthammer: Obamacare to Result in National Sales Tax on Americans; Public Option Already Here - Associated Content -

it was definitely a government take over and democwats were too stupid to know it,, typical of democwats..

As a right wing crank, you object to a FLAT TAX?

I thought youse guys just loved flat taxes.

No objections,, if it's the only tax,, and across the board. no loopholes.. you good with that?
Influential ????

Has the guy ever been correct about anything?
He is however undenaibilly right.
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It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.

so what you are saying is you don't wear britches big enough to enter a rational debate and prove him erroneous. why a whiney little titty baby you bee.

Not at all. Yesterday I saw a unicorn. It was sitting in the tall grass next to the statue of Gen. Fremont in Golden Gate Park. Its single horn had a tint of blue-grey and looked about as tall as a Great Dane, but with the coat of a deer - I could not see the tail, or even if there was one.
When it saw me looking it made a subtle noise, like something I'd never heard before, and then it was gone.
Prove me wrong.
why? I have no doubt that you saw a unicorn. it goes with whatever it is they put in your kool aid.
You try very hard to troll WT, but you lack the smarts to do it very well. Sometimes I wonder if you're CrusaderFrank in drag.

sorry,, I agreed with you, you saw a unicorn, and still you whine.. poop pitiful pee wee.
can you offer proof to refute him,, or just get pissed off. According to Krauthammer that's what Europe does to fund their miserable health care, the have a VAT. So we will just sit back and see won't we?

It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.

so what you are saying is you don't wear britches big enough to enter a rational debate and prove him erroneous. why a whiney little titty baby you bee.

Wry's right..and WT you're missing the point. What I'm saying is that the idea of VAT/national sales tax scares the shit out of me. I don't want that. Once I realized how scared that made me, I thought about the ramifications of shouting "fire in a crowded theater". Especially in this age where someone says something and it gets repeated for 3 or 4 news cycles...leading to a meme in the head of Bubba Q. Public.

I watched the clip and it's all fluff. There's no proof that it's coming at all...yet he's getting people worked up over it.
It's not anyones job to disprove him, it's his job to provide evidence to support his claim.

so what you are saying is you don't wear britches big enough to enter a rational debate and prove him erroneous. why a whiney little titty baby you bee.

Wry's right..and WT you're missing the point. What I'm saying is that the idea of VAT/national sales tax scares the shit out of me. I don't want that. Once I realized how scared that made me, I thought about the ramifications of shouting "fire in a crowded theater". Especially in this age where someone says something and it gets repeated for 3 or 4 news cycles...leading to a meme in the head of Bubba Q. Public.

I watched the clip and it's all fluff. There's no proof that it's coming at all...yet he's getting people worked up over it.

the only one I see worked up is you pee wee.

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