Chant And Be Happy! (ObamaCare Plus Stimulus Refunds!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
National network news, and cable network news, provided that rare glimpse of the GOP & Tea Party Krishna wannabes, over the weekend! "N-word, F-Word, N-Word, F-Word, Hare Hare, Ramo Ramo! Give Us Money, Give Us Money, We're panhandling, at the Capitol!"

Usually, of course, real Hare Krishnas don't spit.

But the Obama presidency is now a major historical presence. Many will regard, clearly, their national health cards to be "Porto Rican." as opposed to being a part of the Comprehensive, ObamaCare reform. The National COLA of the Make-Work-Pay tax credit has apparently also made its mark, if one-time-only, so far!

The White House feels that the 10% likely increase of the tax refund amounts, now in the mail, and yet to come, will be worth about $300.0 bil. stimulus.,1721206

In the 1986 tax reform, the raised and indexed standard deduction and personal exemptions were a first effort at a properly computed national COLA. The problem is that they were put into the tax code, and succeeded mainly in taking people off of the federal income tax rolls. Clueless, that part of the Ivy League represented by the "Bush" leaguers from Yale University--just like New Senator Scott Brown--thought that everyone was paying income taxes, just like they were.

Mostly, that part of the "privileged" and "pampered," Ivy League knows what books look like. Opening them is not necessarily a skill on which they rely. Republicans are still commenting on how few House Reps were able to actually read the Health Care Reform bill, just like them, apparently!

Real Hare Krishna is anti-materialist, and vaguely anti-Western Civilization. To proove the point, they rely heavily on Electronic Music!

The GOP Tea Party and other Conservatives are apparently to be come more famous for their reliance on anti-Western Civilization, Mucous instead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At RNC most recently, the website agenda actually wants a rationally regulated, "Free Market!" Even More Recently, that is actually what the Democrats are doing, apparently even knowing how to open a book, to see if there is anything inside!"
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Soon enough, that too will be covered.

The other problem that the Republicans have is that Constitutional rights are really for born-people: Once the textbooks are opened! Genesis had nothing to do with it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The complaint about federally subsidized, rich doctors: Will more likely become a Democratic Party addressing agenda in the future. When it comes to the Ivy League, there is really a lot to get past, in the Federal 'Burbs! They could start with, 'Look and See," The D. C. Public Schools, for example!)
National network news, and cable network news, provided that rare glimpse of the GOP & Tea Party Krishna wannabes, over the weekend! "N-word, F-Word, N-Word, F-Word, Hare Hare, Ramo Ramo! Give Us Money, Give Us Money, We're panhandling, at the Capitol!"

Usually, of course, real Hare Krishnas don't spit.

But the Obama presidency is now a major historical presence. Many will regard, clearly, their national health cards to be "Porto Rican." as opposed to being a part of the Comprehensive, ObamaCare reform. The National COLA of the Make-Work-Pay tax credit has apparently also made its mark, if one-time-only, so far!

The White House feels that the 10% likely increase of the tax refund amounts, now in the mail, and yet to come, will be worth about $300.0 bil. stimulus.

Average tax refund is up 10%- Market Dispatches - MSN Money

In the 1986 tax reform, the raised and indexed standard deduction and personal exemptions were a first effort at a properly computed national COLA. The problem is that they were put into the tax code, and succeeded mainly in taking people off of the federal income tax rolls. Clueless, that part of the Ivy League represented by the "Bush" leaguers from Yale University--just like New Senator Scott Brown--thought that everyone was paying income taxes, just like they were.

Mostly, that part of the "privileged" and "pampered," Ivy League knows what books look like. Opening them is not necessarily a skill on which they rely. Republicans are still commenting on how few House Reps were able to actually read the Health Care Reform bill, just like them, apparently!

Real Hare Krishna is anti-materialist, and vaguely anti-Western Civilization. To proove the point, they rely heavily on Electronic Music!

The GOP Tea Party and other Conservatives are apparently to be come more famous for their reliance on anti-Western Civilization, Mucous instead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At RNC most recently, the website agenda actually wants a rationally regulated, "Free Market!" Even More Recently, that is actually what the Democrats are doing, apparently even knowing how to open a book, to see if there is anything inside!"

"******* and gays and baby killers, oh my"
Normally, likely millions don't watch weekend newscasts, unless there is some basic, national event reason to do so. Assassinations have generally been a major weekend draw, for example. So when really trying to rally the GOP base, and get the GOP message into the public mainstream at the same time: Then why not pick a national, health care debate weekend to strut the important campaign message of "No!" And "Them, Not Even?!?"

The "Party of No!" went on to include, "No Blacks!" "No Gays!" "No Pro-Compassionate Christians!" Probably "No Nancy Pelosi's!" will be included.

Even in Europe, the famous anti-abortionist cleric, in the Vatican, was also explaining away their anti-aboriton clergy in terms not uncertain, if not graphic. Anyone could see the anti-abortion theology on display, in full catechism!

The Vatican! The Capitol! Everything was there to see! And the GOP was set to strutting its stuff!

The idiosyncratic theology, the idiosyncratic thug message, the idosyncratic mucous, and the history of anti-stimulus, anti-bail-out, anti-American, kill-them-in-basis-free-foreign-wars kind of message: Was On Display! The "Party of No," became really, really, "No!"

When the big financial houses started to tank, then panic hit the financial comunity. The Republicans overshot the bail-out amount needed in the TARP reserve. Mostly, the big banks have repaid the loans, and with interest, in less than 18 months. Clueless, the GOP really is!

The rich business classes have no message, no managerial skills, and no financial clue about how things really work.

And so the first GOP attack-ad was on display at the Capitol, here in the United States, in Washington, D. C., and even at the Vatican!

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Great White Gingrich Make "Treaty With America!" Soon Enough!)

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