CEO to workers: Vote Romney or else......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.

So tell me, how is this boss supposed to find out how his employees voted?
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.

He didn't tell anyone "how" to vote. He told them what the repercussions would be if Obama is reelected. How is he going to know how any employee votes anyway?

This time you have the "epic fail". :eusa_clap:
Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.
Lacks is a pussy

Does he threaten to cut pay when his suppliers raise their prices? How about when his electric bill goes up?
Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.

Where does it say that in the link?
Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.

This is one of the stupider threads on this site, especially with its conspiracy component.
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.

He is not telling them how to vote, he is telling how he thinks they should vote and why. What's wrong with that?

Here's a real example of abuse of authority for political purposes.

A Philadelphia high school sophomore says she didn’t want to go back to Charles Carroll High after a geometry teacher ridiculed her for wearing a pink Mitt Romney T-shirt during the school’s uniform-free dress-down day last week, NBC10 Philadelphia reports.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, 16-year-old Samantha Pawlucy said she was told Carroll High is a “Democratic school,” and that wearing a pro-Romney-Ryan shirt is analogous to the teacher, who is black, wearing a KKK shirt.

"The teacher told me to get out of the classroom, I said 'no,'" Pawlucy told NBC Philadelphia. "She told me to take off my shirt and said that she has another one if I need one. And then the teacher asked me … 'are your parents Republican?' I said, 'I don't know.'”

The teacher later apologized and insisted she was joking, but allegedly commented to the class next day that she could no longer crack jokes in class because a student had gotten her in trouble. Samantha told the Inquirer that the teacher's remarks upset her to the point where she had to leave the room.

Samantha Pawlucy, Philadelphia High School Student, Told By Teacher To Lose Romney Shirt, Likens To KKK

Of course the union is defending the teacher's right to berate students in order to try to get Obama reelected.
Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.

Where does it say that in the link?

Actually, that was something that was covered last night on the Ed show.

When there's a link expanding on it, I will post.
The Evil Ones are getting nervous.

Romney represents the 1%.

Obama represents the 99%.
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.

Please don't be stupid. The story says he "urged" them to vote for Romney. Unlike union bosses who DEMAND their members vote democrat. Or else their union cards are threatened.
I see nothing wrong here. The owner is urging his employees that he believes a second Obama term will jeopardize the future of the employees and the company itself.
You cannot cheer when a union boss or other labor leader to urge their members vote one way and frown when another business owner urges their employees vote another.
You cannot have it both ways
Lacks is a pussy

Does he threaten to cut pay when his suppliers raise their prices? How about when his electric bill goes up?

Those things get passed on to the customer because the competition faces the same cost structure.

Every other employer is going to fire people under Obamonomics because they can't afford to stay in business.

Shit happens dude.
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It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Richard Lacks, CEO of Michigan-based Lacks Enterprises, a car-part manufacturer, is urging his employees to vote for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, reports. Not doing so, he warns, could lead to higher taxes and lower pay.

"It is important that in November you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government," Lacks wrote as part of a letter that also announced a bonus for the company's 2,300 employees, according to the report. A number of progressive economists warn, however, that suddenly slashing government spending could plunge the economy into another recession.

More specifically, Lacks warned that Obamacare may raise the company's health insurance costs, which he said he would pass on to employees, according to the Nearly two-thirds of employers expect higher health benefit costs as a result of Obamacare, according to a recent survey, and Papa John's CEO John Schnatter has said he plans to raise the price of Papa John's pizza to compensate.

Lacks is not the only CEO to ask his workers to display some support for Romney. A number of coal workers at the Century Mine in Beallsville, Ohio, say they were forced to give up a day's worth of pay to show up at a Romney campaign event in August. Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Company, the company that owns the mine, has close ties to the Bain Capital co-founder.

Lacks Enterprises CEO Richard Lacks Urges Employees To Vote For Mitt Romney

Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote? This isn't the only incident either.

Mr. Lacks gave his opinion of what could happen under four more years of Obama, whose political goal is to demolish the capitalistic democracy of the United States and install a socialist form of government. He didn't tell his employees "how to vote". Where did you come up with that bullshit?
Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.

Where does it say that in the link?

Actually, that was something that was covered last night on the Ed show.

When there's a link expanding on it, I will post.

I won't hold my breath waiting for it. The Ed Schultz show? :lol::lol::lol:
It seems now that the top 1 percent is so sure in their power of telling others how the country should be run, they're taking it all the way down to the local level. CEO's are now telling their workers to vote for Romney or else...................

Oh kewl, more blatant lies from the left.

You Obamabots are in full meltdown, and reduced to the most absurd demagoguery.
Does anyone else think that your boss has the right to tell you how to vote?

No, but anyone can urge anyone else to vote a certain way. Free speech and all.

There is a difference between "urging" and telling people that their jobs are threatened.

Especially in this job market.

Which is kind of troubling, because I thought the GOP was all about jobs.
The Evil Ones are getting nervous.

Romney represents the 1%.

Obama represents the 99%.

Actually, Obama represents the 1%:

At Sesame Workshop, according to 2011 tax forms:

Gary Knell, president and CEO of Sesame Workshop until October 2011, $988,456

H. Melvin Ming, current president and CEO, $584,572

Lewis Bernstein $406,387

Terry Fitzpatrick $439,741

Myung Kang-Huneke $389,005

Sherrie Westin $463,892

Susan Kolar $401,425

Miranda Barry $397,175

Maura Regan $379,733

Joseph Mazzarino $556,165

Caralynn Sandorf $354,476

Anita Stewart $455,369

Sesame Street Is the 1 Percent - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

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Actually, one of the things he can base it on is what he did during the 2008 election. He registered all his workers, and those that registered as REPUBLICAN were given time off and transportation to go vote.

Utter bullshit.

Fuck but you leftists lie a lot.

How's he gonna tell? Simple..........all he has to do is look at the records he has from the last time.

Records on how people voted?



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