Censorship State


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One last short-story, not a fanfiction or a comic book story or a heist vignette but a dystopian look at what may comprise civilization sentimentality in times of changing daylight! Thanks so much for reading,


Amlan and Evangeline were sweethearts from their hometown in New England, before the Second American Revolution which saw the complete censorship of all reading materials and fiction books and novels ever written. The policy reflected the concerns following US President Biden's controversial reign involving the controlling of all media conversations as responses to the media scandals discovered during the previous presidency which resulted in a double impeachment. Amlan and Evangeline had to find a way to live in this new state, since Amlan was a free-spirited bank robber and Evangeline a dashing painter. They both despised censorship and felt the passion in their life would be diminished by this new national political vision of censorship!


AMLAN: Do you like living in America now, love?
EVANGELINE: Did you prefer being a free-spirited bank robber, Amlan?
AMLAN: Look, I became a thief to escape the realism behind normal civilization.
EVANGELINE: Now, all of civilization is vital under a more gray umbrella!
AMLAN: That's why I had to ask you if you felt that American insurance was holy!
EVANGELINE: Well, we agree about this darkness of censorship in our nation.
AMLAN: Maybe I should rob a Swiss bank...just to feel more...dystopian.
EVANGELINE: One should never live in reaction...as a reactionary!
AMLAN: True; but sometimes I wonder if reflex is the best response to a machine-state!
EVANGELINE: Well, I don't want to court and marry a lifelong habit-thief.
AMLAN: True; maybe someday, they'll let us read books about animal fables.
EVANGELINE: What makes animal tales so censorship-immune, Amlan?
AMLAN: Well, no one's really offended by an animal morality fable.
EVANGELINE: True; animals are generally spiritually inoffensive!
AMLAN: Maybe I can ask our President if I may write about a thief rabbit.
EVANGELINE: We'll name this Savior-animal Defense Rabbit!


Amlan and Evangeline managed to negotiate a sensible way of living under this new censorship umbrella endorsed by the New America. They continued to court their sensous romance and wondered about avenues towards higher self-expression and liberty in life. Amlan continued to foster the aspiration to write a book someday with Evangeline about a fictional pickpocket rabbit with morality adventures named Defense Rabbit, a creature-being not unlike Peter Rabbit who'd remind all Americans of the scope and power of dance. This daydream persisted in Amlan and Evangeline, as they continued to negotiate forms of diaries in this context of American darkness.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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