CDC leak shows the vaccinated aren't the big Delta risk


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

CDC leak shows the vaccinated aren't the big Delta risk​

30 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ed Morrissey
Has the COVID-19 “war” changed with the Delta variant, as the CDC’s leaked documents declared? Not really, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning. Parsing out the data from the clickbait, Gottlieb points out that the vaccines make the kind of breakthrough transmission cited by this study relatively rare, although perhaps more asymptomatically prevalent than the CDC acknowledged before now.
Therefore, the fully vaccinated are not a big vector for transmission. Nor did people think that the unvaccinated could never transmit the virus in the first place. The big issue is the unvaccinated, who keep choosing to pose a risk to themselves and others, and masking the vaccinated won’t mitigate that risk:

Gottlieb offers common-sense guidance for the vaccinated. If you are in close contact with uniquely vulnerable individuals, including the unvaccinated by restriction (such as small children), take precautions to protect them. Mandating masks for everyone makes no sense at all, in large part because it’s not protecting those who can’t protect themselves. The mandates are clearly intended to protect those who won’t protect themselves, and that’s a recipe for perpetual masking — which people aren’t going to tolerate anyway.
And in fact, as Axios reports, it’s guidance that people are already largely ignoring:
Dr. Leana Wen also took a look at the data and reaches the same conclusion as Gottlieb. Wen has a different public-policy agenda for dealing with the implications, but the data makes it clear that the CDC is focusing on the wrong population:

It’s even more basic than that. The COVID-19 genie is out of the bottle, and there’s simply no stuffing it back in. We have to learn to live with this virus, and that can’t mean shutting down commerce and forcing people to wear masks for years on end when we have vaccines that render this even less risky than a seasonal flu for the immune. The proper focus should fall on getting the unvaccinated to get their inoculations, and then vaccinate the world to transform COVID-19 into a routine and manageable health-care issue. Masking the vaccinated doesn’t advance those goals at all — and to the extent that it indemnifies the risk-takers, it seriously impedes progress toward that goal.
Update: Jeff Dunetz follows up on the same point:
But along with the health reasons, the vaccine is worth it because, after a year of national quarantine, the shots will allow us to return to a more normal life.​
This new CDC mask guidance takes that benefit away from the vaccinated to protect the non-vaccinated. What is beyond comprehension is why are the vaccinated people being punished for the actions of the non-vaccinated? This may sound callous, but the people who decided against getting the vaccine made their own decision—and if they catch COVID, that too is their decision. The CDC and governments who want to mandate compliance with the CDC’s new guidance should keep my family and me out of it.​

No matter the number of vaccinated, WE will never achieve 100% protection from the CCP Covid-19 Virus simply because it continues to mutate.
Combined with Joey Xi Bai Dungs increased illegal alien crisis CCP Covid-19 will continue to thrive in America.
Meanwhile the CDC has not been honest in their evaluations of the numbers afflicted with the CCP Covid-19 virus. Other common illnesses besides COVID-19 are a problematic for people with compromised immune systems. Those individuals have to take precautions to avoid exposure. We don't force everyone to get flu shots because it might help people with compromised immune systems.
Indeed if this administration was really interested in slowing and stopping the CCP Covid virus and it's variants, it would close our borders to the illegal aliens crossing our Southern border..
Then there's the 6 Counties found with bubonic plague in Colorado. What is the CDC doing about it?
That's your prerogative. If Planned Parenthood can claim "It's my body, my choice" so is it to vaccination.

In my life, I have NEVER seen the dissemination of so many blatant lies and contradictory disinformation. There is a global movement that is all about control behind this scam and I hope that it is not just swept under the rug. I want heads to roll for these crimes against humanity.
How do you supposed they know the delta? What to test for? How?
Testing for the Delta variant usually has to be done on a more precise level involving polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing platforms, which tend to be more accurate and sensitive to genetic variations within the coronavirus. But that level of testing also takes more time than a rapid response test which may return results within a half-hour but miss out on some of the biological details. Those faster diagnostics may be able to sense whether or not you’re generally infected with COVID, but not necessarily whether it’s the Delta strain specifically that’s afflicting you.
Rigby5 shared this first just reposting.

CDC Alarmed: 74% of Cases in Cape Cod Cluster Were Among the Vaxxed
— More detail about outbreak in vaccinated people that led to the change in masking, test guidance
by Molly Walker, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today July 30, 2021
Breakthrough infections were responsible for three-quarters of COVID-19 cases in an outbreak during large public gatherings on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and nearly all sequenced cases were the Delta variant, researchers found.
Of 469 cases linked to multiple summer events and large summer gatherings in a small town, 346 (74%) occurred in fully vaccinated people, and almost 80% of those cases were symptomatic, reported Catherine Brown, DVM, of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and colleagues.
There were five hospitalizations, four among fully vaccinated people, and no deaths. Of 133 cases with sequence information available, 89% were from the Delta variant (B.1.617.2), the authors wrote in an early edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Moreover, vaccination coverage in Massachusetts was reported to be 69% as of July 3, they noted.
Topline data were previewed in stories by the New York Times on Thursday, and shared in internal CDC documents by the Washington Post. The data on this outbreak, and the Delta variant, reportedly helped provide the impetus for the agency's change in indoor masking guidance earlier this week. While the town was not named by the MMWR report, the outbreak reportedly was linked to events in Provincetown.
Opinion in the research field whose opinions I respect;
The notion that injecting people with a synthetic spike proteins is going to make them immune is not based on any science.
It does seem to be working a little, but that could easily change, and is not working nearly as good as they firs claimed.
Instead of the original claims of 95% effectiveness, some areas are showing as low as 40% effectiveness.
But that is not even the main risk. Since all covid deaths are actually from essentially an allergic response, then hyping up the immune system risks increasing fatal allergic responses, including to old coronaviruses that used to be benign.

This was an event...and likely REQUIRED vaccination cert to attend.

No one ever said you CAN'T get covid once you are vaccinated. They said it was unlikely. And that if you did it would be mild.

If they were off a little...then masking makes sense

Jesus people. Spend as much energy trying to fight covid as you do each other and we beat this thing
Testing for the Delta variant usually has to be done on a more precise level involving polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing platforms, which tend to be more accurate and sensitive to genetic variations within the coronavirus. But that level of testing also takes more time than a rapid response test which may return results within a half-hour but miss out on some of the biological details. Those faster diagnostics may be able to sense whether or not you’re generally infected with COVID, but not necessarily whether it’s the Delta strain specifically that’s afflicting you.
You fall for it all don't you?? hop on board that boxcar.
yeah, nope. CDC says so to you.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.
Fucking idiot

yeah, nope. CDC says so to you.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

They're gullible. They've been brain hammered by the media, govt, tech censorship, social media for over a year now. They'll gulp down any lie the CDC throws out. Its amazing to watch this unfold and how many will blindly go along with the propaganda. If this propaganda isn't stopped we will see mass quarantine camps and complete totalitarian rule.

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