CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaxxed people as “unvaccinated”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
More as 200m innocent peoples have been already murdered by destroyed economies, lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, 'vaccines' etc. in different countries.
Diabolic 'politicians', presstitutes, 'cops', grocery owners, officials, 'vigilantes. snitches etc., anyone who supported Covid-1984 scam will pay for genocide.
Like Hitler Nazis from 1945 until now.
The payday is coming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.”
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.” If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.”
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.”
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.
This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the vaccinated, but continues to generate a pandemic of false positives in the unvaccinated, artificially raising the number of cases for the unvaccinated.
The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated covid tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks.
Meanwhile, the CDC only reports covid cases in the vaccinated if these cases are 15 days past the second dose vaccine and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death.
This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim covid-19 is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
Covid-19 was the sole cause of death for only six percent of the reported covid-19 deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as covid-19, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020.
All this medical fraud, force and deception paints a harrowing picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.

More as 200m innocent peoples have been already murdered by destroyed economies, lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, 'vaccines' etc. in different countries.
Diabolic 'politicians', presstitutes, 'cops', grocery owners, officials, 'vigilantes. snitches etc., anyone who supported Covid-1984 scam will pay for genocide.
Like Hitler Nazis from 1945 until now.
The payday is coming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.”
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.” If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.”
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.”
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.
This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the vaccinated, but continues to generate a pandemic of false positives in the unvaccinated, artificially raising the number of cases for the unvaccinated.
The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated covid tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks.
Meanwhile, the CDC only reports covid cases in the vaccinated if these cases are 15 days past the second dose vaccine and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death.
This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim covid-19 is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
Covid-19 was the sole cause of death for only six percent of the reported covid-19 deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as covid-19, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020.
All this medical fraud, force and deception paints a harrowing picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.

Nuremberg Trials needed
Nuremberg Trials needed

Nazis murdered around 30m, Corona bandits already more as 200m worldwide.
A Trial in Nuremberg is too small, in any country, in any city, in any village, at any place shall be trials to punish scamdemic criminals.
Today we are witnesses of the biggest genocide in the human history, any criminal must pay to avoid such crimes in the future.
The most important is the current political system must be abolished and replaced by free republics of free peoples.
Looking at the above post makes me wonder, just how stupid can you be and still manipulate a keyboard successfully?
Looking at your post makes me understand why people can get away with election fraud and vaccine manipulation. The totalitarian party of the US and the pharmaceuticals appreciate and salute your gullibility.
More as 200m innocent peoples have been already murdered by destroyed economies, lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, 'vaccines' etc. in different countries.
Diabolic 'politicians', presstitutes, 'cops', grocery owners, officials, 'vigilantes. snitches etc., anyone who supported Covid-1984 scam will pay for genocide.
Like Hitler Nazis from 1945 until now.
The payday is coming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.”
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.” If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.”
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.”
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.
This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the vaccinated, but continues to generate a pandemic of false positives in the unvaccinated, artificially raising the number of cases for the unvaccinated.
The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated covid tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks.
Meanwhile, the CDC only reports covid cases in the vaccinated if these cases are 15 days past the second dose vaccine and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death.
This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim covid-19 is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
Covid-19 was the sole cause of death for only six percent of the reported covid-19 deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as covid-19, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020.
All this medical fraud, force and deception paints a harrowing picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.

This explains the jump in supposed cases of Covid during the summer months.......all smoke and mirrors.
More as 200m innocent peoples have been already murdered by destroyed economies, lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, 'vaccines' etc. in different countries.
Diabolic 'politicians', presstitutes, 'cops', grocery owners, officials, 'vigilantes. snitches etc., anyone who supported Covid-1984 scam will pay for genocide.
Like Hitler Nazis from 1945 until now.
The payday is coming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.”
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.” If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.”
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.”
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.
This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the vaccinated, but continues to generate a pandemic of false positives in the unvaccinated, artificially raising the number of cases for the unvaccinated.
The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated covid tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks.
Meanwhile, the CDC only reports covid cases in the vaccinated if these cases are 15 days past the second dose vaccine and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death.
This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim covid-19 is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
Covid-19 was the sole cause of death for only six percent of the reported covid-19 deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as covid-19, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020.
All this medical fraud, force and deception paints a harrowing picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.

Horse-diddly-squat. This is what the CDC is referring to as "" (whatever that is)
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.

The reasoning, which makes sense, is that one vaccination does not do the trick. Get with the program.
This explains the jump in supposed cases of Covid during the summer months.......all smoke and mirrors.

People ride more motorcycles during the summer.

Horse-diddly-squat. This is what the CDC is referring to as "" (whatever that is)
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.

The reasoning, which makes sense, is that one vaccination does not do the trick. Get with the program.
What about the J&J? Isn't that a one-and-done?
Horse-diddly-squat. This is what the CDC is referring to as "" (whatever that is)
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.

The reasoning, which makes sense, is that one vaccination does not do the trick. Get with the program.
And the they are also saying after you get two doses that you are still unvaccinated if you get covid for up to 28 days following the second dose. Now Pfizer studies are out saying that after 2 months that the pfizer vaccines can go down to 20% what the fuck is the point of getting the vaccine at all? If you get sick, they will say you were unvaccinated, if you don't get sick or die, then hey you are vaccinated. It's complete bullshit.
And the they are also saying after you get two doses that you are still unvaccinated if you get covid for up to 28 days following the second dose. Now Pfizer studies are out saying that after 2 months that the pfizer vaccines can go down to 20% what the fuck is the point of getting the vaccine at all? If you get sick, they will say you were unvaccinated, if you don't get sick or die, then hey you are vaccinated. It's complete bullshit.
It takes a period of time for the vaccine to take effect, yes? Where did you come up with that 28 day thing and the 20% thing, from "" or Tuckums at Fox news? What you are preaching is false.
Horse-diddly-squat. This is what the CDC is referring to as "" (whatever that is)
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.

The reasoning, which makes sense, is that one vaccination does not do the trick. Get with the program.
They should call it a one vaccine-dose case of covid, and not lie about it. And they expect everyone to believe what they say after that? Hmmm...
More as 200m innocent peoples have been already murdered by destroyed economies, lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, 'vaccines' etc. in different countries.
Diabolic 'politicians', presstitutes, 'cops', grocery owners, officials, 'vigilantes. snitches etc., anyone who supported Covid-1984 scam will pay for genocide.
Like Hitler Nazis from 1945 until now.
The payday is coming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated” for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.”
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.” If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.”
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.”
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.
This disparate testing guideline minimizes the risk of false positives for the vaccinated, but continues to generate a pandemic of false positives in the unvaccinated, artificially raising the number of cases for the unvaccinated.
The CDC forces healthy people to take falsely calibrated covid tests, resulting in false reports of outbreaks.
Meanwhile, the CDC only reports covid cases in the vaccinated if these cases are 15 days past the second dose vaccine and only if these cases result in hospitalization or death.
This fraud is further exacerbated by another cavalier rule by the CDC, which allows hospitals to claim covid-19 is the cause of hospitalization or death, when it cannot be ruled out or is suspected of causing the illness.
Covid-19 was the sole cause of death for only six percent of the reported covid-19 deaths in 2020, revealing widespread medical fraud. Former CDC chief, Robert Redfield blew the whistle in a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
He said hospitals are given a “perverse economic incentive” to inflate covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
There are hundreds of common infections that are still being reported as covid-19, as evidenced by the near eradication of hundreds of thousands of influenza cases in 2020.
All this medical fraud, force and deception paints a harrowing picture: the CDC is part of a VAX-all agenda and is desperately trying to cover up for crimes against humanity.

Of get the ridiculous 99% number they are so proud of you have to infuse the statistics with false input.


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