CBO - Build Back Better not as free as we were told.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Biden continued to assure us the bill is fully paid for. Yet the Congressional Budget Office score of the legislation released yesterday reveals this claim is false. CBO finds the legislation would add over $750 billion to the federal debt over the next five years — on top of the deficit spending in the new trillion-dollar infrastructure law the president similarly promised would be fully paid for . CBO projects the deficit spending would shrink to around $160 billion over 10 years as spending seems to slow while revenues kick in. But that only reveals the dirty little secret about this massive bill: It’s a mess of budget gimmicks.

CBO score highlights the massive budget gimmicks behind Build Back Better
Biden continued to assure us the bill is fully paid for. Yet the Congressional Budget Office score of the legislation released yesterday reveals this claim is false. CBO finds the legislation would add over $750 billion to the federal debt over the next five years — on top of the deficit spending in the new trillion-dollar infrastructure law the president similarly promised would be fully paid for . CBO projects the deficit spending would shrink to around $160 billion over 10 years as spending seems to slow while revenues kick in. But that only reveals the dirty little secret about this massive bill: It’s a mess of budget gimmicks.

CBO score highlights the massive budget gimmicks behind Build Back Better
You think the demrats really care?
A big reason they need to get rid of the the lobbyists IMO.
In a way I agree. However there is the right in a democracy to address issues of concern to elected reps, but lobbying reform is needed even more than so called campaign finance reform.
Biden has a long record of lying. Any one who believes anything he says is a fool.

Biden continued to assure us the bill is fully paid for. Yet the Congressional Budget Office score of the legislation released yesterday reveals this claim is false. CBO finds the legislation would add over $750 billion to the federal debt over the next five years — on top of the deficit spending in the new trillion-dollar infrastructure law the president similarly promised would be fully paid for . CBO projects the deficit spending would shrink to around $160 billion over 10 years as spending seems to slow while revenues kick in. But that only reveals the dirty little secret about this massive bill: It’s a mess of budget gimmicks.

CBO score highlights the massive budget gimmicks behind Build Back Better
Why didn't you go to the source? Have you rubes not learned your lesson yet?

CBO estimates that enacting this legislation would result in a net increase in the deficit totaling $367 billion over the 2022-2031 period, not counting any additional revenue that may be generated by additional funding for tax enforcement.

You see, your biased media outlet was careful to frame the picture they presented to a five year period. That should have set off alarm bells in your head since the Build Back Better legislation is a TEN year plan. For the last five years of the plan, there is a surplus. And it may be even greater than that since the CBO didn't count additional revenue from tax enforcement.

That's why you should always go to the source when possible.

The first column is 2022 and goes from there.

The last two columns in gray are 2022-2026 and 2022-2031.

The Washington Examiner committed a textbook lie of omission.
Here are the last two columns enlarged.


Left-hand column is 2022-2026, right-hand column is 2022-2031.

First line is total added to the deficit.

Second line is on budget deficit.

Third line is off budget deficit.

So over the full term of the Build Back Better plan, the deficit increases $367 billion, not $750 billion.
Not a deflection at all. It is a demonstration of the raging hypocrisy in this topic.
"pathetic deflection" try to pay attention. Now Biden lies tells America it's free, instead it's going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Now explain Biden's lies.
"pathetic deflection" try to pay attention. Now Biden lies tells America it's free, instead it's going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Now explain Biden's lies.
It amuses me how Cult 45 is suddenly upset that the President is lying, and apoplectic over all the wild spending. :lol:

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