Castro Near Death?

Dan Carlin

Dec 9, 2006
So, the chorus of media outlets proclaiming Castro's imminent demise is getting louder

While we may get his brother next (not a young man either...) can communism in Cuba survive the Castros?

I just hope everyone here in the U.S. is smart enough to "sit tight" when it happens and not try to push the envelope. I think that might be the best way to NOT have the regime go quietly into that good night (historically, we are more likely to unite the people against us if we start screwing around with expatriots and secret endeavors...)

I think if we just let the situation alone the Cuban people will look around after the Castros are gone and just drift into our globalized, open world all by themselves. Trying to push, pull or cajole them into it might lead to a backlash.

So...Castro goes...anything change right away?
Yup... they lift the ridiculous Treasury Department regulation saying we can't spend money there and people will be able to vacation in Havana again.

Oh yeah... and you'll be able to buy Cuban cigars here again. :)

Other than that... not much, I think.

Another great liberal icon may leave this world. No great loss however
Haha...well, that will change the whole Florida election strategy..won't it? If the Cuban population drops significantly (because many return to Cuba) then it is the Old Folks vote that the Repubs and Dems might be fighting over...
Haha...well, that will change the whole Florida election strategy..won't it? If the Cuban population drops significantly (because many return to Cuba) then it is the Old Folks vote that the Repubs and Dems might be fighting over...

Ain't it the truth---the handlers are gonna have to keep a close eye on this one. " OK Charlie---forget the about the Cuban suck up stuff--they all left ! Bring out the AARP banners ! "
Getting closer?

December 13, 2006
Is fidel castro dead?

No confirmation as yet on the demise of the zombie dictator. But in the meantime, we can all practice our dance steps.

More here:

December 12, 2006
fidel castro Is Dead? (Updated)

Been getting quite a bit of traffic via searches with "castro death" and "is castro dead" and "castro death rumors" the past couple of days so I thought I'd go ahead and clear that whole mess up right now.

Barring any unforeseen actions such as, say, breathing, for all intents and purposes, fidel castro is dead. And, should the case be that he is, in fact, still breathing, chances are that it's only a "little" breathing or a clever rendition of the act of breathing and not real breathing in the real breathing scientific term of real breathing. There have been, however, unconfirmed reports of fidel castro actually breathing, but all have come with the caveat "he is breathing, but he's certainly not inhaling."

Thus, since fidel castro is not inhaling we can only come to two conclusions: he is either dead or he is, in fact, Bill Clinton. That latter notion is under investigation as not only are "both" men known for not inhaling, but for a particular fondness for long Cuban cigars, which are not necessarily meant for inhaling.

In summary, the rumors of fidel castro's actual demise may be premature at this moment, but reports of his lack of inhalation have some skeptics convinced that he is in fact, technically not breathing in a respiratory sense, which leads this writer to conclude that yes, fidel castro is in fact, at least, respiratorily dead.

There are, however, rumors abounding that ADIDAS is secretly redesigning the Bionic Track Suit to not only control motor reactor functions to certain appendages, but to also simulate breathing with an added plus of inhalation where Oxygen (O2) is taken in and carbon-dioxide (CO2) is exhaled, thus aiding the photosynthetic process of genetically altered tobacco plants (Cuban seed, of course) which will be planted along the hems of the garment. There is no word as yet as to how ADIDAS plans to handle the Bionic Track Suit Tobacco harvesting and cigar rolling.

Batteries, however, will be included.

UPDATE: Just a few words of caution to all those visiting us anticipating news of the Cuban dictator's demise: Dont bust out the champagne until it's made official. Even if castro swims with the fishes as we speak, until there's an official Cuban Government announcement we will not know with absolute certainty. This doesnt mean, though, that you can't start celebrating right now.

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