Cartoonist Says, ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Cartoonist Says, ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

Which is it going to be, conservative gun nuts constantly claim liberals are too afraid of firearms to own them, so will they hunt Republicans down in crosswalks and mow them down with cars?

Not that it isn’t something to be considered, given the mess conservative policies have made of this country since Reagan’s disastrous years.

‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

It depends on whether Republicans surrender to the wacko left. There will be laws passed against everything about which conservatives care. Republicans will either accept it quietly, surrendering their souls, keeping their mouths shut, going along, or they will not. The ratio of appeasers to fighters will determine what happens. If only a few resist then the resisters will be jailed or worse. If every conservative resists, they can't jail us all....

Then again, since there are so very few actual conservatives, maybe they can jail us all.

Cartoonist Says, ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

Which is it going to be, conservative gun nuts constantly claim liberals are too afraid of firearms to own them, so will they hunt Republicans down in crosswalks and mow them down with cars?

Not that it isn’t something to be considered, given the mess conservative policies have made of this country since Reagan’s disastrous years.

‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

I hope Biden sics his AG on Barr, Durham and all the other traitors in the Tramp administration.
Yeah, if the Right loses in November, that'll pretty much be the end of old glory, the 2nd and Christianity

You'd have to be blind not to see the painfully obvious direction the nations taking
About 1/2 the nation or more really does want to end capitalism and most definitely wants you disarmed.

Like the poster said above, the Right will either finally resist, or quietly surrender. Most likely the latter....status quo.
Yeah, if the Right loses in November, that'll pretty much be the end of old glory, the 2nd and Christianity

You'd have to be blind not to see the painfully obvious direction the nations taking
About 1/2 the nation or more really does want to end capitalism and most definitely wants you disarmed.

Like the poster said above, the Right will either finally resist, or quietly surrender. Most likely the latter....status quo.
The odds of Democrats getting a filibusterer proof majority are slim. Maybe they win the Senate, but short of that 60 vote threshold, all they have to look forward to are executive orders and reconciliation
Yeah, if the Right loses in November, that'll pretty much be the end of old glory, the 2nd and Christianity

You'd have to be blind not to see the painfully obvious direction the nations taking
About 1/2 the nation or more really does want to end capitalism and most definitely wants you disarmed.

Like the poster said above, the Right will either finally resist, or quietly surrender. Most likely the latter....status quo.
The odds of Democrats getting a filibusterer proof majority are slim. Maybe they win the Senate, but short of that 60 vote threshold, all they have to look forward to are executive orders and reconciliation

You have way too much faith in Democrats following the law.
They will simply change that 60 vote rule. How can you be so naive?
Yeah, if the Right loses in November, that'll pretty much be the end of old glory, the 2nd and Christianity

You'd have to be blind not to see the painfully obvious direction the nations taking
About 1/2 the nation or more really does want to end capitalism and most definitely wants you disarmed.

Like the poster said above, the Right will either finally resist, or quietly surrender. Most likely the latter....status quo.
The odds of Democrats getting a filibusterer proof majority are slim. Maybe they win the Senate, but short of that 60 vote threshold, all they have to look forward to are executive orders and reconciliation

You have way too much faith in Democrats following the law.
They will simply change that 60 vote rule. How can you be so naive?
It's moot since a rule change can still be filibustered.
Conservatives, by nature, are extremely fearful creatures. Fear governs their lives. Second only to ignorance.
Make the most of your temporary black privilege while you can, you racist POS
Believe me you, history WILL repeat itself

I want a link
The odds of Democrats getting a filibusterer proof majority are slim. Maybe they win the Senate, but short of that 60 vote threshold, all they have to look forward to are executive orders and reconciliation

Schumer has already said filibuster is out the window if they get blocked on any legislation important to their movement.
You have way too much faith in Democrats following the law.
They will simply change that 60 vote rule. How can you be so naive?
It's moot since a rule change can still be filibustered.

You need to study up on Senate rules. There's no filibuster for rule change votes. The majority party can enact, throw out, or change, any rule they want with 51 votes. There's no filibuster for ending the filibuster.
our military votes overwhelmingly conservative ! and they aint cowards punk !

Wrong. You have no idea how our military votes. Senior military were all packed by Obama and Trump was prevented from replacing them by all the left-wing conspiracy theories. Enlisted ranks are trained to be leftists in the same way school children are. Our military overwhelmingly supports homosexuals and transsexuals in the military. There are many illegal immigrants serving in our military. They all vote left.

Many of us older folks remember a military that was mostly conservative and strongly patriotic. Today's armed forces are not what we remember. There's been 40 years of social engineering since I got out of the Navy; it's just not the same.

Cartoonist Says, ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election

Which is it going to be, conservative gun nuts constantly claim liberals are too afraid of firearms to own them, so will they hunt Republicans down in crosswalks and mow them down with cars?

Not that it isn’t something to be considered, given the mess conservative policies have made of this country since Reagan’s disastrous years.

‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says ‘Republicans Will Be Hunted’ If Biden Wins Election


Liberals will not be hunting down anyone with a firearm or by any other means. Radicalized postmodernists who belong to the political cult of social justice on the other hand see themselves as revolutionary terrorists or guerillas similar to the Bolsheviks or Pol Pot's secret police. We conservatives hold no illusions about the intent of such soul taken sociopaths. They are true believers in their "cause" who will, if given the order, murder their fellow Americans indiscriminately. Distinctions matter.
You have way too much faith in Democrats following the law.
They will simply change that 60 vote rule. How can you be so naive?
It's moot since a rule change can still be filibustered.

You need to study up on Senate rules. There's no filibuster for rule change votes. The majority party can enact, throw out, or change, any rule they want with 51 votes. There's no filibuster for ending the filibuster.
Maybe. But I'm not sure even the "nuclear option" would work on something that would render such a disadvantage to the minority. That seems pretty far fetched.
Yeah, if the Right loses in November, that'll pretty much be the end of old glory, the 2nd and Christianity

You'd have to be blind not to see the painfully obvious direction the nations taking
About 1/2 the nation or more really does want to end capitalism and most definitely wants you disarmed.

Like the poster said above, the Right will either finally resist, or quietly surrender. Most likely the latter....status quo.

Yes, I agree with the last sentence.

Conservatives, right-wingers, and Independents will conform in order to make a living and live in relative peace.

A few, of course, will leave the country.

But most people will just mouth the correct words to be allowed to keep their jobs, and they will do their best to find a relatively safe neighborhood in which to live.

It will not be easy, but human beings are very good at adapting to their environment. There really is no choice.

Personally, I expect the United States of America to implode sometime in the next century.

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