Carter, Clinton, Obama - The Liberal Trinity of Releasing/Pardoning Terrorists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Obama’s Pardon for Oscar Lopez Rivera Trades a Terrorist for Votes

In 1979, Jimmy Carter released from prison three Puerto Rican terrorists who shot at members of Congress.

In 1999 Bill Clinton pardoned 12 members of the FALN.

Obama’s one-time friend Bill Ayers, himself a terrorist in the 1970s, tweeted out a celebratory “Oscar Lopez freed!”

The beneficiary of Obama’s commutation this time is Oscar Lopez Rivera. He’s no angel, but he’s being lionized as one—and not just by too many Puerto Ricans, but also by celebrities.

Terrorists Are So Awesome, You Guys:

Typical is Lin-Manuel Miranda of “Hamilton” fame, who tweeted from London Tuesday that he was “sobbing with gratitude” after hearing the news. He promised he would reprise his signature role in a performance of the musical to be attended in Chicago by Lopez.

Also characteristic of Lopez hagiography is this article in the Daily Beast, which called Lopez “a political prisoner” and referred to his “anti-colonialist mission.” For the record, Puerto Rico has held no fewer than four referendums on its status. In the last one in 2012, more than 61 percent voted to ask to become a state, and less than 5.5 percent voted for independence.

Obama’s one-time friend Bill Ayers, himself a terrorist in the 1970s, tweeted out a celebratory “Oscar Lopez freed!” In the same tweet he asked for a posthumous pardon for executed Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg
Obama released the 'Mastermind of the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack. After a year of 'trying to find the terrorist, who masterfully hid poolside at his hotel where he gave interviews to reporters, Obama made a big deal about the man's capture. Not long after Obama extremely quietly released him.
Obama also treasonously released the Taliban 5, 5 of the biggest 'wanted' world-wide terroists in US custody after lying to the world they were part of the exhange for the deserter / traitor, Bo Bergdahl.

Obama was diligently trying to keep his promise to empty out Gitmo. The 5 were too big to simply release, so Obama claimed they were part of the Bergdahl deal and released them in Qatar, no where near the terrorist group that held Bergdahl and who were PAID for his release.

Releasing the top 5 enemy terrorist commanders during a time of war , was treason.

House charges Obama broke law in Bowe Bergdahl swap - CNNPolitics
House charges Obama broke law in Bowe Bergdahl swap - CNNPolitics

"The committee rejected the administration's argument that the release of Guantanamo prisoners to secure the release of a captive American soldier was an "extraordinary situation.

The report further suggests the administration quietly reached a deal to free the Guantanamo prisoners to help fulfill Obama's pledge to close the Guantanamo Bay prison
In general Left Wingers are on the side of criminals, terrorist and traitors and opposed to mainstream society.
“I want to make clear that any transfer from Guantanamo will be undertaken after consultation with Congress and pursuant to all legal requirements for transfers, including those spelled out in the FY2012 [National] Defense Authorization Act,” she said of the law signed by President Obama that December requiring that he notifyCongress ahead of time."

The White House neither consulted withCongress nor gave proper notification for the “illegal transfer.”

Hillary Clinton misled Congress on Bowe Bergdahl swap with Taliban

How fitting Hillary was involved in 'pardoning' and releasing the Taliban 5, as Bill Clinton had pardoned terrorists who killed Americans years earlier so Hillary could become a US Senator.
Obama refused to enforce US Immigration Laws, illegally aided Mexican Drug Cartels, human traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals, and criminal Sanctuary cities while waging a war against Sheriff Arpaio, who fought his own war against both those criminals and against the Obama administration in a attempt to enforce US law and protect the American people.
Obama also treasonously released the Taliban 5, 5 of the biggest 'wanted' world-wide terroists in US custody after lying to the world they were part of the exhange for the deserter / traitor, Bo Bergdahl.
Meanwhile, retired Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was left (by Obama) to rot in a Mexican jail. Too bad for him he wasn't a muslim traitor or he would have been sprung by our Islamic president before you could say Alluah Akbar!
As I said, Trump has broken the traiterous tradition started by Carter and carried on by Clinton and Barry...

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