Carlson laughs about being ridiculed for mispronouncing Kamala

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
I know videos here are not fun to watch, so I"m going to summarize what took place tonight on Carlson's show. He played clips from other networks bashing him about how he pronounced Whorris's first name. Then he played a clip from Kamala pronouncing her own name the way he did. MSM is such fake news. It's a short end of the show segment, but for those interested how he made a fool of those other networks, link is below:


She's really not that important

I would dispute that given Creepy Joe's inability to even understand where he's at. Furthermore was Piglosi's stunt of bringing up the 25th amendment not aimed at our President. Who was she targeting with that move?

Like many others, I believe that Joe is just a stunt man to usher in the first woman of color as President which the Democrat party will claim responsibility of.

She's really not that important

I would dispute that given Creepy Joe's inability to even understand where he's at. Furthermore was Piglosi's stunt of bringing up the 25th amendment not aimed at our President. Who was she targeting with that move?

Like many others, I believe that Joe is just a stunt man to usher in the first woman of color as President which the Democrat party will claim responsibility of.

Probably right, but she's not bright or liked

She'll fck it up
I know videos here are not fun to watch, so I"m going to summarize what took place tonight on Carlson's show. He played clips from other networks bashing him about how he pronounced Whorris's first name. Then he played a clip from Kamala pronouncing her own name the way he did. MSM is such fake news. It's a short end of the show segment, but for those interested how he made a fool of those other networks, link is below:

Spell it backwards then pronounce it; ALAMAK sounds like this to me... ALLAH-MACK. Harris reversed; SIR-RAH. Full pronunciation backwards comes out... Sir Rah Allah Mack! Sir sounds English. Rah sounds Egyptian. Allah sounds Islamo. Mack sounds 18 wheeler. All that's left is play MIX & MATCH!!! Then there's the option of saying it in PIG LATIN!
You guys never got over having a black man as President.

Having a black woman as Vice President and possibly President will probably cause a wave of Jonestowns all through Dixie.
You guys never got over having a black man as President.

Having a black woman as Vice President and possibly President will probably cause a wave of Jonestowns all through Dixie.

Having a black man as a president would be great. If he were a good president.

I don't think we ever got over having Hope and Change thrown at us like it was supposed to mean something when the guy behind it was nothing more than affirmative action failure.

Condie Rice as a heartbeat.

Camel-A Harris as president......shows you just how fucked up our system is.
You guys never got over having a black man as President.

Having a black woman as Vice President and possibly President will probably cause a wave of Jonestowns all through Dixie.

Having a black man as a president would be great. If he were a good president.

I don't think we ever got over having Hope and Change thrown at us like it was supposed to mean something when the guy behind it was nothing more than affirmative action failure.

Condie Rice as a heartbeat.

Camel-A Harris as president......shows you just how fucked up our system is.

The right wing war on women continues unabated. You guys really need to reach maturity at some point in your miserable lives.
You guys never got over having a black man as President.

Having a black woman as Vice President and possibly President will probably cause a wave of Jonestowns all through Dixie.

Having a black man as a president would be great. If he were a good president.

I don't think we ever got over having Hope and Change thrown at us like it was supposed to mean something when the guy behind it was nothing more than affirmative action failure.

Condie Rice as a heartbeat.

Camel-A Harris as president......shows you just how fucked up our system is.

The right wing war on women continues unabated. You guys really need to reach maturity at some point in your miserable lives.

There is no way to draw that conclusion today given that ACB was just sworn in. She's a woman.

You are a bitch.

We are way ahead of you in every respect.

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