Carlin Cracks on Tree Huggers


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
RIP GC - Great sketch on environmental do-goodism and the need for self-importance behind environmentalism...

G C - Reagan's Gang

Check out this one:


These are REAL people, environut victims, signing this.

They are people who are not familiar with chemical names for more commonly named items. If you saw at the end, as soon as he was asked outright if water should be banned he said no. Basically they made the mistake of trusting others when they didn't know what the chemical was, something no Cynic would ever do. Cynics trust nobody, not even themselves.

On the other hand, chemistry cuts both ways, and CON$ervative deniers are just as ignorant of chemistry and can be just as easily manipulated.

In the below quote, for the record, not one molecule of CO2 in the universe ever came from H2O because there is no carbon (C) in water vapor. And LimpBoy is not conducting an experiment that he will reveal, he's doing IN REALITY the very abuse Penn and Teller are demonstrating!!!

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
You really don't see the connection between them and you?

CO2 anyone?

First of all, I know enough about chemistry to know what Dihydromonoxide is, and secondly, my only mention of CO2 has been to nail LimpBoy with his BRILLIANT foot in his mouth using that quote. I challenge you to find any other post of MINE that mentions CO2!!!!!
You are wrong, you know it, but you won't admit it!
You really don't see the connection between them and you?

CO2 anyone?

First of all, I know enough about chemistry to know what Dihydromonoxide is, and secondly, my only mention of CO2 has been to nail LimpBoy with his BRILLIANT foot in his mouth using that quote. I challenge you to find any other post of MINE that mentions CO2!!!!!
You are wrong, you know it, but you won't admit it!

If someone ever does prove me wrong I will admit it, thus why I have nothing to admit with you yet. H2O is explained in Junior High school ... unless you live in a backwater city. But that isn't even the point, it's the fact that people are only doing this to "feel good" and that there is no logical or scientific reason to support environmentalism, period.

My point, was that you are just swallowing what they are saying without actually thinking about what they are saying, all because it 'feels good' or 'looks scary'.

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