Captured US Sailors by Iran


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
So when do we get an actual account of what really went down or are they hoping nobody asks and it gets buried in the ever expanding scandal sheet of this govt?
Iran Will Use Data Seized from Captured Sailors in "Various Fields"
March 15, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

No worries. Between the missile tests and the attack on US naval vessels and the chants of "Destroy America", Obama's brave new peace with a Shiite ISIS is really working well.

Iran has retrieved thousands of pages of information from devices used by U.S. Navy sailors who were briefly detained in January, the country's state television reported Tuesday.


Now aside from the security implications of this, thanks to its Iraqi puppet Iran has a lot more vital US materials than whatever they got here, the real message is that Iran keeps slapping America across the face to show that it can. To show that Obama is weak and impotent. This is what it has been doing all along. And every time Iran does it, the media squeals about all the "moderates".

Because it's okay if our sailors are abducted, held at gunpoint and humiliated on video... as long as the moderates are doing it. And just wait till you see their moderate atom bomb.

Iran Will Use Data Seized from Captured Sailors in "Various Fields"
Are you asking why the American military are so incompetent?
BTW this wasnt an ordinary run...this was out of the blue beyond their capability....with no support and monitored entire time by higher ups

makes ya go hhhhmmmmmmm
Iran Continues Needling U.S. Over Navy Boat Seizure
Pentagon remains mute.
April 8, 2016
Ari Lieberman

On January 12, at approximately 9:23 a.m., a pair American navy riverine command boats or RCBs, set sail south from Kuwait to Bahrain, headquarters of the U.S. 5th Fleet. At 2:10 p.m., the navy received a report that the RCBs had been intercepted by the Iranians. At 2:45 p.m., the military reported that all communication with the RCB flotilla was severed. At 6:15 p.m., the U.S. Navy cruiser USS Anzio received a communication from the Iranians that the sailors were being detained. Coincidentally, their detention coincided with Obama’s scheduled State of the Union Address, which predictably, made absolutely no mention of the event.

The Pentagon claimed that the RCBs strayed into Iranian territorial waters as a result of a “navigation error” and thereafter, one of the RCBs experienced engine trouble. They were then greeted by a pair of Iranian speed boats. Photos and video of the incident released by the Iranians show that the Iranian boats were armed with nothing more than forward mounted Russian 14.5mm DShK machine guns of Korean War vintage.

At gunpoint, the Iranians transferred the boats and their crew to Farsi Island where they maintain a military base. The boats and crew members were released some 16 hours later during which time, the Iranians thoroughly inspected the RCBs. Two satellite phone sim cards were stolen by the Iranians and the Pentagon has not divulged what, if any, information they contained. The groveling John Kerry thanked his Iranian counterpart profusely for releasing the illegally detained sailors.

Aside from these bare facts, the Pentagon has not released any new information concerning the embarrassing incident, a humiliation unparalleled in modern U. S. naval history. As I previously noted, several troubling questions still remain unanswered.

First, how did an experienced naval crew, equipped with sophisticated navigational equipment and traveling a well-charted, straight forward path, encounter a “navigational error” that led them into the territorial waters of an extremely hostile entity? In the absence of additional information, the Pentagon’s explanation makes absolutely no sense.

There has been speculation that the Iranians employed a device that spoofed or tricked the RCB’s on-board GPS devices with fake signals, leading the sailors into believing that they were on a correct course when they had in fact, substantially deviated. If the Iranians had in fact employed such a device, it would not have been the first time. In 2011, they reportedly misdirected a U.S. drone operating in Afghanistan by hacking into its GPS. The drone and all of its technology fell into Iranian hands relatively intact. The Pentagon has not issued any comment on this theory and notably, has not issued any denial of this troublesome scenario.

Second, and even more troubling, is how did 10 American sailors surrender their heavily armed and armored RCBs to a vastly inferior Iranian force without firing a single shot? Why weren’t readily available military assets immediately deployed and dispatched after the military was notified of the hostile encounter? Who gave the commander the order to surrender and was the decision to surrender influenced by political considerations, notably Obama’s State of the Union Address?


Iran Continues Needling U.S. Over Navy Boat Seizure
Are your feelings hurt?
Are those nasty Iranians being mean?
Granny says, "Dat's right - make `em walk the plank...

US Navy report blasts blundering sailors captured by Iran
June 30, 2016 • Washington (AFP) - US sailors who were captured in January after straying into Iranian waters committed basic navigational blunders, were quick to surrender and some buckled under questioning, a damning Navy probe released Thursday found.
The report into the January 12 incident in the Persian Gulf highlights a string of leadership and procedural failings in Iran's humiliating seizure of the 10 American sailors, with investigators saying the crews of the two captured boats had been derelict in their duties. The sailors at times appeared haplessly lost at sea, with the engineer on one boat even resorting to an app on his smartphone to try to figure out the name of an unexpected land mass -- which turned out to be Iran's Farsi Island -- only to find his phone displaying only a "long Arabic name" and no other information.

In all, nine Navy personnel -- three of whom were actually on the boats that were meant to head from Kuwait to Bahrain -- have been disciplined or will face disciplinary action. Iranian media broadcast humiliating images of the US sailors during their detention, showing them kneeling on their boats at gunpoint with their hands on their heads. At one point during detention, a gunner from one boat thought about trying to escape, but "did not think of himself as a prisoner of war because the conditions were too nice," the report states. Though the sailors were held for less than 24 hours, the incident was a major embarrassment for the US Navy and President Barack Obama.

The United States carefully avoided escalating the situation, maintaining a conciliatory tone with Tehran days ahead of the implementation of a historic international deal over Iran's nuclear program. "I didn't want to start a war that would get people killed," the crew's captain told investigators in explaining why he had quickly surrendered. "I made the gamble that they're not going to (take us to) Tehran and parade us like prisoners of war, because they want this nuke deal to go through."

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