Capitol Rioter Ordered To Jail After Snubbing Bail Office


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This woman is very stupid.

She is granted bail but refuses to follow the conditions of being released.

That's on top of being totally bat crap crazy. She has refused representation and wanted a non admitted lawyer to represent her.

She rambles on and interrupts the judge saying the court doesn't have any jurisdiction over her as she is a "sovereign citizen" and a " self governed individual."

The woman is nuts but she's going to jail.

She only has herself to blame.

I will never understand why republicans don't believe that they should never have to take the bad consequences to their very bad choices.

You republicans are no different from everyone else. If you make a bad choice, you will have to deal with those very bad consequences.

This woman is very stupid.

She is granted bail but refuses to follow the conditions of being released.

That's on top of being totally bat crap crazy. She has refused representation and wanted a non admitted lawyer to represent her.

She rambles on and interrupts the judge saying the court doesn't have any jurisdiction over her as she is a "sovereign citizen" and a " self governed individual."

The woman is nuts but she's going to jail.

She only has herself to blame.

I will never understand why republicans don't believe that they should never have to take the bad consequences to their very bad choices.

You republicans are no different from everyone else. If you make a bad choice, you will have to deal with those very bad consequences.

The sovereign citizens are all whack-jobs.
What crime did she commit? With all of the video cameras out there there should be some video evidence.

So far nothing.

But, your batshit DA's let accused murderers out every hour of the day.

The answer to your question is in the article.

Read the article.

No criminal is just let free on bail without any conditions.

The conditions were basic conditions all people agree to when released on bail.

Republicans don't believe they have to follow the same rules everyone else has to follow.
I have noticed in a number of these threads that they don't name specific names of those who's rights are supposedly violated. Most likely because when looked at, we will find that they are being held because they either threatened violence, broke bail or refused to accept conditions, or had serious charges on them. In other words, just like any other criminals.
This woman is very stupid.

She is granted bail but refuses to follow the conditions of being released.

That's on top of being totally bat crap crazy. She has refused representation and wanted a non admitted lawyer to represent her.

She rambles on and interrupts the judge saying the court doesn't have any jurisdiction over her as she is a "sovereign citizen" and a " self governed individual."

The woman is nuts but she's going to jail.

She only has herself to blame.

I will never understand why republicans don't believe that they should never have to take the bad consequences to their very bad choices.

You republicans are no different from everyone else. If you make a bad choice, you will have to deal with those very bad consequences.

The trump Nazis, or right-wing nuts as they were known before their cheeto-in-chief took them into his cult, have long asserted their constitutional rights as protecting them from all governmental authority.

Their various and varying reinterpretations of the Bill of Rights have bent and twisted each Amendment ever since the Reagan debacle. And, coupled with the trump Nazis' self-proclaimed knowledge superior to that of all experts, it is their right to replace our elected government with their fascist cheeto-in-chief as dictator. The Founding Fathers said so in the Constitution.


They are letting killers and shooters and rapists out of jail on the left coast but democrats seem determined to lock up political dissidents for criminal trespass in our nation's capital.
This woman is very stupid.

She is granted bail but refuses to follow the conditions of being released.

That's on top of being totally bat crap crazy. She has refused representation and wanted a non admitted lawyer to represent her.

She rambles on and interrupts the judge saying the court doesn't have any jurisdiction over her as she is a "sovereign citizen" and a " self governed individual."

The woman is nuts but she's going to jail.

She only has herself to blame.

I will never understand why republicans don't believe that they should never have to take the bad consequences to their very bad choices.

You republicans are no different from everyone else. If you make a bad choice, you will have to deal with those very bad consequences.

Yet anther example of the right’s propensity for lawlessness and conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law.
What crime did she commit? With all of the video cameras out there there should be some video evidence.

So far nothing.

But, your batshit DA's let accused murderers out every hour of the day.

They let her out. And she violated the terms of the Parole.

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