Capitol insurrection hearings.

You calling me a liar, boy? You are spewing dangerous insurrectionist nonsense, pretending Democrats are Communists, when the problem here is that you RepubliQans have gone full fascist. Biden is a puppet of whom? Hugo Chavez? You don't know.

Trump's policies were idiotic and 100% failed. He caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary deaths. Only countries with similarly incompetent buffoons as leaders had similar outcomes: India and Brazil are notable---the religious nut Modi and the wannabe-Trump fascist Bolsonaro. Your boy is a walking disaster.

When was the last time you read a book not written by Ann Coulter or William Reich? Tell the truth.

You better check yourself and reform, boy. As it is, you're as traitor heading for a brick wall.

You sure make a lot of noise but you've yet to post a link, or a quote, or anything close to evidence of anything you say. You're nothing but a sheep in wolf's clothing, following and spouting stuff you actually know nothing about..
I never followed the election suits that closely, but I do think you have this wrong.
Nope. I am 100% correct. And your insane conspiracy theory that all the judges in the country refuse to let the evidence in their courtrooms is embarrassing and deserves nothing but mockery.
Yep. I might add: until you produce mountains of this evidence in court, you and your opinion can go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoonbenders.
The courts have refused to consider the evidence. That doesn't mean that those mountains don't exist.
Except, liar, I've said the same thing over and over essentially but you are so stuck on your labels you ignore it. Once someone starts to destroy property, assaults a person, or lays a hand on a police officer, it is no longer a peaceful protest and people should be charged accordingly. I don't know about you, other than the fact that you are a liar, but I have never advocated violence or advocated FOR violence.

How about providing a link to support your claim? You never do, but what the hell.

In the meantime, I can predict your likely response "...but but but you didn't scream loudly enough about the summer riots"... (yes, your calculus IS that predictable). Well, add some introspection and apply your own standards to your own (defensive and but but but) reactions to the Capitol riot and the picture is rather telling.
Somebody’s having a tantrum because she’s being called out as a liar. See, you in this very thread, called the BLM riots “minor”. Excusing their violence. Then you lie about it and call iceberg a liar for pointing out YOUR hypocrisy. You claimed my posts prove me racist, yet never could provide a single example. You have ALWAYS excused BLM criminal acts, yet howl at the moon over something that, by YOUR side’s definition was a peaceful protest. Tells us all we need to know about you. And none of it any good.....
Play all the speeches, all the way through, by Trumpolini, by Con, Jr., by Guiliani, by that ass from Alabama, what's his name.

Perhaps Gen. Milley should also testify...

It is now in front of everyone to see clearly that an insurrection took place, it was treasonous, and Trump and his cohorts incited it intentionally.

TRUMP belongs in a Federal penitentiary for life if not dangling from a rope.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't even vote for the guy.
Let me dumb it down. You repeatedly accuse me of taking positions or supporting things that I do not because I am a label to you (filed under leftist wing nuts). As long discussions run along that line, they aren’t discussions. I won’t discuss a position I didn’t take to begin with, hence, my request that you supply a link to where I said or supported such a position, but you never do. It is not about links in general.

Second, I am not the only mod who moves threads or closes threads, including yours. If you have an issue with contact a mod, any mod. You know this in the rules right? For some reason I cannot change font stuff on my iPad browser so pretend this paragraph is red and take your complaints to pm.
Maybe you need to try telling the truth for once. Now cry some more about being called out for your lies.
The quotes you gave did not say what you claimed. Go figure, I think you’ve done this before anyway.

Nowhere did I say they were peaceful prior to the feds intervening. I said it was dying down and the feds stirred it up even more. That is not supporting the violence.
Well there’s another lie.
Among all the rioters on January 6th there were a group of heavily armed militia groups that intended to do real harm to our nation. When Trump was at the White House stirring up the crowd before the riot and attack on the capital. His close friend Roger Stone was at the Capitol consulting with the militia leaders. Of all the investigations going on, this is the one that should be given the most priority. It was my belief he was coordinating the attack at Trump's request. All means necessary should be used to get to the bottom of this. Remember, the people who invaded the capital and attempted to overthrow our government did so carrying Trump flags.
Here comes the catchwords to gaslight since 2016.
The fact that they hit all the Dem talking points (lies) like Sicknick, how “scared” they were, one “cop” calling for an investigation into Republicans shows this is nothing but a kangaroo court. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

How is it a Kangaroo court with two Republicans on it? Also republicans refused to do an independent investigation.

Your bullshit isn’t gonna work here.

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