Canadian government and police knew about the Nova Scotia gunman, that he had illegal guns, did nothing.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

You guys know NOTHING about Canadian police. Imagine an undercover encouraging a girl commit suicide and she does. That not bad enough? This guy did her eulogy.

After I left the shytehole area I was raised in, there were three guys who robbed a girl of her drugs someplace not far from where I used to live. The problem is, so I was told some time later; one of the guys was an "informant", so was his older brother (some have told me his older brother was a cop with the TPS), an even bigger problem, the informant didn't know the guys he was with were going to shoot and murder this girl. They did. I still remember her name this many years later, its a building I have walked past many times as a kid. Her mother probably to this day has no idea. I knew the older brother, and know of his younger brother.

A reporter, doing work for the police interviewed the father of one of the boys, his son and another went to prison, the "informant" didn't. As usual police buried his involvement with the police knowing how it would be viewed.

There is a reason the police constantly work to destroy so many like me along with our economy in the process, it's a constant process of CYA. I know the truth of who they are and what they have done, over and over and over, while REAL crime and threats exist, they persecute others. No lie is out of bounds for them, no excess tactic. When TPS and/or OPP want to really railroad a guy, they try and get them on the radar of other agencies, such as the RCMP. All they have done so many years ago to today, we can only imagine how much more they spit on our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. RCMP for their part are as unaccountable as any force, even when they are "accountable" they keep their jobs while taxpayers pay the settlement.

There was an old movie called Police Academy that was filmed in Toronto. When I know covert filth are watching me at the grocery store or hanging in a car outside my house I whistle it in their hearing range. I respect guys in uniform who put their ass on the line and are honest, I despise the covert filth who abuse their power and try to harass and destroy. I have no record, allegations or criminal activity.

Remember what I always advise you all, "do NOT become like us". Take that to heart, I mean it. It's why I believe it's vital that CSIS infiltrate and expose what police agencies are doing here, they are an even greater threat to our civil liberties than China is.
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Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.
a violent crime is a fucked thing to have someone experience,and if a gun is used it was a violent encounter......nope 25 years.....10 years is a almost a slap on the wrist for these kinds of asswipes.....
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.
a violent crime is a fucked thing to have someone experience,and if a gun is used it was a violent encounter......nope 25 years.....10 years is a almost a slap on the wrist for these kinds of asswipes.....

You could make it 25 years and throw their mothers in prison too, it will have little effect. Here is the key answer, which I believe John Watson stole from one of the ancient philosophers. Oh, how many stories I could share and nobody would believe it unless they knew what I know, and I've never touched a gun in my life:

John B Watson (1930):

“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. (1930)”
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.
a violent crime is a fucked thing to have someone experience,and if a gun is used it was a violent encounter......nope 25 years.....10 years is a almost a slap on the wrist for these kinds of asswipes.....
Death penalty.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.

They aren't saying what semi-auto rifles they are....that's the point......AR-15s are just one type of semi-auto rifle........they work the same as all the others, but they are the ones you guys are using to justify banning guns........and yet they won't say what rifles were used....

Why? Because they are likely not AR-15 rifles....
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.

And yet, the democrat party here keeps letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison....and it is those individuals doing 95% of all of our gun crime and murder.......they are arrested, and then released by members of the democrat party............

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....

Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....

What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..
Interesting because the early reports was what a great guy he was and all this came out of nowhere. Once again, the government allowed a person to go on a rampage, killing a lot of people, just to further their anti-gun agenda.
You can't get every gun, that's why it's important to make laws (in the US) placing an automatic federal death penalty for using a gun to commit any crime.
ill go for that if someone gets killed and no 25 years on death should get automatically 25 years in prison just for using a gun in a crime,even if it wasnt fired,and you have to serve every dam minute of it,no time off for good behavior.......

You know, an automatic sentence if a gun is used in the crime is a good idea. 25 years is a bit extreme if nobody was hurt though, I'd be happy if the minimum was 10 years.

However....................if someone dies or is injured by the person with the gun, automatic death sentence.
a violent crime is a fucked thing to have someone experience,and if a gun is used it was a violent encounter......nope 25 years.....10 years is a almost a slap on the wrist for these kinds of asswipes.....
Death penalty.

What is a death penalty going to do to deter a guy from killing so many people when he is already dead? It's like charging guy with committing suicide after he succeeds.

You have to get to these threats early and you have to use resources properly, not exploit the system for a bigger trough for your useless behind. In our system the police themselves are producing these threats in more ways than one.

I've sent direct and challenging emails to multiple police chiefs and politicians as I know how unethical, lazy and full of shyte so many of them are. Challenged them to take a polygraph tests, named some of their lying covert agents and cc'ed foreign police forces. If I'm wrong, they can take me to court and prove their case. When some low performing POS and his mother is chasing around someone and ruining their life, guess which REAL psychopaths run loose? Guys who slay innocent people, such as that which occurred in N.S.

I always say you can't prevent every crime, but when you are focusing on CYA and unnecessarily and illegally terrorizing other citizens who want to go about their business, then there is blood on their hands when a real psycho succceeds. Every weak, cowardly police chief and their relations that allows these abuses is indirectly responsible for the murder of others because they didn't give a shyte as long as the protected their abusive asses. How much they have harmed our nations is beyond measure.

Europe doesn't like us (some even tried to prevent CETA) nor do many Americans now, and the Three Muskateers (and a few more) of the TPS, OPP and RCMP are a very big reason for this as their covert abuses and powers have expanded. Period.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.

They aren't saying what semi-auto rifles they are....that's the point......AR-15s are just one type of semi-auto rifle........they work the same as all the others, but they are the ones you guys are using to justify banning guns........and yet they won't say what rifles were used....

Why? Because they are likely not AR-15 rifles....

Sorry, but a shooting in Canada isn't going to have much effect on gun laws in the USA. And, the point that I found very interesting (which apparently you missed), was that 3 of the 4 guns he was found with were bought in the USA.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.

They aren't saying what semi-auto rifles they are....that's the point......AR-15s are just one type of semi-auto rifle........they work the same as all the others, but they are the ones you guys are using to justify banning guns........and yet they won't say what rifles were used....

Why? Because they are likely not AR-15 rifles....

Sorry, but a shooting in Canada isn't going to have much effect on gun laws in the USA. And, the point that I found very interesting (which apparently you missed), was that 3 of the 4 guns he was found with were bought in the USA.

So......the guns used on the Island of England are brought in from the Continent, and the military weapons used by the drug cartels in Mexico are from China, Europe, and the Mexican government
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.

They aren't saying what semi-auto rifles they are....that's the point......AR-15s are just one type of semi-auto rifle........they work the same as all the others, but they are the ones you guys are using to justify banning guns........and yet they won't say what rifles were used....

Why? Because they are likely not AR-15 rifles....

Sorry, but a shooting in Canada isn't going to have much effect on gun laws in the USA. And, the point that I found very interesting (which apparently you missed), was that 3 of the 4 guns he was found with were bought in the USA.

So......the guns used on the Island of England are brought in from the Continent, and the military weapons used by the drug cartels in Mexico are from China, Europe, and the Mexican government

Not what I posted at all. The dude had 4 semi automatic weapons with him, 2 handguns, and 2 semi automatic rifles. And, 3 of the 4 guns he had came from the US. I was talking about Canada (where the shooting happened) and the USA (where 3 of the guns came from). Nothing was said about all the other countries you are trying to throw into the mix.

I guess if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, you try to baffle them with bullshit. Seems to be your go to move.
This guy is the typical mass public shooter.......the neighbors knew about him, the police knew about him, the police knew he had illegal guns and did nothing about it........

And they still haven't released the type of weapons he used...

Actually, according to this article, it was 2 semi automatic handguns and 2 semi automatic rifles. And 3 of them were believed to have been purchased in the USA.

HALIFAX — The RCMP says three of the four semi-automatic weapons used by a gunman during last month’s mass shooting in Nova Scotia are believed to have come from the United States.

The federal force says in a news release today that only one of the guns could be traced back to a source in Canada.

The Mounties are still declining to reveal the brand or the calibre of the weapons — two handguns and two rifles — used during the April 18-19 rampage that killed 22 people in five communities around the province.

They aren't saying what semi-auto rifles they are....that's the point......AR-15s are just one type of semi-auto rifle........they work the same as all the others, but they are the ones you guys are using to justify banning guns........and yet they won't say what rifles were used....

Why? Because they are likely not AR-15 rifles....

Sorry, but a shooting in Canada isn't going to have much effect on gun laws in the USA. And, the point that I found very interesting (which apparently you missed), was that 3 of the 4 guns he was found with were bought in the USA.

So......the guns used on the Island of England are brought in from the Continent, and the military weapons used by the drug cartels in Mexico are from China, Europe, and the Mexican government

Not what I posted at all. The dude had 4 semi automatic weapons with him, 2 handguns, and 2 semi automatic rifles. And, 3 of the 4 guns he had came from the US. I was talking about Canada (where the shooting happened) and the USA (where 3 of the guns came from). Nothing was said about all the other countries you are trying to throw into the mix.

I guess if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, you try to baffle them with bullshit. Seems to be your go to move.

Wrong, again, I merely pointed out it doesn't matter where he got them, he was going to get them, and since they haven't called them AR-15s then it is likely they weren't....since anti-gunners will scream "AR-15" the moment they get their hands on the shooter's rifle.

And he could have killed those same people with a pump action shotgun, or revolvers since the Mounties didn't do anything to warn the public....

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