Canada's decades long weak economy shrank by a record 5.4% in 2020.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The 5.4% isn't the shock, as it was expected due to the Wuhan Virus. The fact is, this economy has been anemic for decades and our stock market the worst performing in the G20 for years. So, when you take an already feeble, toy economy and toss in a virus and shutdowns, it's just a pile-on to a system that already loses it's best talent and wealth.

The creepy, covert police state the civil liberty abuses and nepotism that goes with it, has ensured that Canada will continue it's rapid decline. Unfortunately, some in America have tried to copy our Cancel Culture social system, following more closely our system over the last 30 years. How is that working out for you all?

Canada's economy shrank by 5.4 per cent last year, official data from Statistics Canada showed Monday, making 2020 the worst year for the country's economic output since record keeping began.

The data agency said Tuesday that Canada's gross domestic product — the total value of all goods and services it produced — grew by 2.3 per cent during the last three months of the year, but that was nowhere near enough to offset the record-setting plunge it experienced during the the middle half of 2020.
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Am I wrong to suggest that Canada's central gov't is taking too much capital out of the private sector, which leads to less investment and lower, slower economic growth? Us Neanderthals down here in the US are trying like hell to grow the gov't and spend more money, including that wonderful UHC you guys have up there in the frigid north. Is there a sense that maybe that strategy ain't working too good?
Maybe they should go 28 trillion in debt.

We would be close to that, if we had to spend money on a military. Since you cover that for us, the Security Industrial Complex fills the void here and takes that money through creepy, domestic policing.

Here is Ontarios debt clock (we can thank the oil we USED to sell in the West, for funding us in Ontario):
$26,000 debt EACH in Ontario alone. That does not even address our Fed debt, nor our PPP which is significantly less than Americas PPP (and below many other Western nations).


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