can you see any way the boston bomber does not get the death penalty


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
first and foremost i do not agree with the death penalty as it is used in the u.s. but this man deserves to die. it is so simple...he placed a bomb next to human beings knowing that within minutes they would be maimed or dead.
i dont give a damn how much influence his older brother had on him....he could have changed his mind at any time..putting the backpack somewhere that it would not kill....there were so many options available to him.....he took the go along with killing people option....

so under what circumstances could he be allowed to live...i understand there are supporters who think he is innocent?
If convicted of murder (non-justified taking of another's life) you should be executed. I don't care if you're legally insane, profoundly mentally ill, or have some mental defect. Your victim sure as hell wouldn't care.

As to can I see how he might escape such a penalty? Sure. If he provides actionable intelligence on his terrorist ties, who recruited him, how travel was arranged to a training camp, names and locations of terrorists, etc. then I could see sparing him with life without parole.
i had not considered that option....i will have to ponder that.....letting him live to save others lives.....let me think on this for a few
Much as I'd personally enjoy skinning a convicted terrorist to death with a dull carrot peeler, or shooting them down instead of capturing them, I'm forced to admit a live terrorist you can interrogate is more valuable than a dead one.
Much as I'd personally enjoy skinning a convicted terrorist to death with a dull carrot peeler, or shooting them down instead of capturing them, I'm forced to admit a live terrorist you can interrogate is more valuable than a dead one.

I don't think he is really part of any larger network, or if he is, he is a grunt, or even a sub-grunt.

The only way he dodges the needle is if he can convince the jury during the sentencing phase that he was a stooge for his brother.
He will not be executed since Capital punishment in Massachusetts was declared unconstitutional in 1984. The last execution in Massachusetts was in 1947.
Delta nailed it, if he has info to give us he could be spared, but will do life in prison instead.

So let me get this straight, so instead of water boarding we now threaten people if they do not fork over, or do not have information to fork over, with death. What again is the purpose of the DP?

Hell Obama had OBL killed and think of the information he had. (actually he didn't have him killed)
He will not be executed since Capital punishment in Massachusetts was declared unconstitutional in 1984. The last execution in Massachusetts was in 1947.

Declare him a witch and take him to Salem.
Put enough liberals on the jury and he might just walk out of the courthouse.
If convicted of murder (non-justified taking of another's life) you should be executed. I don't care if you're legally insane, profoundly mentally ill, or have some mental defect. Your victim sure as hell wouldn't care.

As to can I see how he might escape such a penalty? Sure. If he provides actionable intelligence on his terrorist ties, who recruited him, how travel was arranged to a training camp, names and locations of terrorists, etc. then I could see sparing him with life without parole.
I could see offering a plea bargain, and then killing the bastard anyway.

But this little puke doesn't know anything.
Hopefully the jury won't be anything like the one Arias had. People need to be prepared to put someone on death row if they're going to be in a jury. If they can't do that, they don't need to be on one.
Much as I'd personally enjoy skinning a convicted terrorist to death with a dull carrot peeler, or shooting them down instead of capturing them, I'm forced to admit a live terrorist you can interrogate is more valuable than a dead one.

I don't think he is really part of any larger network, or if he is, he is a grunt, or even a sub-grunt.

The only way he dodges the needle is if he can convince the jury during the sentencing phase that he was a stooge for his brother.
Neither one could have had much training.

I mean, firecracker powder, how stupid is that.

Thank God they did not know you can buy black powder of extremely fine quality at most sporting goods stores.
He will not be executed since Capital punishment in Massachusetts was declared unconstitutional in 1984. The last execution in Massachusetts was in 1947.
He is being tried in Federal Court.

Feds won't execute a Muslim though.

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