Can Trump Be Trusted? NBC


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Anyone who trusts any politician with anything is an imbecile.

The only people I trust less than politicians are judges and lawyers.
When he leaves office, can ex-President Trump be trusted with America's national security secrets?

Anyone else disgusted by NBC-MSM?
I would trust president Trump 1000 times more than Adam Shitface and Penguin Nadler who leaked more than Nadler without his depends.
When he leaves office, can ex-President Trump be trusted with America's national security secrets?

Anyone else disgusted by NBC-MSM?

I hope he shares intelligence that leads to the absolute destruction / ruin of Mexifornia and Loon York.
Trump is an obvious security risk. He knows classified info. He's deeply in debt to foreign nations. He has many contacts among the enemies of the USA. He hates the US government. Someone like Trump could never get a security clearance.
Pathology here. Seriously, this is what I was talking about as the OP.
This self-serving scoundrel will sell this country down the tubes to the highest bidder in a second.

With the incoming administration, I can only hope you are correct. If I had anything to sell to our enemies I’d certainly be marketing it right now.
Trump is an obvious security risk. He knows classified info. He's deeply in debt to foreign nations. He has many contacts among the enemies of the USA. He hates the US government. Someone like Trump could never get a security clearance.
He is everything you just stated, and worse.

We can only hope that since he never did read anything (presidential daily briefings, etc...), and he has the attention span of a gnat, that will help keep the damage he will most definitely be doing when he sells out this country to the highest bidder to enrich himself even more to a minimum.
Trump is an obvious security risk. He knows classified info. He's deeply in debt to foreign nations. He has many contacts among the enemies of the USA. He hates the US government. Someone like Trump could never get a security clearance.
You are absolutely correct. Trump has shown himself to be careless at best and reckless at worst with classified information.

1. Trump boasted about a secret nuclear weapons system that neither Russia nor China knew about.

2. When Trump briefed the public about the commando raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, he disclosed classified and sensitive details,

3. In 2017, Trump gave the location of two American nuclear submarines near North Korea to the president of the Philippines.

4. In 2017, a member of his golf club at Mar-a-Lago took a photo of a briefing Trump and the Japanese prime minister were receiving in a public area about North Korea, and posted it on Facebook.

5. In 2018, the New York Times reported that Trump commonly used insecure cell phones to call friends, and that Chinese and other spies listened in, gaining valuable insights.

I wouldn’t trust that guy with a cookie recipe much less our national secrets.
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Trump is an obvious security risk. He knows classified info. He's deeply in debt to foreign nations. He has many contacts among the enemies of the USA. He hates the US government. Someone like Trump could never get a security clearance.
He is everything you just stated, and worse.

We can only hope that since he never did read anything (presidential daily briefings, etc...), and he has the attention span of a gnat, that will help keep the damage he will most definitely be doing when he sells out this country to the highest bidder to enrich himself even more to a minimum.
Shouldn't you be over the butt-hurt stage by now? But like they say about the Chinese virus, the after effects can last a long time.
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Someone like Trump could never get a security clearance.
Certainly not under a Democrat administration, if he were not elected President himself.
Democrat goals vis-á-vis government security clearance are diametrically opposed to Republican goals with respect to a need-to-know the same information.
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information— ... Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
As we can see from Chelsea Manning's case, or Reality Winner's, the U.S. Code on classified information is only useful as an arbitrary tool of political retribution, not "as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" under the Thirteenth Amendment to justify the involuntary servitude of a prison sentence.

  1. Death is the only reasonable punishment for improperly disclosing, or attempting to disclose, secrets of national security --- those inmates are not exactly held in solitary confinement, nor are the prison guards cleared to know all such classified information anyways.
  2. In such cases it is clear that prosecutors never even claimed the information disclosed to have been worthy of "classification" as per U.S. Code in the sense that disclosing it would be a crime even by the letter of the law of the statute.

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