Can the next president and congress repair the damage done by Obama in one term?

How long will it take?

  • One term

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Two terms

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • If the gop has complete control one congressional session

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Your an idiot, Obama is going to win

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?
The poll doesn't have the answer I would have selected.

It is not the republicains that are going to fix it. Those republicians in high offices are (to me) no different then the democrats when it comes to spending controls. They were patting themselves on the back during the last debt ceiling impass for getting 500B cut from the budget ... Don't they know how deep the debt and spending problem is? I believe they do and are unwilling to do the dirty work that needs to be done, namely sharp and deep cuts across the board, including defense, welfare, education and medical benifits.

If anything is going to be done about Washingtons spending problems, it's going to take a majority of tea party candidates to make it happen. There simply aren't enough of us right now to pass the laws that need to be passed (balanced budget amendment for example). The tea party will win a lot of seats coming up, but in that mass of seats will be those that just talk the talk.

I believe this coming election with stop obamacare and move the cliff a little further away, but without spending cuts and restraints, we will still be headed toward the cliff.

I think the local elections after the next presedent is sworn in may give enough votes and incentive to get what needs to be done done.

I have faith that the American people understand that there is no healthcare, no pensions, no defense if we get to the point that greece is at and begin talking about defaulting ... We know we can't continue down the path of free spending, the math simply will not allow it, no matter which partys math you use. The one constant is that government spending must be brought under control
No and neither could Obama have undone the damage done by previous administrations for the last 3 decades. Even if he had tried by the proper steps which he did not. He took the more of the same approach.
We've had nearly 100 years of progressive policies... and have created generations of the moocher class... it's going to be hard to unwind the damage done, I don't care who it is.
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

What about the damage from Bush and the Republicans? You seem to have missed that.
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

Just blame Bush -

Obama is totally not responsible for anything over the last three years.

Sarcasm off.
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

What about the damage from Bush and the Republicans? You seem to have missed that.

Obama certainly hasn't.

That's been his campaign slogan since day one.

When's he going to "lead" and assume some responsibility?

When are you going to get your nose out of his ass?
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

What about the damage from Bush and the Republicans? You seem to have missed that.

they know that any republicans cannot fix things any better than the current batch and are just trying to save face when they fail despite their promises.
Additionally do you think the GOP will try to abolish or defund the EPA or any other regulatory entity?

Then can certainly defund them... that's be a start.

Yes, because we would all love to see Acid Rain make a triumphant return.

I think the GOP got the message. They were elected to stop Obama not compromise with his bullshit spending policies. They've done just that.

The democrats keep screaming for compromise for one reason and one reason only. They want to share the blame for this disaster with the gop. Screw that, let them own it. They had no desire for compromise when they held the majority. Fuck em.

We need to stick it out. Stick to our guns and in 2012 take all 3 houses. Then we can begin the true summer of recovery. Enough with this stupid bandaid crap. My business and many others are drowning because of Obamas incompetence. This shit isn't working and he is too fucking stubborn to admit things haven't worked and change directions.


At least he was right about that.
I think the GOP got the message. They were elected to stop Obama not compromise with his bullshit spending policies. They've done just that.

The democrats keep screaming for compromise for one reason and one reason only. They want to share the blame for this disaster with the gop. Screw that, let them own it. They had no desire for compromise when they held the majority. Fuck em.

We need to stick it out. Stick to our guns and in 2012 take all 3 houses. Then we can begin the true summer of recovery. Enough with this stupid bandaid crap. My business and many others are drowning because of Obamas incompetence. This shit isn't working and he is too fucking stubborn to admit things haven't worked and change directions.


At least he was right about that.
True. I guess stopping the present path is the first step...
No and neither could Obama have undone the damage done by previous administrations for the last 3 decades. Even if he had tried by the proper steps which he did not. He took the more of the same approach.

Even if Obama had taken the ‘proper steps,’ it would have had little or no effect - the economy will recover in its own way in its own time.

And there are actually very few ‘steps’ a president can take, given he’s not a dictator. He can make proposals to Congress, but ultimately it’s up to the Legislative branch to address economic issues.

Tragically, it’s the responsibility of both branches of government to address the needs of the nation; the House and Senate working together, democrats and republicans of both houses working together.

This isn’t the failure of a given president or legislative body, it’s a collective failure, with the voters as much a part of the problem as government.

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