Can someone explain how Biden campaign created an AD the same day NYT times Trump Tax article came out?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!

Not only that but half the stuff they say are INACCURATE, and the other half they fail to point out are LEGAL.
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!

Are you fn kidding me? I can create same low grade voice over some stock pictures and clips in about 30 min.
They've been planning this hit job and it's just a rehash of the 2016 article.

It's a nonstarter, Rick. They are lying, distorting the truth as well as evading the point that Trump LOST MONEY, maybe the first president in 100 years NOT to get rich in office, and most of all, he simply applied the tax laws legally available to him as written by the Congress!

It's meaningless, irrelevant, and will be forgotten in a few days after the pounding Joe is going to take tomorrow night that JackOfNoTrades wanted to bet me Joe will SMOKE Trump in, until apparently I TOOK the bet, now Jack has flown off!
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!
Sometimes the gears in the Antifacrat Propaganda Machine make loud clunking noises
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!
People study and train on computers and become experts. however, a first-year college student or teenage nerd can make those kinds of video ads.
They've been planning this hit job and it's just a rehash of the 2016 article.

It's a nonstarter, Rick. They are lying, distorting the truth as well as evading the point that Trump LOST MONEY, maybe the first president in 100 years NOT to get rich in office, and most of all, he simply applied the tax laws legally available to him as written by the Congress!

It's meaningless, irrelevant, and will be forgotten in a few days after the pounding Joe is going to take tomorrow night that JackOfNoTrades wanted to bet me Joe will SMOKE Trump in, until apparently I TOOK the bet, now Jack has flown off!

This kind of rubbish changes no one's mind. Democrats have lost the political edge. Never has there been an election where most if not all have made up their mind even before the debates. This is just blood and guts politics by Marxists. The real irony is if the Marxists ever got power the press will be the first to go. And their profits confiscated.
They've been planning this hit job and it's just a rehash of the 2016 article.

It's a nonstarter, Rick. They are lying, distorting the truth as well as evading the point that Trump LOST MONEY, maybe the first president in 100 years NOT to get rich in office, and most of all, he simply applied the tax laws legally available to him as written by the Congress!

It's meaningless, irrelevant, and will be forgotten in a few days after the pounding Joe is going to take tomorrow night that JackOfNoTrades wanted to bet me Joe will SMOKE Trump in, until apparently I TOOK the bet, now Jack has flown off!

This kind of rubbish changes no one's mind. Democrats have lost the political edge. Never has there been an election where most if not all have made up their mind even before the debates. This is just blood and guts politics by Marxists. The real irony is if the Marxists ever got power the press will be the first to go. And their profits confiscated.

All I can say is that if the Democrats want to dig into how Trump spends his money then we DEFINITELY need to look at the business deals and finances that went on between Joe and China as well as Hunter Biden and Ukraine after Papa Biden put the strong arm to the country!
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!

Are you fn kidding me? I can create same low grade voice over some stock pictures and clips in about 30 min.
Happens on the inter web all the time.
They've been planning this hit job and it's just a rehash of the 2016 article.

It's a nonstarter, Rick. They are lying, distorting the truth as well as evading the point that Trump LOST MONEY, maybe the first president in 100 years NOT to get rich in office, and most of all, he simply applied the tax laws legally available to him as written by the Congress!

It's meaningless, irrelevant, and will be forgotten in a few days after the pounding Joe is going to take tomorrow night that JackOfNoTrades wanted to bet me Joe will SMOKE Trump in, until apparently I TOOK the bet, now Jack has flown off!

This kind of rubbish changes no one's mind. Democrats have lost the political edge. Never has there been an election where most if not all have made up their mind even before the debates. This is just blood and guts politics by Marxists. The real irony is if the Marxists ever got power the press will be the first to go. And their profits confiscated.

All I can say is that if the Democrats want to dig into how Trump spends his money then we DEFINITELY need to look at the business deals and finances that went on between Joe and China as well as Hunter Biden and Ukraine after Papa Biden put the strong arm to the country!
Republicans have been investigating Biden for years

What is taking so long?
Maybe because they have nothing
Trump paid $750 because he is a catastrophic loser when it comes to handling money. He handles money the same way he handles the coronavirus.

What a disgrace!
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!
Likely an in house marketing team, or on contract with a professional marketing agency, who has lots of digital video footage on hand to use....the rest is easy peasy cutting and pasting, with a person that is the voice over, reading a script.

It is unlikely that the new ad was shown in an actual tv advertising market, unless they had tv ads already, and was able to transfer this digital ad to the tv marketeers, and swap it out with the ad that was scheduled to run.

It is likely the marketing division simply sent copies of the new ad to all the news stations, to run as a preview...
New Biden campaign ad jabs at Trump's reported $750 income tax payments
BY JOHN BOWDEN - 09/27/20 11:08 PM EDT

A new ad from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign targets President Trumpover details about his tax payments reported by The New York Times on Sunday.
The ad, released on Twitter by the Biden campaign late Sunday evening just hours after the Times's bombshell report was published, features the faces of a number of U.S. taxpayers and their corresponding tax burdens, before comparing their payments to the $750 reportedly paid by Trump during his first year in office. It features no narration.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder how the BIDEN advertising people came up with a TV commercial just hours after the story? How did they get the information?
HMMMM>>>>>. I smell NYT/BIDEN/Collusion!

Given the graphics, my 15 year old grandson could have made and uploaded that commercial in a similar time frame.

Collusion between the NYT and the Biden campaign, isn't illegal. It's an American company with a legal right to publically support any candidate of their choosing. It's collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government that is illegal.

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