Can Obama "Swiftboat" Romney?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Consider this. IN 2004, Democrats nominated John F. Kerry not because he was the one they liked or felt passionate about, but because on paper, he seemed like the antidote to George W. Bush. His war record innoculated him from any claims of being weak on defense. On paper, he looked great, if no one read the fine print.

Then someone looked at the fine print. They found his anti-War activities, they found that some of his medals were issued under dubious circumstances, the found guys who served with him who thought he was a real dirtbag.

And, no, my liberal friends, I don't want to rehash whether or not Kerry got a bad deal or not. Let's concede, the tactic worked, and winning ugly is still winning.

So now the Republicans found themselves a flip-flopper from Mass (is it something in the water?) who has something on his resume that sounds good on paper, as long as no one looks to close.

No, not Romney's record as Governor, which like Kerry's record in the Senate, was kind of unimpressive.

It's his brilliant career at Bain Capital as a "turn-around" artist. His supporters just can't stop talking about it. Just as long as no one looks too close... oh, wait.

How Mitt Romney made his huge fortune - Boston Globe expose

Oh, damn.


Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

Wow, plenty to work with here...
Improper use of terms makes your question dopey.

Yes, the Obama campaign will make use of Mitts record of killing American jobs if he is nominated. But since it is is not "swift-boating" and not in any way ugly.
Improper use of terms makes your question dopey.

Yes, the Obama campaign will make use of Mitts record of killing American jobs if he is nominated. But since it is is not "swift-boating" and not in any way ugly.

I specifically said that I didn't want to rehash the Kerry thing. Kerry was his own worst enemy, because he never really refuted their charges (because they were true), he just acted all indignant.

What he should have done is say, "As a young man, I let my passion overrule my judgement, and I didn't understand how some of my rhetoric was hurtful to those who served alongside me. I think I was right, but I should have said it differently."
Can Obama "Swiftboat" Romney?

Pointing out an existing record is way different than simply "making one up", which is what Republicans do.
Can Obama "Swiftboat" Romney?

Pointing out an existing record is way different than simply "making one up", which is what Republicans do.

Right. Because Kerry was never at those anti-war rallies.

He never threw his medals over the fence.

Those other vets never served with him.

The problem was that Kerry tried an ultimate makeover. They tried to paper over the stinking hippy war protestor and create this Rambo like war hero. But the hippy was still there, and it was obvious. And with Bin Laden out there trying to kill us, we didn't want a hippy.

I think the same tactic can work with Romney. Beneath the "Turnaround Artist" is a corporate raider who made his fortune screwing American workers.
It isn't a tactic to point out Romney's record.

All nutters need is a half an hour to turn on the radio and get their opinion on a subject. Give them eight years...........fuggettabbouddit!
It isn't a tactic to point out Romney's record.

All nutters need is a half an hour to turn on the radio and get their opinion on a subject. Give them eight years...........fuggettabbouddit!

Of course, it's a tactic.

Let's be blunt and honest, Obama ain't going to run on "I've done a wonderful job!" Not with 9.1% unemployment, 15 trillion in debt, $3.50 gasoline. Ain't gonna happen.

So his only tactic would really be to villify Romney. and there's a lot there to work with.

Will it work? Yeah. Probably. Romney is an awful candidate. Weird religion, sleazy business practices, poor campaigner.
Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003
Good luck with that one. Romney has proven to be very adroit at handling questions.

Here is one answer to everyone of these stupid "gotcha" questions:

Mitt Romney said:
Yes, some of the companies that we invested in at Bain failed. That's called Capitalism folks. We at Bain invested in companies that we thought had the potential to make a good return for our investors. Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. If you want guarantees, but Treasury bonds. Let's talk about some of the success stories at Bain. We invested in a company called....."

Effective and truthful.
Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003
Good luck with that one. Romney has proven to be very adroit at handling questions.

Here is one answer to everyone of these stupid "gotcha" questions:

Mitt Romney said:
Yes, some of the companies that we invested in at Bain failed. That's called Capitalism folks. We at Bain invested in companies that we thought had the potential to make a good return for our investors. Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. If you want guarantees, but Treasury bonds. Let's talk about some of the success stories at Bain. We invested in a company called....."

Effective and truthful.

One crying downsized employee > happy investor.

And there are lots of unhappy investors and ex-employees out there.

Mike Huckabee said of Romney, "He looks like the guy who lays you off".

Americans are working harder for less money and a lot of them took a bath on their 401K's while guys like Romney made a killing. I simply can't imagine a worse candidate to run against Obama.
Romney is attacked because he is a businessman. Herman Cain is attacked because he turned a failing company around into success.

Doing well in the business world seems to be something the left intends to use against Republicans.
Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003
Good luck with that one. Romney has proven to be very adroit at handling questions.

Here is one answer to everyone of these stupid "gotcha" questions:

Mitt Romney said:
Yes, some of the companies that we invested in at Bain failed. That's called Capitalism folks. We at Bain invested in companies that we thought had the potential to make a good return for our investors. Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. If you want guarantees, but Treasury bonds. Let's talk about some of the success stories at Bain. We invested in a company called....."

Effective and truthful.

One crying downsized employee > happy investor.

And there are lots of unhappy investors and ex-employees out there.

Mike Huckabee said of Romney, "He looks like the guy who lays you off".

Americans are working harder for less money and a lot of them took a bath on their 401K's while guys like Romney made a killing. I simply can't imagine a worse candidate to run against Obama.
And Obama enacted policies that do nothing to help 401Ks - rather they hurt them.

But, Obama is good.

And anything GOP is bad.

That only makes sense to the hypocrites.
Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003
Good luck with that one. Romney has proven to be very adroit at handling questions.

Here is one answer to everyone of these stupid "gotcha" questions:

Mitt Romney said:
Yes, some of the companies that we invested in at Bain failed. That's called Capitalism folks. We at Bain invested in companies that we thought had the potential to make a good return for our investors. Sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. If you want guarantees, but Treasury bonds. Let's talk about some of the success stories at Bain. We invested in a company called....."

Effective and truthful.

One crying downsized employee > happy investor.

And there are lots of unhappy investors and ex-employees out there.

Mike Huckabee said of Romney, "He looks like the guy who lays you off".

Americans are working harder for less money and a lot of them took a bath on their 401K's while guys like Romney made a killing. I simply can't imagine a worse candidate to run against Obama.

Romney will simply tell the truth - "if you don't like capitalism- vote for Obama. If you feel like you are better off since Obama became POTUS- vote for him!"
Romney is attacked because he is a businessman. Herman Cain is attacked because he turned a failing company around into success.

Doing well in the business world seems to be something the left intends to use against Republicans.

I think it's more how you conduct yourself as a businessman...

Clearly, Romney went into companies that were doing fine and looted the crap out them. With AmPad, he went into a company that had 11 million in debt and stock worth $26.00 a share, and left it with 400 million in debt and stock worth .35 a share. But he made millions off the deal. Workers lost their jobs, stockholders lost their shirts, Bain made obscene amounts of money.

I don't think the evolution of OWS right now is happenstance. I think this is a co-ordinated attempt by the Dems to change the conversation. It isn't our fault the economy hasn't improved, it's the fault of those greedy guys on Wall Street.

And who does the GOP establishment want to nominate? A guy who watched It's a Wonderful Life and cheered for Mr. Potter.
Romney is attacked because he is a businessman. Herman Cain is attacked because he turned a failing company around into success.

Doing well in the business world seems to be something the left intends to use against Republicans.

I think it's more how you conduct yourself as a businessman...

Clearly, Romney went into companies that were doing fine and looted the crap out them. With AmPad, he went into a company that had 11 million in debt and stock worth $26.00 a share, and left it with 400 million in debt and stock worth .35 a share. But he made millions off the deal. Workers lost their jobs, stockholders lost their shirts, Bain made obscene amounts of money.

I don't think the evolution of OWS right now is happenstance. I think this is a co-ordinated attempt by the Dems to change the conversation. It isn't our fault the economy hasn't improved, it's the fault of those greedy guys on Wall Street.

And who does the GOP establishment want to nominate? A guy who watched It's a Wonderful Life and cheered for Mr. Potter.
And Soros?
Romney is attacked because he is a businessman. Herman Cain is attacked because he turned a failing company around into success.

Doing well in the business world seems to be something the left intends to use against Republicans.

I think it's more how you conduct yourself as a businessman...

Clearly, Romney went into companies that were doing fine and looted the crap out them. With AmPad, he went into a company that had 11 million in debt and stock worth $26.00 a share, and left it with 400 million in debt and stock worth .35 a share. But he made millions off the deal. Workers lost their jobs, stockholders lost their shirts, Bain made obscene amounts of money.

I don't think the evolution of OWS right now is happenstance. I think this is a co-ordinated attempt by the Dems to change the conversation. It isn't our fault the economy hasn't improved, it's the fault of those greedy guys on Wall Street.

And who does the GOP establishment want to nominate? A guy who watched It's a Wonderful Life and cheered for Mr. Potter.

You really have very little credibility. You hate Romney for one reason- because he's a Mormon. You've said it yourself. I find it troubling that every thread you've started on this forum is an "anti-Romney" screed. Are you getting paid? :lol::lol:
Romney will simply tell the truth - "if you don't like capitalism- vote for Obama. If you feel like you are better off since Obama became POTUS- vote for him!"

yeah, that sounds like a winner. Captialism has done so well for those of us with underwater mortgages and busted 401Ks....

You really want to go with that?
Romney is attacked because he is a businessman. Herman Cain is attacked because he turned a failing company around into success.

Doing well in the business world seems to be something the left intends to use against Republicans.

I think it's more how you conduct yourself as a businessman...

Clearly, Romney went into companies that were doing fine and looted the crap out them. With AmPad, he went into a company that had 11 million in debt and stock worth $26.00 a share, and left it with 400 million in debt and stock worth .35 a share. But he made millions off the deal. Workers lost their jobs, stockholders lost their shirts, Bain made obscene amounts of money.

I don't think the evolution of OWS right now is happenstance. I think this is a co-ordinated attempt by the Dems to change the conversation. It isn't our fault the economy hasn't improved, it's the fault of those greedy guys on Wall Street.

And who does the GOP establishment want to nominate? A guy who watched It's a Wonderful Life and cheered for Mr. Potter.
And Soros?

No love for Soros, either.
And who does the GOP establishment want to nominate? A guy who watched It's a Wonderful Life and cheered for Mr. Potter.

You really have very little credibility. You hate Romney for one reason- because he's a Mormon. You've said it yourself. I find it troubling that every thread you've started on this forum is an "anti-Romney" screed. Are you getting paid? :lol::lol:

Nope. Is someone offering money?

And I hate Romney for a LOT of reasons. He's just a contemptable human being, really.

I also think he's going to lose to Obama. Pretty badly. But don't let that stop you.

Obama's made his plans pretty clear, and you want to play right into them because you think people have your love for greed.
Can Obama "Swiftboat" Romney?

Pointing out an existing record is way different than simply "making one up", which is what Republicans do.

Right. Because Kerry was never at those anti-war rallies.

He never threw his medals over the fence.

Those other vets never served with him.

The problem was that Kerry tried an ultimate makeover. They tried to paper over the stinking hippy war protestor and create this Rambo like war hero. But the hippy was still there, and it was obvious. And with Bin Laden out there trying to kill us, we didn't want a hippy.

I think the same tactic can work with Romney. Beneath the "Turnaround Artist" is a corporate raider who made his fortune screwing American workers.

They didn't just talk about his anti-war rallies..they made an issue of his time in Vietnam. At the Republican Convention, Republicans were wearing purple bandaids to make fun of Kerry's war wounds. It was disgraceful. The Swiftboaters said explicitly that Kerry did not "deserve" his medals.

In any case, smearing your enemies on a personal level is nothing new in politics. But Lee Atwater really turned that into an art. And I have seen some commercials which already exist about Romney and Bain capital. In one the people that worked for the company Bain capital recollect how they fired everyone, then took back the younger workers with a cut in pay and benefits. That one should play well. :clap2:

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