Can Hungary's Ruler Viktor Orban Help Save America??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Over the past few years, Hungary––led by its nationalistic and authoritarian ruler Viktor Orbán––has become a sort of mecca for the American far right, with conservative pundits embarking on pilgrimages to the Central European nation. Tucker Carlson has now joined his peers in traveling to Budapest in support of Orbán’s regime. Orbán, along with his ruling Fidesz party, has amassed this fawning support among the American right by making appeals to Christian nationalism. Rod Dreher, a senior editor for The American Conservative, is a fan of Orbán’s government and now lives in Hungary. “Orbán is not a saint, but a statesman and a politician. He is not a liberal secular globalist, but a conservative Christian nationalist,” wrote Dreher.

In July 2019, Carlson praised Orbán’s government for instituting anti-immigration policies to mitigate the declining birth rates of native-born Hungarians --
"Instead of abandoning Hungary’s young people to the hard-edge libertarianism of Soros and the Clinton Foundation, Orbán has decided to affirmatively help Hungarian families grow.” said Carlson."

That's odd...I thought these faux conservatives loved Libertarianism....but now it makes sense that Tucker's recent guest went on his show and said "I've said this before, and I'm telling you, the right is going to pick a fascist within 10 to 20 years -- there's 60, 70 million of us, we're not a tiny minority." That is also odd...why would the right nominate a fascist?? I thought Dems were the fascists, socialists, communists, and other kinds of "ists" ....however, we are seeing more and more of the right aligning themselves with people like could this so-called future "fascist" be someone who can learn from the example of Orban and use that as a path to make America great again??
Never heard of the guy....maybe I'll tune in to learn more about him.

Thanks for the heads up.
Prime Minister Orban has irked German fuhrerette Merkel over his refusal to allow the State of Hungary to become a shithole by protecting the border against the influx of islamonazi aliens.

But what really pisses of leftards is the fact that the Republic of Hungary has taken action against native Hungarian and worldwide liberal kingpin Soros.
Hungary is a beautiful country. You can actually walk around and enjoy it’s cities, they aren’t overrun by foreign trash from Africa like France is.

"Over the past few years, Hungary––led by its nationalistic and authoritarian ruler Viktor Orbán––has become a sort of mecca for the American far right, with conservative pundits embarking on pilgrimages to the Central European nation. Tucker Carlson has now joined his peers in traveling to Budapest in support of Orbán’s regime. Orbán, along with his ruling Fidesz party, has amassed this fawning support among the American right by making appeals to Christian nationalism. Rod Dreher, a senior editor for The American Conservative, is a fan of Orbán’s government and now lives in Hungary. “Orbán is not a saint, but a statesman and a politician. He is not a liberal secular globalist, but a conservative Christian nationalist,” wrote Dreher.

In July 2019, Carlson praised Orbán’s government for instituting anti-immigration policies to mitigate the declining birth rates of native-born Hungarians --
"Instead of abandoning Hungary’s young people to the hard-edge libertarianism of Soros and the Clinton Foundation, Orbán has decided to affirmatively help Hungarian families grow.” said Carlson."

That's odd...I thought these faux conservatives loved Libertarianism....but now it makes sense that Tucker's recent guest went on his show and said "I've said this before, and I'm telling you, the right is going to pick a fascist within 10 to 20 years -- there's 60, 70 million of us, we're not a tiny minority." That is also odd...why would the right nominate a fascist?? I thought Dems were the fascists, socialists, communists, and other kinds of "ists" ....however, we are seeing more and more of the right aligning themselves with people like could this so-called future "fascist" be someone who can learn from the example of Orban and use that as a path to make America great again??
A “right wing conference”? What makes it right-wing? Because they don’t feature rainbow dressed fags?
Tucker would be so much more appealing to Biffy if he would just sell out and shill for China like the rest of the MSM.
Hungary is a beautiful country. You can actually walk around and enjoy it’s cities, they aren’t overrun by foreign trash from Africa like France is.

Hungary is well familiar what it means to be overrun by radical muslims, being subjected to that tyranny for well over a century. Even though Sulieman had a tremendous hat, it was a pretty terrible time for the Hungarian peeps, and Prime Minister Orban doesn't want to see a return to it.


Tucker would be so much more appealing to Biffy if he would just sell out and shill for China like the rest of the MSM.
Shilling for China isn't a disqualification for the cult....


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