Can Former Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Save The GOP???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Former Trump attorney Lin Wood threw his hat into the chairman ring for state GOP chair of South Carolina; motivated by his desire to reform and return the power to the people, he has explained "I was in for Trump,” the iconoclastic attorney told more than 100 people at an Aiken Republican Club luncheon Tuesday. “I said, ‘Let’s have chaos instead of criminals.’ And, boy, did we get chaos, which is exactly what this country needed.” Wood is competing against incumbent Drew McKissick, a man in pursuit of a third term with a pair of Trump endorsements in his pocket. Lin Wood is a carpetbagging RINO who’s been in South Carolina for just two months – probably because he’s under investigation for voter fraud and is ducking a mental evaluation from the Georgia Bar Association,” McKissick said.

Lin Wood is probably the GOP's best hope for restoring it and America to it's previous greatness......He definitely has the goods on RINO Drew McKissick....As he said in the video clip; he knows about him and Lindsey Graham and suggested he get out of the race now...what does he know?

However, on top of all this -- the news that Lin Wood broke yesterday is Earth shattering... he broke the news that Trump is still president and that Joe Biden is dead....He confirmed that Trump was indeed still at the White House and serving as President...the mainstream media will not report this but that is ok -- the enlightened supporters of QAnon know the truth and trust the plan.

No. First of all it's too late. Secondly, she's not the palooka to do it.
You wrongly assume the GOP need saving.

The statist wing that the GOP absolutely needs to be "rescued" from extinction brought on by the liberty wing.

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